Samantha Bee from 2/7

 Posted by at 12:27 pm  Politics
Feb 082018

It’s that time of week again, so here are five excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!!

This Week in Chaos: Nukes


Deploy a low yield nuclear weapon into space, with Trump attached.

This Week in Chaos: Nunes & BIEs


I knew the Nunes memo really sucks, but Trump?!!? Yuck!! Black Identity Extremists: any black person, who does not smile, shuffle, and call any white person in a MAGA hat ‘Massa’.

Racist Roadshow


It’s true that Oregon was originally founded as a "whites only" state. Oregon was also the last state in the nation to give up Jim Crow laws. We’ve changed!

Black History Spotlight: John Robinson


I had never heard of John Robinson. Belated Kudos!

It’s Our Birthday!


Happy broadcast birthday, Sam! It’s been a great two years!

What a treat!



  6 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 2/7”

  1. Nukes – And that’s jus the on-site destruction. Radiation wasn’t even mentioned.

    Nunes – And a Mafia movie is exactly where Devin nunes belongs. As for the punctuation, I think that is a canvetion referred to as “the royal quotes.” But, Sam, Trump people won’t get upset about the FBI surveilling citizens unless they realize that THEY are the citizens being surveilled.

    Racist – Henry Ford was a pig, yes. Chocolate can be used racially despite “lack of proof” (I’ve seen it.) “The problem is that white people see racism as conscious hate, when racism is bigger than that. Racism is a complex system of social and political levers and pulleys set up generations ago to continue working on behalf of white at other people’s expense, whether whites know/like it or not.” – Scott Woods

    Robinson – It’s true, I had not heard of Robinson. I’m glad I have now. Has anyone here besides me heard of Florence Beatrice Price?

    Birthday – It has been a great two years. And i will hold her to that promise!

  2. 1. Scary, indeed! 2. Dump spanked the memo. πŸ˜‰ Nunes needs to go, now. ‘I don’t recall, Sessions. He need to go too. 3.Roadshow: Very informative! 4. John Robinson: WOW!! An unknown HERO !!! (November 26, 1903 – March 26, 1954) was an American aviator and activist who was hailed as the “Brown Condor” for his service in serving in the Imperial Ethiopian Air Force against Fascist Italy. *wiki5.Happy Birthday, Full Frontal !!! Kudos! to you, Sam and your great team!

  3. No nukes is good nukes!

  4. Sam ?: Do we need to protest again like we did in the eighties? We walked with 400,000 in Amsterdam (1982) – 700,00 in New York – and 550,000 (1983) (population 16 million at the time), which made our government drop their support for putting up a nuclear rocket shield in Europe. How many do we need now to protest, and will we get them together again?

    Sam ??: Nice! You have to make a choice now, Faux News; the FBI is either an organization of left-wing Hillary-Clinton-loving hippies, and yet the worst thing since Edgar Hoover, or Black-Identity-surveillors of which nobody remembers to having ordered them to do so, i.e. fitting right into the Drumpf administration.

    Sam ???: Great stuff on Black History Month! Racism is everywhere. Too true.

    Sam ????: Learned something new; John Robinson certainly deserves Ashley Nicole Black’s admiration, and that of all of us.

    Sam ?????: Happy birthday “Full Frontal”, can’t wait for the show to start screaming and raging at the people in power.

  5. Thanks all.  Hugs! 32

  6. Drumpf is a low yield nuclear weapon and look at the destruction he has wrought!  I am happy to say that Vancouver is a nuclear weapons free zone which prevents the US Navy from coming here if they carry nuclear weapons.

    Nunes is very hopefully toast as in burned toast at the mid terms.  He, like Drumpf, is a public embarrassment!  Mind, that goes for all Republicans.

    “It’s true that Oregon was originally founded as a “whites only” state.” — Aren’t there some in the eastern part of the state trying to bring that back?  May they fail spectacularly!

    Very interesting about John Robinson!  When I first listened to this, I thought of Jessie Owens who, at the ’36 Olympics in Berlin, effectively “took the knee” in front of Hitler.  Of course Owens had much more publicity being in a white country rather than a “shithole” country.

    Happy Birthday Full Frontal!

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