Sep 072016

There is a story that has gotten far too little media attention, except for MSNBC, regarding an "unproven" but still obvious example of quid pro quo, between a presidential candidate’s foundation and an elected official.  The Clinton Foundation scandal lacks any concrete examples of favors done for anyone who donated to the foundation, but the media keeps going back to it.  On the other hand,  the virtually ignored Trump Foundation scandal has a conspicuous quid pro quo.

0907trump-bondiIn light of the suspicions hanging over Donald Trump and Pam Bondi, the Florida attorney general, this opening quote from her Republican National Convention speech is particularly rich. “Nov. 8 is a day of reckoning for all those who have abused their power,” she said. “Winning this election means reclaiming something to which I’ve dedicated my entire career: the rule of law.”

While it hasn’t been proved that Mr. Trump or Ms. Bondi violated bribery law, there’s little doubt that they abused the public trust in 2013, when Ms. Bondi received a $25,000 campaign contribution from Mr. Trump four days after her office announced that Florida was “reviewing the allegations” in a lawsuit filed in New York against his Trump University. Attorneys general in New York and California are pursuing separate class-action suits alleging that Trump University bilked consumers of tens of thousands of dollars they each paid for a worthless real-estate investment course. In the end, Ms. Bondi’s office did not take any action against Trump University.

Mr. Trump’s contribution from his family foundation to Ms. Bondi violated federal tax law barring tax-exempt charities from engaging in political activity. The Washington Post reported last week that Mr. Trump paid a $2,500 penalty to the Internal Revenue Service for the violation…

From <NY Times>

Both Lawrence O’Donnell and Rachel Maddow covered this last night.

Bondi’s lies became even more transparent when she claimed her office had only one complaint against Trump, when she had thousands of pages of complaints.

Rachel clearly defined the quid, the pro, and the quo.  Now if only more media would only cover this scandal that does exist like it covers the one that doesn’t.


  9 Responses to “The Clinton Foundation Scandal”

  1. I am certainly gad to see more stories like this one spring up (though it may be too little, too late, and above all, too subtle):

    Breaking from reporter Tony Snark:

    Clinton continues to be a “user”

    WASHINGTON (AP) – Hillary Clinton continues to use oxygen, inhaling large volumes of the precious substance – typically mixed with even larger volumes of nitrogen and traces of several other, rarer gasses. She has done so in the past, during her husband’s Presidency, and even while she was entrusted with the awesome responsibilities of Secretary of State, and she continues to do so today as a Presidential candidate for a major American political party. She does so repeatedly, some say as often as sixteen times a minute and, at times of stress, far more often, perhaps as often as twenty to thirty times a minute. At this rate, experts estimate, she may breathe as much as twenty-three thousand or more times a day. Every day.

    Krugman and Reich both address the issue (the scandal issue, not the breathing issue) today, and there is an article in AlterNet that looks good also which I haven't read yeat (I am oversleeping a lot myself.)

    • Thanks for this link, will read it.  I wish I could get a chance to oversleep!

    • LOL Of course it's fine for Drumpf to use up a lot of oxygen in the form of hot air, but as soon as Clinton takes a deep breath – and which Democrat wouldn't when Drumpf has bleated something again – the press are all over her 😉

    • Amen JD!  Great link!!

  2. Good videos to watch. The lies keep on comin', don't they?

    *Joanne: Hilarious!!

    Thanks, Tom.

  3. Man! Drumpf is a criminal! He can't help himself when it comes to making "donations" to people that have a chance to rule in his cases! Too bad he couldn't get to Judge Curell(sp) as he is ruling on Rump Dump Drumpf's case!!! His mouth tells lies every time it is OPEN! And you know it's OPEN ALL THE TIME!!!

  4. NY Times:  If that wasn't a quid pro quo deal between Bondi and Trump, then I have some oceanfront property to sell on the hill behind my house.  How can Bondi stand before the camera and insist she did not file suit against Trump because of the donation?  Poor Florida, they are in worse shape than Kentucky.  At least we still have Andy Beshear and Jim Gray.

    ODonnell and Madow seem to be the only journalists on the air. They report about all that is happening.  I missed Rachel tonight, but watched The Last Word.  They gave clear statements about Trump's failure to answer questions and pointed out his lies.  I have finally converted my husband to MSNBC.  Bye bye Wolf. 

    The national media have given Trump millions of dollars of air time for their ratings, no one seems to call him out on his most outrageous statements. They pillory Clinton every time she says anything.


  5. Both Drumpf and Bondi are known to be crooked and yet both stand a chance of being (re)elected to office of president of the USA and attorney general of Florida. All they have to do is point at the Clinton foundation and insinuate that something went on on there and the ruckus over their quid pro quo action quietens down, Hillary is the bad guy again and the focus of attention, and Drumpf and Bondi get away with it (again). If Drumpf is chosen to be the next president in November America will have another first: a president who is a known crook but gets to lead the greatest laughing stock in the world anyway, confident that Congress will never impeach him because he's got some quid-pro-quo deal going with most Republicans.

  6. Thanks, Hugs, and Amen!!

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