Jan 162017

On Friday, we discussed how the US intelligence community had been in possession of the dossier that indicated Trump had been coopted by the Russian government through blackmail, and that he was a willing participant in hacking the US government.  They say they have made no determination about the accuracy of that material, but there is now evidence that they are lying to the American people.

0116trump-gsThe humor writer Andy Borowitz recently joked that Donald Trump had been named the Kremlin’s “employee of the month.” I giggled at that, and then winced. It’s painful even to joke about.

Some of the most explosive reports about America in the last few days appeared in Israeli newspapers. They suggested that American intelligence officials had warned Israel to “be careful” about sharing classified information with the Trump White House, for fear that it would be given to Russia.

American intelligence officials reportedly cautioned that Vladimir Putin might have “leverages of pressure” to extort Trump. That presumably was a reference to the hanky-panky recounted in the dossier alleging that Moscow compromised Trump by filming him cavorting with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel.

Perhaps more troubling are suggestions of collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign…

From <NY Times>

Photo credit: Democratic Underground

The way I see it, unless the US intelligence community had more evidence than completely unverified claims, they would not be warning their counterparts in other countries.



  9 Responses to “Putin’s Perverted Puppet”

  1. There's an old joke that, after a man's death, the family was holding a a gathering for friends and colleagues.  The widow was greeting everyone, and mentioning, "He died of the gonorrhea."  Finally, one of the sons took her aside and said, "Mom, Dad didn't die from gonorrhea, he died from diarrhea."  The widow replied, "Yes, I know.  But I'd rather have them think he went like a sport and not the s**t that he was."

    I don't think the golden showers thing, or any other sexual perversion, will hurt the pussy-grabbing puppet myself.  Putin may think that it will, but I think he will be disappointed if so.  I mean, come on, 81% of "evangelical Christians" voted for him AFTER he had confessed on camers to sexual assault.  And those are the sexually uptight people.  That doesn't mean I think he is impervious to blackmail – I think there is plenty of other material, starting with the Russian mob money you mentioned in the Open Thread.  (Go sign that petition if you haven't; I have managed to do so now.)  But I think there is more than that.  Much more.  I most assuredly hope that it all comes out.

  2. I sure do hope and pray that this comes out before Friday!  As we already know, when one has rancid meat, we throw it out, and quickly!!
    Here's one y'all may have or not viewed:  "Donald Trump cancels his visit to the African American history museum on Martin Luther King Jr. Day after spat with John Lewis"

    Hope that you have a good rest of your day, I'm still not right in the head, ugh!!. LOL!
    Take care, and Thanks, Tom

  3. I think the Emoluments Clause in our Constitution is going to ensnare him.

  4. I hope SOMETHING shares him before Friday, Nameless! Some THING has to happen before we are saddled with the MOST corrupt president that has EVER been CLOSE to the Oval Office!

  5. So, Putin has his fingers around the Orange Putz?

  6. I agree with JD.  An excellent place to start is with the Russian mob money as noted in the Daily Kos piece in today's OT.

    I think the old adage "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck!" fits the Drumpfenfarten situation. There is almost always a lot of smoke before one sees the flames of a fire.  From where I sit, there is a whole lot of smoke and it is getting thicker and thicker!  Drumpfenferten's protestations and claimed ignorance are phonier than a $3 bill!



  7. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

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