Dec 212016

Today is the shortest day of the year (except for Lona, who sometimes lives upside down and bass ackwards. We wish our Pagan friends a Cool Yule.  Today is a Wendy day, and I’m trying to write quickly, because she may come early, depending on what time she returns from Lost Wages.  I gave her $2 to bet for me, so I expect to be independently wealthy by tomorrow.  Happy Hump Day to al!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:10 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Update:

Here’s the latest from the playoffs of our own fantasy football league.


Congrats to Jack, Pam,k Robb and Vivian for winning and making it to the semifinals.  Rob, Squatch, Patty Monster, and Dusty have games to determine 5th – 8th places.  Seth and I have been kicked to the curb for the season.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (TYT Channel): Operation Democratic Backbone


I agree. Here’s the link to Operation Backbone.

From KP Daily Funnies: The Daily Show – Donald Trump’s Christmas (NOT HOLIDAY) Yule Log


They could not have been more appropriate.

From NY Times: President Obama announced on Tuesday what he called a permanent ban on offshore oil and gas drilling along wide areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic Seaboard as he tried to nail down an environmental legacy that cannot quickly be reversed by Donald J. Trump.

Mr. Obama invoked an obscure provision of a 1953 law, the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which he said gives him the authority to act unilaterally. While some presidents have used that law to temporarily protect smaller portions of federal waters, Mr. Obama’s declaration of a permanent drilling ban on portions of the ocean floor from Virginia to Maine and along much of Alaska’s coast is breaking new ground. The declaration’s fate will almost certainly be decided by the federal courts.

While I appreciate what he has done the courts are still so packed with Republican cretins that I have little hope that it will survive. Nevertheless, we must RESIST!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:



  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/21/2016”

  1. 3:51  Yup, that's a big bobble.  Especially for such a little branch.

    YT/TYT – Signed (of course)

    KPDF – Is this really a five-hour tape?  I – um – don't have that much time.

    NYT – Even if it doesn't survive, it may buy some time.

    Cartoon – Except in Australia, where they are barby-ing roos.

  2. I'm almost a full day ahead of you, TomCat, and being upside down at the moment II already had my longest day yesterday. And it got to 32°C too, even though is was overcast most of the day.
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to win, become very wealthy and join the 1%. They could do with some infiltration, don't you think?

    Not much to comment on today for me, as I can't view the videos. If they're available at all, my connection is far to slow to make any sense of them.

    NYT: So far so good. Greenpeace mentioned that this permanent ban was put up in conjunction with Canada's Trudeau, but even that won't guarantee a long life. But perhaps Putin likes the idea of an American ban, because he's allowing the oil companies to drill in the Russian Arctic seas. So we'll have to wait and see.

    Cartoon: It's roos over here.

  3. TYT: Signed.

    KPDF: Yea…things are going up in smoke all right……

    NYT: Indeed, good news! Hope that it sticks tool. At least for a bit, any time helps!

    Have a relaxing evening, and I sure hope you win some $$. I never win or get anything from a ticket, so I don't bother. Take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  4. Puzzle — 2:49  Ba-da-boom!  Some Christmas bling!  This tree did not lose its balls unlike some US electors and others!

    Fantasy Football — I beat Pam last week and then she returned the favour this week, relegating me to the outer reaches.  Ho- hum, there is always next year.

    Youtube — Unfortunately, your link takes me to a site for wounded vets and back surgery options.  Googled and found .  Signed as this also affects Canadians.

    KPDF — Unfortunately, this is not available in Canada, not even on

    NY Times — Canada has also banned Arctic drilling but it is subject to review every 5 years.  Having lived in the north, although not the high Arctic, dealing with spills etc will be extraordinarily difficult given the nature of the terrain and the ice.  I do not believe that the oil companies understand this, or rather they don't want to understand it.  Clean-up costs would be outrageous, that is if they do attempt to clean a spill up.  Undoubtedly, these pariah companies will shift much of the clean-up to the state either directly or by writing off the costs on their tax returns.

    Cartoon — Here, we don't have Baggers.  But some of our Conservatives, like Kellie Leitch who is running for the party leadership and a Drumpf Canadian acolyte (OMG!), is more likely to barbecue moose!

    Weather today is cool at a high of 4 C (39 F) but sunny.  I was preparing for the window replacement tomorrow.  They were next door and the noise was incredible all day.  My turn tomorrow.  My fur babes spent most of the day under the bed so tomorrow locked in the bathroom should be good . . . NOT!  I have hot barley vegetable soup to make tonight for the workers.  I can taste it now . . . yum!



  5. "Today is the shortest day of the year"

    And here I thought all days were 24 hours long.  Silly me!

  6. TYT:  I really do agree with this.  The Democrat leaders have been running like rats from a sinking ship, then catering to the wealthy donors, and are at the point that even Democrats don't like them!  Petition signed.

    KP Funnies:  It would be funny if it were not so sad, this is exactly what he wants to do.

    NY Times:  The Republicans may overtur Pres. Obama's ruling, but it will take time, and maybe someone will come up with a solution.


  7. The most encouraging thing I've heard in some time is that not being involved in  government til now, Trump and his band of blatantly rich, have no idea how hard it is to get things done in government.  I applaud Obama for trying to protect the waters and therefore us – we're going to have to push and push hard to get even Dems to oppose Trump but we're a tough bunch, right?  Right???

  8. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

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