Feb 222018

WWWendy brought my groceries last night.  She knew I was going to put a few extra dollars in her pay, but that’s now what she’s about.  The store was out of one of my items, boneless fried chicken wings.  A normal person would have called and asked, if I wanted to skip it, or have her get bone-in wings instead, but not Wendy.  During a Winter Storm Alert that has schools and many businesses shut down, Wendy drove several miles to a different store, just to get my wings.  All I can say is that God has made her wings invisible, because I can’t see them, but I know they’re there.  I finally had to turn on the heat.  I awoke to a record low.  Tonight, we should set a new record low, by a full 7° F.  I watched the women’s hockey gold medal game last night.  Woooo Hoooo!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:05 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  Hoe did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): THE COUNTRY’S HEART (The Parkland Eulogy) – Based on "Illegal" by Shakira


"It should be illegal to deceive a country’s heart." Amen! Silence the Republican bubble machine by sending the Republican Party the way of the Whigs. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Daily Kos Channel): Why is ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ less important than the Second Amendment?


The NRA and the Republican Reich want to keep us so paralyzed with fear that we want "good guys with guns" to protect us. That fear drives up both profit for gun manufacturers and power for the Republican Reich. RESIST!!

From NY Magazine: If there remains any doubt that Donald J. Trump is the undisputed master not only of the Republican Party but of the conservative movement that is supposed to be the GOP’s conscience, this week’s annual CPAC conference — the preeminent right-wing political gathering of this and every year —should remove it. As Dave Weigel reports, the event is shaping up as a long celebration of the 45th president and of MAGA in all its dimensions.

Both President Trump and Vice President Pence will deliver speeches at the three-day Conservative Political Action Conference, on Friday morning and Thursday morning respectively. A half-dozen members of the administration will give remarks or sit for interviews.

Trump critics will be nowhere in sight. And he and his entourage will not have to share the limelight with mere congressional leaders, either; Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan won’t be there. Indeed, aside from conservative warhorse Senator Ted Cruz (who has conspicuously reconciled with Trump since the unpleasantness in 2016), perhaps the most prominent speaker from the Hill is Representative Devin Nunes, that great Trumpian warrior against Robert Mueller and the FBI, who will give the conference’s closing address.

CPAC has even found space on its agenda for representatives of what its organizers seem to consider international Trumpism:

[There’s] a prominent Thursday morning speaking slot — less than an hour after Pence — for Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, the youngest member of France’s far-right political dynasty.

Former leader of UKIP and Trump adviser Nigel Farage will also be in the house.

I would have never believed that CPUKE could be any more vile than it has been, but I sure it will be. RESIST!!




  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/22/2018”

  1. 4:52 That reminds me, I should call my friend who winters in Florida.

     .?”W-W-W-Wendy, wonderful Wendy,” .? (to the tune of “K-K-K-Katy”) It’s just not possible to praise her enough, is it.

    PP – I’m afraid if the dead were their own, their words would indeed be the same, as long as the NRA money was coming.

    DK – Dana Loesch is just a brunette Ann COulter without the Adam’s Apple. And that’s about all I can say without spitting. Or worse.

    NYMag – What kind of natural disaster is the likelest in Maryland at this time of year? Pray God will send one during this abomination.I.m not particularly hoping any particular people will get hurt … but, dear Lord, if you want to take someone, please take someone dire.

    Cartoon – How could anyone mix up that poor sweet baby with Him Who Shall Not Be Named?

  2. Good for those students! Every time there is a mass shooting, I hope against hope that this will be The One, the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Yet every time the gun nuts stymie any attempt to pass reasonable gun legislation. Maybe, though, we have finally reached that straw. The frustration and rage of the Douglas High students did not form in a vacuum, but on a firm foundation: Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Pulse Orlando, Las Vegas, and so on and so on till the cows come home.

    Love the cartoon!

  3. PPC: Word.

    DK: Mother of slain teacher, “Does it make it right?” Dana couldn’t answer. Her A– is up and all about the NRA.

