Sep 242016

Here are two more clips from Bill’s show.  In the first, Bill and his guests discussed police.

Bill makes an excellent point that open carry and "open angry" are for whites only.  Great minds fall in the same ditch.  I made a very similar point in today’s Open Thread, before I saw this.  The second clip is the New Rule.



  9 Responses to “Two More Clips from Bill Maher”

  1. I agree with Bill about police training – but then you get an officer who HAS de-escalation training from the military, and he starts to de-escalate, and he gets fired for "endangering other officers."  I almost used it for Erinyes, but the deeper I got, the more complex it was.  (He didn't shoot, two other officers did, He feels he was right, yet he ALSO feels they were right – because they did not have the information he did!)

    As to phones – I am still using a fifteen-year-old phone which makes calls, has voicemail (which I don't listen to), texts (but I don't use that), and has two games which I don't play.  Still on the original battery, too.  So, yes, Bill is singing my song.

  2. Very good points from Bill.

    Love his show.

    Thanks, Tom.

  3. Bill makes good points using humour.

    Conspicuous consumption is the name of the new electronics game which of course spurns growth and profits.  The only reason I have gone to new phones is because the old one has died for various reasons.  I refuse to change for more bells and whistles.  It eats up the environment among other things.

  4. The show Friday night was the best I have seen in a LONG time! LOVE IT! Go gettem, Bill!

  5. Could not agree with Bill more on both videos….

    Especially fed up with  the "newer, bigger, faster" constant sales pitch.

  6. When I first came to Care2 years ago and was confronted with these policemen, and policewomen, who shot people – and animals – at the first moment of confrontation, I was amazed how few tried to put some nuance in their comments, so I tried to explain that not all of the people in blue are out to kill, but many have been conditioned to be scared in general, and to be scared absolutely sh$tless when confronted with African-American males. Add to that extremely bad training, a general shoot-now-and-talk-later attitude, a propensity to escalate instead of de-escalate a situation and a system that will protect them at all costs, and you've got yourself a recipe for disaster. I'm glad Bill Maher and his guests put events in the broad perspective it needs to make change happen.

    As for phones, I'm much like many here: it's a mobile phone, which can only be used as such and to send text messages. And I hardly ever use it, but use the landline (yes we still have one of those too) whenever I'm home. Anything to do with the internet is done on my trusty PC, I watch simple TV on country-wide cable and listen to CDs, not to pod conversions. Call me old-school: I don't contribute one cent to Apple's growth. So thank you, Bill, for pointing the stock market growth-madness out.

  7. Thanks all!  Pooped Hugs.

  8. Proudly not an Apple customer since Apple 2C computer. Yeah, I loved playing Adventure. Phones shouldn't cost hundreds of dollars. My $150 (too much, but it was the best deal) smart phone does everything the Apple phone does. Also, I actually own it and I'm not renting it from my cell provider. By the way, Go Consumer Cellular! (discount 10% for AARP members). We have 2 cells, unlimited calling, unlimited text, and 1.5GB data (because we never download unless we're near our Wifi).

    Yeah, this is a crappy comment, but I've been very remiss in commenting thought I'm an avid reader/follower still.

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