Apr 212017

Physically, I remain the same.  I got some sleep, so I’m here to publish and we’ll see what tomorrow brings.  I’m so sick of pain I could … never mind.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:17 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): Trump Wants to Ride in a Gilded Coach?! | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


Actually, the Fuhrer may be stalking his owner. I bet he want’s that open coach, because Vladimir Putin [R-RU] got it first. He’s too vain to accept that he could get his ass assassinated by Brits. That would be problematic, unless he took Pence and others with him. Winking smile RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and Donald Trump have known each other for 16 years. In September 2015, reporters spotted a Make America Great Again hat in Brady’s locker. Only days before the presidential election, Trump claimed Tom Brady endorsed him:

…When the Patriots won the Super Bowl in February, Trump was thrilled to see his future hall of fame backers win again.

A number of Brady’s teammates announced they would not attend the traditional ceremony at the White House honoring the Super Bowl champs. They did not want to meet or be seen with Toxic Trump. Patriots team captain Devin McCourty made the case for his absence, saying, "Basic reason for me is I don’t feel accepted in the White House. With the president having so many strong opinions and prejudices I believe certain people might feel accepted there while others won’t."

…And today, on the day the celebration was supposed to take place, Brady is leaving Trump out to dry. The five time Super Bowl champion suddenly has better things to do.

Dang!! Thank you Holy Ellipsoid Orb! Now Brady isn’t the only one with deflated balls.

From NY Times: Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke dismissively about the State of Hawaii while criticizing a Federal District Court ruling last month that blocked the Trump administration from carrying out its ban on travel from parts of the Muslim world.

“I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the president of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and constitutional power,” Mr. Sessions said this week in an interview [Nazi delinked] on “The Mark Levin Show,” a conservative talk radio program.


In Beauregard’s defense, at his age, wearing his hood and robes interferes with his vision.  RESIST!!




  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/21/2017”

  1. 3:53  For God's sake don't say "sexual dimorphism" too a Republican,  After his head explodes, he'll start organizing hunters to exterminate it.

    The Liberal Redneck has a new clip up. 

    Keith #61 – If he thinks he can go to London and not get universally booed, he certainly is in a fantasy.  How in the world did they get him to realize that baseball fams hated him and would boo him?  Quite possibly the best case scenario would be to put him into an open carriage and let the one who rides with him be Camilla.  That's assuming the visit doesn't get called off.  Sedation, anyone?

    DKos – I particularly liked Alan Branch's take – that, if he went, he would not be able to look his daughters in the eye.  "It's disgusting the way that he talks about women and I just can't deal with it and that's why I have no interest in going and shaking his hand. I've gotta go back home and look my daughters in the eye, and I don't want them to view me in a different light just because I did that.”  Good man.

    NYT – This article from Newsweek, but which I read at Raw Story, has some great takedowns in the comments concerning islands in general and the islands certain people or their ancestors came from in particular.

    Cartoon – Oh, I'm sure there's more than one to go, but I agree the "one to go" you cite is the most important target.

  2. KO: "Like Cinderella" LOL !! Stalkers are very creepy. Maybe none of the Brits will show up, and if they do…they'll have signs saying what they think of dt. Her Majesty The Queen  will have to bear this burden, unfortunately. I wonder how Prince Phillip feels about this.

    DK: Brady's mom has cancer, and he wanted to spend time with her. Galynn (his mother), has been having radiation and chemotherapy to treat a type cancer for the last 18 months and had not attended a game all season. I believe that Brady & dt are good friends though. The other players 'may' have been in meetings or family outings and such.

    MYT: Kudos to Judge Watson, Senator Mazie Hirono, and Brian Schatz for standing against the ban. Sessions will not show respect if he doesn't get his way. He's a a–. Hat.

    Geez…sorry about your pain. Glad you got some sleep though. Hope little by little, day by day, you start feeling better. Enjoy your evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    Cartoon: Yes, get them out.

