Aug 062016

I’m feeling a bit groggy, because after sleeping yesterday afternoon, I had a light supper and slept all evening and night.  That must have come from down under.  I hope Lona catches up to her nap soon.  I have the Olympics on in the background.  Fiji just beat the US in Women’s Rugby.  I may actually get to watch them a bit later this afternoon.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:13 (average 5:06).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Update:

Players, don’t forget that our draft is two weeks from today: 8/20 at 4:00 PM EDT(3:00 CDT, 2:00 MDT, 1:00 PDT).

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): As Trump Disrespects Troops And Their Families, Where’s Fox?

Barf Bag Alert!!


The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, is solidly behind Rump Dump.

From YouTube (Real Time with Bill Maher Channel): New Rule – Priority Fail (HBO)


Not only is he funny as hell, he’s also spit on. Sadly for the lefties that put their hatred for Clinton above all but else, boutique issues are everything, and Armageddon is off the table.

From Daily Kos: Bernie Sanders wrote an OpEd [sic] for the Los Angeles Times, published today.  He lays out why he strongly supports Hillary and asks anyone who voted for him to join him in supporting Hillary.

Click through to read Bernie’s own words. Thanks’ again, Bernie.




  13 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/6/2016”

  1. MM: Yeah, Faux, where's your outrage now??? So hypocritical !

    Real Time: Spot on, Bill ! Love the pic of Palin, LOL.

    DK: Love Bernie. And yes, Thank you, Sir!

    Went to the Homecoming parade this morning, and attending a dinner this evening. What else? Bar-B-Q ribs, and chicken. I don't plan on staying late, as it's so hot outside. But the kids enjoy the festive mood, rides, and petting zoo. Hope that you have a great day/evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  2. 6:04  Can't blame it on the dog, I'm just draggin'

    Good luck to everyone with the Fantasy Football – and have lots of fun!

    YouTube – Well, veterans and their fanilies are out in force objecting to this crap.  Not that Drumpf cares.

    YouTube II – Well said.  (Is that Coulter book actually a real thing?)

    DKos – I think it's established that there are "Bernie supporters" who will not listen to Bernie – because they have bought into "Hillary is crooked and hates America."  (Why they swallow that so easily when they saw through "Obama is a Muslim and hates America I cannot understand.)  As a result they have decided that BErnie betrayed them (spoiler: he didn't.)  But if they won't listen to Bernie, maybe they will consider listing to Noam Chomsky, who is now singing the praises of voting for the "lesser evil."  See  (Another spoiler: you all may get tired of my repeating that link.)

    Cartoon – No Republican condemnation of what they did – with the exception of the Second Amendment, the only part they care about?

  3. I couldn't open the Media Matters video, but I know Faux News is one of the biggest problems we have in this country.

    Bill Maher is always spot on, and he was in this one.  We cannot get side tracked by issues, that although important, do not affect national security or the economy.  These are things Trump has no knowledge of or skills for, and he would botch both.

    Daily Kos:  Bernie is right, and I wish all his supporters would agree with him and vote for Clinton.  We cannot afford Trump in the White House.  Sharing this one.

    Cartoon:   I shudder to think about what our Constitution would look like if we had the convention today. 

  4. Puzzle — 3:03  No doggie fricassée tonight Puddy Tat!  Cut pup!

    Fantasy Football — Thanks for the reminder.  It's on my calendar.

    Youtube — Wouldn't it be remarkable if Drumpf held himself to the same level as he holds Obama and others?  He would lose all the time as he is incapable of rational, ethical thoughts and ideas.

    Youtube — "Sadly for the lefties that put their hatred for Clinton above all but else, boutique issues are everything, and Armageddon is off the table." — Unfortunately, what these lefties fail to see is that Armageddon Trumps boutique issues!

    Daily Kos — Bernie's most important words

    "… but being despondent and inactive is not going to improve anything. Going forward and continuing the struggle is what matters. And, in that struggle, the most immediate task we face is to defeat Donald Trump."

    If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.  A fractured Democatic/progressive base is not part of the solution, and that is what Bernie is saying.

    Cartoon — These guys did not universally agree on everything that was written in the Constitution but they were still able to agree after some give and take.


    I get to pick up my laptop from the computer hospital for the second time this week.  After having the wi-fi in my chocoholic laptop fixed, the wi-fi was great but the sound had disappeared so back to the hospital.  Turns out the speaker wires had been knocked during the first go around.  Now I get baby back tomorrow after church.  Sitting at my desk top is killing my knees!

  5. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

  6. Maher continues to please!

    I'm afraid that the "disappointed" Bernie supporters are just so caught up in their obsession, that theycan not allow for an option, despite Bernie's own pleading.

    Faux  still has its head in its colon!  I cold not watch much Rumpshit!

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