Oct 282016

Yesterday my volunteer trip was somewhat disappointing.  The President of our volunteer group had not done her job coordinating the meeting, because she recently suffered the sudden death of her best friend, and my guys’ new staff adviser seems to be somewhat of a minimalist, where her job is concerned.  My guys did not even know I was coming, until I wheeled into the visiting room.  In addition, since the last time I was there there, over six months ago, the inside group has elected new leadership.  I have never even met the new President, and he didn’t even know that I’m still a board member of the outside organization.  As a result, my only roll was that of observer.  Used as I am to be in the thick of things, it’s was a bitter pill.  At the same time, I have to realize that I just can’t be engaged in the same way I was, as I can visit only around three times a year, instead of being with them in the trenches three times a month.  Instead of being a teacher/facilitator, I must become more of a friend/advocate.   That will take some getting used to.

The trip itself was quite tiring.  Transferring between my chair and a car and back takes all my strength, and I did that twice.  In addition, using the visiting room restroom requires me to leave my chair outside the room,  get through the locked door, and creep to a toilet 20 feet from the chair using my quad cane.  I did it, but when I made it back to the chair I was actually winded.  So I’m really tired today.  I’ll bed back to posting tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:19 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  13 Responses to “Personal Update – 10/28/2016”

  1. So sorry to hear that you so much trouble at your meeting. I know that was your baby and it is hard to let it go. But support on the outside that keeps people going inside those walls. Just knowing that you are still fighting for them will be a definite boost to the guys! Let them know you are still with them and fighting their fight, TC! They still care about you, I'm sure. And your help may just keep some of them from coming back! .


  2. 'm so sorry that your visit did not go as you expected. How disappointing for you, I sure hope things get better for you with your volunteering…even if it's only three times a year. I'm so sorry, what a Bummer.

    Get some rest, take naps, and relax today/and/evening. Take care, Tom, and Thanks.

  3. Transitions can certainly be tough.  But I'm a firm believer in a "A door shuts – a window opens".

    You'll find someway to make it a positive experience, of that I have no doubt.

    Were the leaves pretty on the trip?  We're now heading to past peak down here – but still quite a bit of color.  Just not the bright reds one sees in hardwood trees like maples.

  4. Puzzle — 3:07  Sorry Puddy Tat, but you'll be disappointed again as there will be no dawg fricassée for you today!

    Cartoon — aka the National Prohibition Act (18th amendment to the US Constitution ratified 16/01/1919, in effect 16/01/1920) — from Wikipedia

    The three distinct purposes of the Act were:

    1. to prohibit intoxicating beverages,
    2. to regulate the manufacture, sale, or transport of intoxicating liquor (but not consumption), and
    3. to ensure an ample supply of alcohol and promote its use in scientific research and in the development of fuel, dye and other lawful industries and practices, such as religious rituals.

    The coming out of Eliot Ness and his Untouchables!

    On December 5, 1933, Utah became the 36th state to ratify the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment, voiding the Volstead Act, and restored control of alcohol to the states. The creation of the Federal Alcohol Administration in 1935 defined a modest role for the federal government with respect to alcohol and its taxation.

    That is so sad that your visit with your guys was short circuited by ineptitude and disorganisation . . . not of your making.  Now that the new "management" knows of your previous involvement, hopefully they will include you the next time.  If there is a way you can follow up with them before the next event, I hope you will take it.

  5. 4:50  Cute puppy.

    That is too bad about the visit.  You are being so adult about it – if you aren't able to run for office, you should become an official role model for those who are (running, and also in office already).

    I feel your pain on transfers.  I have found it politic to eat nothing and drink nothing in the visitation room, after "going" on the way in (which BTW requires two pat-downs, one before and one after).  Then I also "go" on the way out, which doesn't require any pat down, and grab an energy bar in the car, and coffee for the drive home.  And, yes, it is tiring, though not as tiring as your ordeal.

    Cartoon – Ah yes – the law that made Prohibition, prohibition.

  6. Even though the trip was disappointing, you probably lifted a lot of spirits just by being there.  Maybe it will be better next time because the new people will know who you are.   You do what you can when you can, and the rest will take care of itself. 

    Cartoon:  With all the mixing of church and state that has been promised lately, the Tea Party may try to revive this law. 

  7. It's hard to move over and let another generation take over when we get older, even when we can prepare for it and get the chance to slowly "wean the baby" as it were, but it must be terribly hard on you when the change is so abrupt. And a little callous, I might add. The prison world is a hard one, as you well know, but I think the way you are handling it is highly professional and very admirable, TomCat. I tip my hat to you and your flexibility. I'm sure your guys have missed you not being in the thick of it all of a sudden, but they have to move on and deal with the new situation in their own way. Without a doubt they'll very much appreciate your support in the new role you're adapting to now.

    The disappointment of the volunteer trip must have made it even more tiring than usual, so take your time to recover and make sure you get plenty of rest before you tackle the new Republican onslaught on Hillary Clinton.

  8. Thanks everyone and hugs.

    I have no doubt that my guys will treat me with reverance, as long as I can get there.  I guess that being useful is just more important to me than being revered.

  9. Sorry to hear of the situation.  Hopefully your presence, infrequent as it will have to be, will stillbe meaningful foryour guys.

    Dr. No Name gave good advise: Try to find something positive on which to focus, when you do gowhether it is something about the trip itself, or just getting out of your daily confines. Perhaps find something about which to be grateful, after the hardships you have endured.

  10. TC, you must always be proud of what you have done, do do, and will do for your guys….just being there has to give them a lift, knowing how difficult it is for you and yet you show up.  As Leonard Cohen said, "everything has a crack in it – that's how the light gets in".  Big Cat hugs…

  11. Thank you both!

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