    Hope that you start feeling better, hope you have a pleasant evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  3. Keith: So well put!  But, no, dt has not got "deflated balls," don't you recall the statues…"Th Emperor has no balls!"

    DK: The American Game is missing a bigly opportunity to meet this guy, to shake hands with nothing?  My respect for the game has just gone up a notch!

    NY T: Sessions shows that he has about as much brain as the spoor of Sean Spicer and Sarah Palin!

    Cartoon: Good buddies, these creeps!  "Isn't that special?"


  4. Puzzle — 3:32  Watch that sharp beak Puddy Tat!  In your "weakened" state, you'll likely find this birdie too much to handle.  Besides his beak is very sharp.

    YouTube — Drumpf does not deserve the honour of an audience with the Queen, IMO, golden carriage or not.  We witnessed his ineptiude in dealing with Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe.  There are all sorts of protocols for HRM that Drumpf would not understand or follow, narcissist that he is!  Drumpf is only concerned about how he will look.  I would love to see him so royaly booed.  Keith is right on!

    Daily Kos — I had a dream awhile back that involved Drumpf.  I was at the WH and Drumpf wanted to shake my hand.  I refused and told him to get stuffed.  He glared at me and then very publicly had me arrested and thrown in prison.  I can very much appreciate these players not wanting to be seen with the Orange Ogre.

    NY Times — Sessions: "…can issue an order that stops the president of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and constitutional power …" — His 'statutory and constitutional' power includes discrimination? anti freedom of religion?  And here I thought that Sessions, as the AG, was supposed to uphold the constitution.  Republicans have a strange acquaintance with the constitution and the truth!— it only applies to some people.  Under oath, Sessions told the nomination committee that he would have no difficulty telling the pResident that he was wrong.  Ha!  Liar, liar pants on fire!

    Cartoon — Two rancid peas in a rotting pod!


    Resist and Persist!!!

  5. Thank you for posting two excellent articles despite your pain, TomCat. Pain day after day eats at you and there's so little you can do; only grab as much sleep as possible. Hold on, my sad friend.


    Keith Olbermann: I don't think Drumpf needs to be in fear of assassination by a Brit, unless the "troubles" have been rekindled by Brexit in Northern Ireland, because he'll be sitting next to the best safeguard there is: The Queen. No Brit in, or out of, his right mind will want risk killing this 91-years-old figurehead of state as collateral damage to assassinating Drumpf. Da'esh might like to, but even they wouldn't chance being wiped out by a joined effort of America and Europe. But of course, British security is facing a nightmare, and the best they can hope for is the Queen calling the whole thing off with a cold the week before. But the sting of Drumpf's audacity in demanding a full "presidential" reception including a golden coach ride, no matter the cost, while 1.8 million people have petitioned for him not to be invited, will always remain.

    DK: LOL Hope to see similar refusals come in on a daily basis. What a little RESISTANCE won't do to change a person's mind.

    NYT: As Nicolle Wallace and her colleagues argued, it isn't so much about Jef Sessions belittling Hawaii as a state as about this administration trying to belittle the judiciary in the most literal sense. They have been trying to take away the power of the courts that do not rule in Republican favor from the first day of Drumpf's presidency. But they've taken on the wrong man to do the job. Possibly Session's vision is limited by his hood and his robe, but this is mainly because everything is too big for this judicial and secretarial midget, including his KKK uniform.

    Cartoon: Great cartoon, TomCat.In the end their stories may be very similar too. Faux News could have fired O'Reilly for a hundred different reasons, but the finally sent him home for the complaints of sexual harassment, but with a wonderful $28 million severance pay to shut him up. I wouldn't be surprised if Drumpf was sent home on equal charges and with a sh#t load of taxpayer's money to safe face of all involved. And then Pence takes over and finishes the job (of destroying America).


  6. Thanks all.  Hugs!

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