GOP Rep Issa Coward

 Posted by at 1:43 pm  Politics
May 312017

Normally, when I have used the tag ‘GOP Fear’, it has referred to the manner in which Republicans instill fear in their sheeple to get them to goose-step without thought in blind obedience.  However, since passing the latest Republican plan to kill Granny, aka TrumpCare or RepubliCare, Republican reps have cowered in fear of their constituents.  Darrell may be the biggest coward of all.


A GOP congressman became an instant meme after taking to the roof of his district office to photograph protesters on the street below.

Social media users drew instant comparisons between Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Michael Scott, the bungling boss from “The Office,” following Tuesday’s bizarre incident at his office in Vista.

There were conflicting reports as to why Issa decided to go up on the roof in the first place. The lawmaker himself said he’d “spent the morning talking with constituents [liar delinked] gathered outside the office” before going up “to take a quick pic.”

His opponents, however, alleged that he scurried up onto the roof because he was “too afraid” to speak with the protesters below…

From <Huffington Post>

Chris Hayes covered the story on All In.

Issa’s account has Republicitis and needs Dulcolax.

I have no doubt that Darrell Issa coward.  Furthermore, Darrell Issa asshole.



  11 Responses to “GOP Rep Issa Coward”

  1. Many comments on this story in other media contained some variant of "Jump! Jump!"  But my impression is that the building is not tall enough for that to have been a good option.  It would need to be, I think, at least twenty stories.

  2. Issa: This would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic. gop'ers are avoiding their hometown constituents like the plague! They can dish 'it' out, but don't have a spine facing the masses. ugh!

  3. Funny, I called his Fearful Leader, the empty Oange, a coward just a little while ago.  That was in a comment within a petition regarding his voiced desire to drop out of the Paris Accord, only after he retreated to the U.S., as I predicted, not willing to make the statement while in Europe.

    These GOP shits know that what they are doing, legislatively, is dastardly, and bastardly, but have not the ethics, or morality, being the  PSEUDO-Christians that they are, to do the right thing.  Nor, apparently, the guts, or cojones, to tell what passes for their ledership, to go screw.

  4. They should all be very afraid of their angry constituents!

  5. To me, it looks like he wants to jump off the roof instead of taking pictures! He is worthless as mammary glands in a boar hog! He should have jumped and taken the rest of the gop'ers with him!!! Get your butt out there and face the music, coward!!!

  6. Not only is Darrell Issa a pathetic little coward, he's stupid to boot to take pictures and show the world how many of his constituents are protesting his and his fellow Republican's inhumane legislation. Of course his side of the story is the Drumpf take that hundreds came out to cheer him and that he spoke amicably with all of them, but he's not fooling anyone.
    I bet he won't show up again for the Town Hall meeting planned for coming Saturday. He caught a bad cold on the roof of course.

  7. Issa is no different than the rest of the Republicans . . . they can't stand the heat from their constituents!  I really get the feeling that Republicans think they only serve the people who elected them.  The same goes for Drumpf who is making campaign style rallies again to "talk to his supporters".  Why then is he doing this on company time?  He represents ALL the people of the US, not just his supporters.  You can be sure that if a protester shows up, even a peaceful relatively innocuous one, they will be removed.


    Resist and Persist!!!

  8. Thanks and hurried AMEN to all!   Hugs!

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