New Rules Plus One

 Posted by at 1:24 pm  Politics
Oct 292016

I don’t have to tell you that Bill is is one very funny guy, and with election day in only ten days, what he has to say is particularly significant.  Here are two clips from the Real Time Channel.  I hope you find them entertaining in addition to compelling.

Chelsea Handler Shares Her Ivanka Trump Fantasy


There is one drug that may be fatal for the deplorables who imbibe it, the party that brews is, and maybe even the entire nation: InsaniTEA!

New Rule: The Danger of False Equivalency


Bill could not be more accurate about the quality of character and thinking coming from the fools that buy false equivalence.

I can’t wait to see Obama with Bill next week.


  10 Responses to “New Rules Plus One”

  1. Chelsea Handler is the Bomb!! Used to watch her show, daily. Read her books too. omg, hilarious! Love her perspective! LOL.

    New Rule: Word.

    Re: your comment. I. can't. WAIT!!! till Mr. Obama is on the show!! I'm so excited!
    Thanks, Tom for post.

  2. New Rules – Yes indeed.  I already said how over false equivalence I am so I won't belabor it, especially when BIll says it so much better.  And so colorfully.  But with no orange.

  3. Never before heard of her, but then most of the TV I see is seen here, on PP!  Nonetheless, were she to run fo president in 4 years, I would pay attention.  As you pointed out in yesterday's posting, there is such a thing as Teabag overload, and resultant avoidance.    I don't see the Empty Oange as a Teabagger, as he's gone over to Teasludge, having refined the GOPig/Teabagger message into a deep cosmological black hole, with a rancid, fetid, tea bag at its central ingularity!

    There is no equivalency between Rumpshit and Hillary. 

    At risk of seeming a bit long winded, I am hereto attaching a bit of a quote from the book "Flow, the Psychology opf Optimal Experience," that may help explain the bizarre lack of understanding, thinking, and just plain frigging lunacy of the fans of the Empty Orange One:  The author has been describing a sense of self-trancendence that people experience when having a "Flow" experience, and goes on to say  "Fundamentalist religions, mass movements, and extremist political parties also offer opportunities for self-transcenence that millions are eager to accept.  They also provide a welcome extension of the boundaries of the self, a feeling that one is involved in something great and powerful.  The true believer also becomes part of the system in concrete terms, because his psychic energy will b focused and shaped by the rules of the of his belief.  But, the true believer is not REALLY (emphasis mine) interacting with the belief system; he usually lets his psychic energy be absorbed by it.  From this submission nothing new can come; consciousness may attain a welcome order, but it will be an imposed order rather than achieved.  At best the self of the true believer resembles a crystal: a strong and beautifully symmetrical, but very slow to grow," if one grows at all, once subsumed by the rigors, rules, and constraints, of the belief system.

    • Thanks for the quote from the book, it explains a lot about many of my friends who are supporting Trump.

    • Amen.  At the same time the "authority" to whom they are subservient absolves them of the consequences of decision.  When they are good the "authority" takes credit.  When they are bad, the authority projects blame. away from his followers.

  4. Bill and Chelsea Handler were on fire! And always Michael Moore! 

    Cannot wait for Obama next week!!! Wheeeeee!!!

  5. First Video:  Ivanka will never fess up about her Dad, too much money is at stake!

    Second Video:  I agree, False Equivalancy is real.  That is part of the reason Trump is doing as well as he is.  She is demonized for little or no reason. 

  6. There is no doubt that false equivalency is very real, especially in this election.  It is utterly amazing that so many people have put their brains on auto-pilot and swallowed the Drumpf rhetoric hook, line and sinker, falling down the rabbit hole to this Mad Hatter's insaniTEA party.  Deplorables is such an apt name for them.  Bill did a good job of explaining, but I somehow doubt the deplorables will understand it, or want to understand it.

    As to the first video, I have never heard of Chelsea Handler.

    I hope you will post Bill's interview with Obama for those of us that either don't get his show, or don't have television.

  7. Bill Maher has been a lot funnier in the past, but so has virtually every one. These are just not fun times; it's hard to see humor in the American political battle right now, because it's been continuing for over a year now, nothing has changed during this time and the jokes are turning sour. There's too much at stake, it's hard to make fun of that, so I understand that of late the proportion of political lecturing to that of humor has become somewhat squewered in Bill's shows. I dread to think what would happen if Drumpf would win the election.

    Got to go, my TAS is playing up.

  8. Thanks all!  Hugs.  I will post all of the interview that is available to me.

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