Apr 282017

Pain is still high.  On the plus side, I got to watch my Broncos draft an OT in the first round last night.  No surprises there.  It’s what they needed most.  Now if only Democrats would do that!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:47 (average 4:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): What Would Trump’s Immigrant Ancestors Say? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


For the heinous crime of deporting Fredrick Trump to America and fouling our nation with his vile spawn, Bavaria deserves at least a nuclear strike, or even worse, government by Republicans. RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: This past May, while candidate Donald Trump was running over Republicans and we all were relatively unaware of the impending nightmare that would be November 8, 2016, Noam Chomsky was interviewed on Democracy Now! by Amy Goodman. He made this statement:


He’s right. But I’ve said that Republicans are mose dangerous for years and referred to the Reich as Al Dubya, before Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten. Here’s one example from 2010. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos criticized the media on Friday for placing so much emphasis on Donald Trump’s first hundred days, because “it’s so darn hard to count to a hundred.”

“I’m watching the news and they’re going on about a hundred days this and a hundred days that, and all I want to say is, ‘Who the heck can count all the way to a hundred?’ ” she said. “They’re acting like we’re a bunch of math geniuses.”

DeVos added that, if the media wanted to establish a benchmark for Trump’s achievement, “they should have picked a number of days that people can actually count to, like five or ten.”

Dang Andy! Considering what DeVos is doing to education, that will be true all too soon! RESIST!!



Ending that war took far too long.


  6 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/28/2017”

  1. KO: Unreal. So very sad. Yes, what are we doing??

    DK: Good video. Wealth, political power, and the gop. ugh!!

    NYer: Sounding more and more, every article, of sounding like the truth. I don't even talk about DeVos to  teachers I know, she's a curse word for them. Shame we can't get all of them out. (starting at the top on down),

    Cartoon: I remember watching this event unfold, biting my nails the whole time. For our military, families, and the Vietnamese. Hmongs are  the sweetest and most friendliest group of folks I know, having met several in WI through their church. This administration is going to H-LL in a hand basket.

    Sorry about your pain. Hope that it goes down on the pain0meter soon!! Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  2. Keith:  I'd heard some of the story of Rump's grandfather, but not in this detail.  Man, do I ever wish there were a real Hell, with authentic, appropriate punishment for egregious cruelty!

    DK: Chomsky was/is so on point.  The mass media were so happy to pander to the almighty dollar, that they gave this POS soooo much publicity, in part, I think, because they were so blown away by his oft repeated idiocies!

    New Yorker: Andy almost had me thinking he was onto real news, again!


  3. 3:34 Corinthian.  Not Two Corinthian.

    After all that spring weather we had most of the winter, there is a winter storm watch now with snow expected by morning.  I'm cold.

    Keith #64 – I suspect the ancestors of the Canteloupe Cancer would approve of all that he is doing.  They were Nazis at heart.  The family story may be where he got the idea.  I would suggest deporting him to Bavaria, but even Bavaria doesn't deserve that.  (The Bavaria of today is quite different from the Bavaria of that time also.)

    DKos – Yes, he's right, as are you.  This is why, by the way, I still subscribe to TRNN.  Generally everything he says appears there first, and so do a number of other stories which are well documented.  Granted they published one which thinks we should sll shut about about Russia – but I didn't read that one.

    TNY – 

    Cartoon – I remember.

  4. Puzzle — 3:26  I don't think this is what the doctor had in mind when he said "Eat your leafy greens!"

    YouTube — Keith is so spot on!  "What are we doing?"  The original inhabitants should have sent Columbus packing and maybe this whole Drumpfenfarten debacle could have been avoided.

    Daily Kos — "Today's Republican Party is a candidate for the most dangerous organization in human history." — I don't see the GOP as a candidate as such.  It IS the most dangerous organization in human history.  It is not only changing the US for the worse, but its effect on the rest of the world is obscene, a cancer to be sure.

    The New Yorker — #1 — Ms DeVos, it's not the press that invented and pursued the 100 days meme.  It was your boss!  #2 — Ms DeVos, if you can't count to 100, perhaps you should enroll in elementary school arithmetic instead of laying waste to the education system.

    Cartoon — The war that should never have been!  I did not watch it on TV as I lived in an isolated post (Tofino – I received isolation pay in those days) at the time where TV reception was irratic at the best of times.  I did however follow developments in the print press.


    Resist and Persist!!!

  5. Glad your game took your mind of your pain for a little while, TomCat.

    Thank you for the Keith Olbermann, Noam Chomsky and Daily Kos videos and articles. Unexpected visit this afternoon leaves me too short on time to comment.

  6. Thanks all!  Hugs!

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