Is Trump a Bircher?

 Posted by at 2:22 pm  Politics
Sep 102016

0910TrumpRump Dump Trump donned his Bircher persona for his visit to the Values Voter Summit, a den of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, who value greed, hate, homophobia, misogyny, racism and violence.  They are the exact opposite of authentic Christians.  Trump was right at home with them.

John Birch Society Ascendant in Trump's Speech to Evangelical Christians

At the Values Voter Summit, they're partying like it was 1964. That was the year in which insurgent candidate Barry Goldwater snagged the Republican Party's presidential nomination from the sweaty palms of then-New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, with a mighty assist from a rising faction of right-wing ideologues, and the fear-mongering organizers of the John Birch…

Only in Trump's Republican world are Birchers mainstream again!


  10 Responses to “Is Trump a Bircher?”

  1. Good article about the JBS.
    I'm going to have to read up on this one.

    Thanks, Tom.

  2. Damn!  I do appreciate the background that you've provided, but it is upsetting that the JBS is still alive.  No thought of them has crossed my mind in ages.  Despite wanting not to provide them with publicity, though I guess that those who would be attracted to them know of them, I would like to see the story of their love of Empty Man go viral, in the hope that it might galvinize the Democrats, and the, I'll call them "Berniecrats" to ge out there for Hillary.

  3. I really thought they were long gone! So much for that. Really upsetting to even think about them. Thanks TC.

  4. Well, they do say, out of sight, out of mind.  No, they are still alive and well.  As is the Blue Army, the Nazi party, the Ku Klux Klan, the American Freedom Party, and a host of others.  They will always be with us.  Virtue can be corrupted, but stupid can't be fixed.

  5. The JBS is alive and well and Trump has given them hope.  Sadly, the rest of us will suffer if he is elected.

  6. Oh, Lord help us! Not the JBS AGAIN!!! I remember when Goldwater was running. It was just bizarre…

    Great post, TomCat!

  7. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck . . . er . . . a John Bircher!  Drumpf is a chameleon in that he can appear differently to appeal to different groups or people (except those with actual working brains!).

  8. Is Drumpf a Bircher? If he thinks it'll bring him a few extra votes, he is. If they hand him a few ideas on a platter so he doesn't have to come up with something himsel, he is. But all in all, Drumpf is nothing, absolutely nothing. He's the human equivalence of the garbage disposal unit in your kitchen: he gobbels up all the garbage you offer him and at the other end out comes BS he thinks he's produced all by his mighty self.

    • Trumpy/Drumpfy may or may not be a Bircher, but what he IS is a total failure as a HUMAN BEING! 


  9. Thanks all!  Pooped hugg!

    Birchers never left.  That decrepid racist troll, Ron Paul, was one, and it wouldn't surprise me, if rand is too!

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