Sep 152016

Would you believe I finally fixed the laser all-in-one?  What made the problem especially confusing is that the scanner worked from the touchpad, but not when instructed to do so with the computer.  The printer followed computer instructions just fine.  The cause was that, when we cleaned the Cat Box, the network lost the scanner's access port, and there were no clear instructions that to recover the port.  I needed to detect and tell the network the scanner's IP address.  Dang!!  Was that a pain in the kitty  arse or what?!!?  Tomorrow I finally have an appointment with Megan to work out what I'm going to take instead of Gabapentin for nerve pain.  Please expect no more than a Personal Update, and that may be late.

Jig Zone:

Today's took me 3:33 (average 5:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Hillary Clinton was probably supposed to grovel when the Trump campaign affected outrage at her calling the racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, and Islamophobes in the ranks of Trump supporters “deplorable.” But she’s doing no such thing, even after Trump released an ad in which Clinton’s invocation of “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it” is followed by a narrator saying “People like you, you, and you.”

Instead, Clinton is firing back with an ad on the same subject, which will run on national cable. “You can’t lead this nation if you have such a low opinion for its citizens,” Trump says piously at the outset, followed by text asking “What’s Donald’s opinion of our citizens?” From there, it’s like a greatest hits collection…


Birds of a feather flock together, and Rump Dump Trump is one deplorable bird!

From NY Times: When Donald Trump first called for a “total and complete” shutdown of Muslim immigration into the United States last December, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana rejected that stance as “offensive and unconstitutional.” But that was then.

Once he was chosen as Mr. Trump’s running mate this summer, Mr. Pence instantly became one of the strongest Republican voices to echo Mr. Trump’s anti-immigrant broadsides, pronouncing himself “very supportive.”

And on Wednesday Indiana officials went before a federal appeals court in Chicago to defend Mr. Pence’s outrageous order to block Syrian refugees from settling in Indiana by denying them aid for social services.

And the hate in a Republican Reich goes on and on.

From Think Progress: Peter Thiel, a libertarian billionaire known for funding a lawsuit seeking to destroy the media company behind the website Gawker, is a leading candidate for the Supreme Court in a Trump administration, according to reporting by the Huffington Post’s Ben Walsh and Ryan Grim.

Thiel, according to a source consulted by Walsh and Grim, told friends that Trump will nominate him to the Court if the GOP nominee is elected president. Another source confirms that members of Trump’s “inner circle” consider Thiel a potential justice. Spokespeople for both Trump and Thiel deny these claims.

Though Thiel’s early career resembles that of a potential future justice — he graduated by Stanford Law School and clerked for a federal appeals court judge — Thiel abandoned the practice of law very early to pursue a career in business. Accordingly, he has very few of the qualifications typically held by a judicial nominee and is unlikely to have the same grasp on legal doctrine as a professional lawyer or judge…

…In an essay [Republican propaganda delinked] published by the Cato Institute, an influential libertarian think tank, Thiel questioned the very idea that the right to govern flows from the will of the governed. “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible,” Thiel claimed. He added that he thinks America made a serious wrong turn when it began extending basic human rights to women and poor people… [emphasis added]

Thiel reflects the views of Rump Dump Trump. He also reflects the views of the Republican Party, but most other Republican leaders are too cagey to admit it.  Instead, they represent it by what they do. Their freedom is the freedom to oppress. They don’t believe in the right to vote or human rights for women and poor people. How do we know? Look who they would appoint to the Supreme Court!!!!  Talk about SCROTUS (Republican Constitutional VD)!!!!




  15 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/15/2016”

  1. 5:12  It would be nice if the color wash they use and the description would be on the same page.

    Glad you got the scanner working.

    DKos – TC, isn't that a deplorable insult to birds you just typed?  (Yes, the ad is great.  And he did walk right into it.

    NY Times – In other Pence-related news, he is learning he may have gone too far even for Republicans.

    TP – No surprise here, except that they are denying it.  Once more:  NO LIBERTARIAN BELONGS IN GOVERNMENT.  You cannot do a job well for an employer you are determined to destroy.

    Cartoon – Happy 45th, Greenpeace!

  2. DK: Awesome commercial. Deplorable Don comes to mind!!

    NYT: What a hater. ugh!!

    Cartoon: Wonderful!!

    Good you got the scanner working, and my best and wellness thoughts to you for tomorrow. Enjoy your evening, take care, I gotta run. Thanks, Tom.

