Apr 042017

I’m afraid I have had a complete relapse.  Elder at home is coming this morning to serve as my doctor’s eyes.  Back to bed.  Hugs!  RESIST!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:11 (average 4:46).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  8 Responses to “Personal Update – 4/4/2017”

  1. Well, that is NOT the direction we want you heading.

    Hope you'll be able to provide us a brief update on the "Elder at Home" visit.

  2. 4:02  The paint on the curb – great safety feature!

    I sure wish there were a safety feature that could have prevented you from this relapse.

  3. always makes me think of an U2 song……very sad day

  4. Uh oh!!! So sorry to read this, I sure do hope that you will stay in bed, rest/sleep & relax!!! Keep us posted, for sure, stay hydrated, and Hugs!

    A very sad, sad day indeed, all the way around.

  5. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Puzzle — 3:15  Morocco looks like a great place to visit.  I worked with a fellow from Morocco, and based on his stories of the heat, I would never live there and a visit would be relatively short . . . even in the "cold" season.

    Cartoon — A sad day as was 30 Jan 1948 when Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated.  MLK Jr was influenced by Gandhi.  Why is it that the good, those trying to help all people, are the ones assassinated? . . . a loss of power, of prestige, a fear of positive change?


    Resist and Persist!!!

    What the hell are you doing Puddy Tat volunteering to incubate that nasty bug yet again!  I have been hearing about that here — no sooner is it gone than people are saying it is back again, and with a vengeance.  Please look after yourself!  Rest and hydration!

  7. You poor thing! So sorry about you feeling so poorly again, TomCat. That is not what you and everyone else had hoped for. I hope the "Elder at Home" visit will do you some good and help you fight a bronchitis or pneumonia setting in. Please take care.

  8. Hey!  That was not what any of us ordered!!!!!   Best wishes for another turn-aroiund.

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