Nov 222016

Well there was a one week reprieve from the "5 Right-Wing Outrages This Week" series, and it now looks like Alternet author Janet Allon has a new series, (well at least potential series — I'm sure Trump won't disappoint in providing suitable material) the "Despicable Things …This Week".  Without further ado, here is her first article, and like her previous series, guaranteed to have you doing deep sighs and shaking your head.


It has been one of the longest weeks in human history and the Trump presidency has not even begun yet. Any notion that reasonable, well-intentioned people should give him a chance-hey, maybe he was just kidding about all that hateful, bigoted stuff he spewed on the campaign trail-was immediately dispelled. One of his first official acts…







As I see  things, with Sessions as Attorney General, Lady Justice is no longer blind; the US will no longer be "the land of the free"; and the Narcissist-in-Chief will continue to be a thin skinned right wing nut job Twitter troll.


  3 Responses to “6 Despicable Things President-Elect Trump Has Done This Week”

  1. If Sessions is AG, DOJ will get a new dress code: manditory sheets and hoods.

    I hoping she'll return to thew more inclusive piece, but for now, the Fuhrer corwds out virtually everything else.

  2. Numbers one through five are so obvious, I don't need to respond, everyone here knows exactly what I would say

    But number 6 – while I have not spent a life in the theater, I have done some work, all on the tech side, but I also know enough about theater history to rant.  Yes, the theater should be a safe space.  It should be a safe space for those who would speak truth tp power.  From the moment the theater started being secular- sometime in the Middle Ages when the "Fool" became the vehicle of protest – to the present, the theater has always been one of the best places to speak truth to power, and the musical theater maybe most of all.  In the 19th century the Austrian government outlawed operatic encores, but in "Nabucco," Verdi's "Va, pensiero" chorus was such a powerful political statement that they could not prevent it from being encored, usually multiple times in a single performance.  "South Pacific" – I would not be surprised if it politicized enough white kids for some of the whites supporting the civil rights movement to have seem it growing up and been influenced.  Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" (and Robert Ward's opera of it, which was revived just this year at Glimmerglass) was explicitly written as a condemnation of McCarthyism.  I could go on and you all could likely suggest more, but the statement in question at "Hamilton" – "unscripted" in that it was prepared specifically for this performance, but it was at least partially written by Lin Manuel Miranda, accordig to cast tweets – was not only appropriate, but was steeped in the best tradition of theater.

    Of course I wouldn't expect an orange idiot to know that.

  3. Welcome to the post-truth, neo-fascist world of Drumpf the First.

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