    NYMag: Puke is right, Tom. ugh!!!

    Cartoon: Poor little kitty!

    Bless Wendy! She certainly does have wings, doesn’t she? Bundle up for your cold weather, I’d have 3 shirts on if that was here. lol. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  4. Y/T-PPC: If we really had religious liberty here, someone would publicly tell them how utterly useless their prayers are, assuming they actually go on to pray…doubtful; unless they pray for more NRA money!!
    YT/DKC: These are not less important than the second amendment but, pushing the 2nd amendment to places it was never meant to go, is more important, because the results can go into the GOPIG bank accounts…that is what is more important, to the GOPIGS!
    NY Mag: No, there is no bottom to their sickness!  They have been demeaning the student survivors, who are the ones acting like adults in this situation.  
    These kids and their generation are going to be able to vote soon, and I hope it spells doom for the GOP!
    On “Amanpour,” last night Van Jones made that point, about the voting, and said that for a generation kids who have grown up with “weekly gun drills” in school, the NRA is for them what the KKK was for his generation!

  5. Parody Project: I have often believed that putting out blatant disinformation, anywhere within the government, ought to be a punishable offense.  Yes, it could be hard to prove intent to obfuscate, but I can dream, can’t I?  Infofe, LBJ, GWB, Lyin’ Ryan, McConnell, and so many others either would not have put out their particular propaganda, or would have been answerable to the country.  Faux News would have been off the air, along with the N.Y.Post piece of s**thole garbage.

  6. Dana Loesch needs to have to be in those parent’s shoes for just one day! She would change her tune immediately! Disgusting that these people put the almighty dollar above the lives of ANYONE!

  7. PP: Excellent! It’s not hard to guess who the “they” are that Don Caron is referring to, is it.

    DK: It’s great to see people giving Linda Beagle Shulman a standing ovation for the questions she confronts Dana Loesch and Dana’s subsequent unease. The latter’s answers were pathetic, her “good guys with guns are protecting us right now” was met with derision and the audience rightly booed her when she said she wished she had the power to prevent what had happened and left herself wide open for: “I think you have the power to prevent that.” I hope this vile NRA mouthpiece will be met with a lot of confrontations and audiences like this in the coming weeks.

    NYT: …?????…
    …………CPAC 2018…..
    Dutch Geert Wilders isn’t attending, I think. He’s been invited to come to Moscow. No, really, he has.

    Cartoon: I don’t think I’ll put any more cat pictures in the library. The way you abuse them…wink

    As I said yesterday WWWendy is a treasure and a great friend, TomCat. Cherish her.

  8. Thanks all.  Extra hugs to WWWendy! 23

  9. Puzzle — 3:48 No flamingo fricassée for you today Puddy Tat!

    Parody Project — AMEN!!!  “…they continue to deceive the country’s heart.”

    Daily Kos — IMO, there is something very wrong when the rights of the relative few are more important than the rights of the many.  This NRA bot is less than sincere in her words of concern as a parent.  These words from the Declaration of Independence ae very important:

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

    They may not be explicitly set out in the constitution, but their intent was.  Further, the Declaration is a foundational document for the constitution.

    My church pastor’s youngest daughter has entered a programme where she will be teaching science in a US high school somewhere.  She will be teaching biology etc.  With the school shootings etc, I worry for her safety . . . her life, liberty and happiness.

    NY Magazine — CPAC + CPUKE!  This is what I think of it, Marine LePen and Nigel Farage:

    Cartoon — Well, when you want to play with pussies, this often the outcome! . . . Drumpf or not!!!

    Well it is snowing here and I would say we have accumulated about 7 cm (2.75 in) so far and it is supposed to continue snowing all day.  I have to go out shortly so I’ll see what the driving is like.  I certainly won’t be going far.  I wish I had a Wendy to look after me so well.  She is the rarest of gems!!!

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