  3. Would you believe I finally fixed the laser all-in-one?  What made the problem especially confusing is that the scanner worked from the touchpad, but not when instructed to do so with the computer.  The printer followed computer instructions just fine.  The cause was that, when we cleaned the Cat Box, the network lost the scanner's access port, and there were no clear instructions that to recover the port.  I needed to detect and tell the network the scanner's IP address.  Dang!!  Was that a pain in the kitty  arse or what?!!? 

    Dang – you really should've just asked, and I would've been able to figure out a solution for you  …

    In a YEAR or TWO! 

  4. You figured it out, yay. Could you come to Kentucky and help me get sound on my computer?

    Daily Kos:  I hope we have enough people who do not fit the description of Trump supporters to defeat him.  I am constantly amazed at the number of people who are willing to vote for him.

    NY Times:  This is really deplorable, but so much effort has gone into inciting fear in this country that I am really not suprised.  Pence is not well liked in Indiana, so I am curious about why he would be supported by so many now.

    Think Progress:  We are in for a long four years if Trump gets elected.  Imagine a Supreme Court justice who would be worse that Scalia when it comes to basid rights!.  The Republican only want rights for white, rich males.

    Cartoon:  In my opinion, this was a great day, Greenpeace does so much to protect us from the greedy who destroy the earth.

  5. Puzzle — 3:32  Beautiful little flower in my favourite colour!

    Daily Kos — "Birds of a feather" indeed.  Love Clinton's ad.  Drumpf just loves to use projection!

    NY Times — From the Republican pseudo Christian Bible:

    Thou shalt hate.

    Thou shalt lie.

    Think Progress — "… Thiel questioned the very idea that the right to govern flows from the will of the governed. “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible,” Thiel claimed. " — Thiel is totally unacquainted with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution . . . "Its origin and authority is in "We, the people of the United States". This echoes the Declaration of Independence. "One people" dissolved their connection with another, and assumed among the powers of the earth, a sovereign nation-state." (Wikipedia)  Let's hope he never gets nominated.

    Cartoon — That was the year that I moved to Vancouver, and I remember the creation of Greenpeace.  As I recall, it was pushing by Greenpeace that resulted in Vancouver being a nuclear weapons free zone.  From Wikipedia:

    "Founded by Canadian environmental activists in 1971, Greenpeace states its goal is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity"[5] and focuses its campaigning on worldwide issues such as climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear issues. It uses direct action, lobbying, and research to achieve its goals. The global organization does not accept funding from governments, corporations, or political parties, relying on 2.9 million individual supporters and foundation grants.[6][7] Greenpeace has a general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council[8] and is a founding member[9] of the INGO Accountability Charter; an international non-governmental organization that intends to foster accountability and transparency of non-governmental organizations."

    Now, if the government would keep pace . . . although Trudeau is trying with some things.

    Good luck with Megan tomorrow.  Chronic pain, which this would be considered, can really screw you up.

  6. Kudos to you for solving your scanner problem, TomCat. Good luck with Megan tomorrow. Hope you find a suitable alternative for your phantom pains.

    DK: Excellent ad and response by Clinton; fight Drumpf with Drumpf himself, who is so full of himself he still doesn't understand that he's his own worst enemy.

    NYT: WTF? " [] defend Mr. Pence’s outrageous order to block Syrian refugees from settling in Indiana by denying [Syrians already there] aid for social services" and doing that by "argue[ing] that the anti-refugee order was similar to quarantining the contagiously ill from contaminating Indiana’s residents." I'm sure this isn't only unconstitutional, but also an infringement on human rights. I'm absolutely flabbergasted. Why has this gotten so little attention?

    TP: Thiel "thinks America made a serious wrong turn when it began extending basic human rights to women and poor people…" This isn't Libertarian, this is the personal opinion of a very sick mind, surpassing that of Scalia. I doubt that those Republicans not aligned with the Tea Party will want this man as a justice in SCOTUS as they value their jobs and even they can see this man is a direct threat to those.

    Cartoon: Still a staunch supporter.

    Sorry to be so brief, migraine is king today.

  7. Deplorable is insulting!!. How about "murderers,rapists and drug dealers,?? NUFF SAID

  8. Thanks all!  Very tired hugs!!

  9. Hey, TC, you may have a whole new career in tech coming your way!

    ST: Wonderful!  I have long hoped for ads of just this nature, using his own orange grown imbecility against the Empty man!

    TP: Even earlier today, in the men's group I "enable," I commented about SCOTUS, and the fear of what kind of CLOWN the ass might nominate.  This guy could make me wish to somehow raise Scalia from the hell I hope he fell into!

    Greenpeace Rocks!

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