Jun 212016

I hope you all saw TomCat's Personal Update which he posted here and to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/527046926/3994080

Today has been another difficult computer day and I might yet commit computercide!  I was typing away and suddenly everything since my previous save disappeared.  This is so very annoying!  We have been having a lot of rain of late, including earlier today.  In Dawson Creek which is in northern BC and where I lived from 1983 to 1987, they declared a state of emergency after receiving over 100 ml of rain in one day.  That may not sound like a lot, but it washed out roads and bridges in this rural community.  Tomorrow I have physio and teaching so I will be very late in posting.

Jig Zone Puzzle

Today’s took me 2:52 (average 4:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes

Alternet — A new report by Politico’s Ben White reveals major donors to Hillary Clinton’s campaign may revoke their support of the candidate if she chooses Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren as her running mate for the general election.

Several donors, interviewed under the condition of anonymity, told Politico that Clinton’s Wall Street base would “leave her” if she picks Warren. “They would literally just say, ‘We have no qualms with you moving left, we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sanders, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you, you’ve killed it,’” one donor said.

I was one that said a few years ago that I'd like to see Elizabeth Warren run for POTUS in 2016.  But now, I see things differently.  Even having Warren as VP would tend to muzzle her, making her impotent at what she does best.  The reaction of some of Clinton's Wall Street donors shows just how tenuous Clinton's hold on Wall Street could be.

Think Progress — A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that internet providers must abide by the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality regulations, which prohibit them from blocking or slowing broadband connections, and providing special access through paid fast lanes.

The White House-backed net neutrality rules issued last year came with a promise to treat all internet access equally. But those rules, and how the FCC justified them, drew major criticism from Republicans and broadband companies.

Very good news!  However the decision does not prevent future challenges.  And I'm sure that the telecoms will be biting at the bit to overturn that decision supported by their Republican servants.

Huffington Post — Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump on Tuesday questioned the faith of Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama, insinuating that neither may really be a Christian.

He told a group of evangelical leaders that he doesn’t believe there is enough public information about Clinton’s religious beliefs.

“She’s been in the public eye for years and years, and yet there’s no, nothing out there. There’s like nothing out there,” he said. “It’s going to be an extension of Obama, but it’s going to be worse, because with Obama you had to have your guard up. With Hillary you don’t and it’s going to be worse.”

Drumpf is at it again! . . . or should that be still?  When did a religious test become necessary for the right to hold public office?  There is nothing in the Constitution about it.  If we equate a religious test with a poll tax, then the 24th amendment certainly covers voters, but what about aspirants?  Additionally, the US was not created as a Christian nation.  The founding fathers left Europe, particulary England, because of religious strife.  They would not set the new nation up for the types of wars and battles that they left behind.  Drumpf needs to "put a sock in it"!  Drumpf might want to consider his own position before throwing mud.

Some Drumpf humour from the pages of Huffington Post.  See more at the end of the article above.

The artist TABBY has dropped several Trump-inspired stencils across Vienna in recent weeks. "Trump is everything that's right and wrong with America and the world," TABBY told The Huffington Post. "He's the American Dream of being super wealthy and saying what you want, while being totally out of touch with reality."

TABBY says "Don't Feed The Trolls," also in Vienna, was created because the GOP front-runner can "say anything and the more that people get angry and talk about him because of it, the more known and stronger he becomes."

My Universe —


  23 Responses to “Squatch’s Open Thread 21/06/2016”

  1. Cute…peace.

  2. WRT Herr Drumpf's questioning Hillary's faith ("There's nothing out there") – until he can quote chapter and verse supporting him from TWO Corinthians, I'm not going to believe anything he says.

  3. 4:32  A real ice cream cone would look pretty good about now.  Plastic, not so much.

    AlterNet – Since, regardless who runs for Vice President and holds the office, the de facto VP is going to be Bill, I'm not sure why anyone would want the job….  I've been saying the candidates should keep hands off the Senate in picking VPs; now I'm thinking hands off the House too.  Possibly someone who lost a primary might benefit – thinking of Donna Edwards, who is much better than her resume.

    TP – They'll have to put in a Republican President first.  One vacancy already, and rumblings that Thomas might retire.  VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO.

    HuffPo – Said Cheeto Jesus.  Right.  Hillary's first book was pretty clear on how her faith informs her politics.  Donald – well, I think this might show his faith – http://www.badgirlchats.com/donald-bizzaro/

    Univere – adorable.

    Off topic – This quote from a British newaspaper via an Australian blogger has a lot to say –
    A scene of modern Britain played out on a rail replacement bus service in Newport yesterday.  A woman wearing a niqab was chatting to her son in another language.  After five minutes, a man suddenly snapped, "If you're in the UK, you should speak English."  At this, another passenger turned round and explained: "We're in Wales.  And she's speaking Welsh."

  4. Sounds like corporate control to me that won't allow progressive ideas.

    Kudos to the court–now to stop Congress from trying to undo it.

    I'll skip the troll and go for the ice cream–much cooler.

  5. Thanks for your tenacity in posting, Lynn. Please don't take it out on your laptop, it's so new you might be arrested for computercide and infanticide. Is it a WordPress problem, or do you first write your article in Word, which works best for Joanne and me, and then have it disappear before you can copy it in?
    Your weather sounds very much like the weather we've been "enjoying" for the past weeks here.

    Alternet: Wall Street donors saying " we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sander, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you," really makes it sound like Hillary Clinton told her voters a pack of lies just to get the vote in and drop the facade as soon as she's in the White House, just as Bernie supporters have suspected her of doing. Now it seems Wall Street feel the need to blackmail her, because it may turn out she's been in fact lying to them? Or do they just want an excuse to put their money towards Drumpf, because they can be certain of him having their back? Or is this just a ruse instigated or paid for by Drumpf, trying to make Bernie supporters turn their backs on Hillary? Very confusing.

    TP: Excellent ruling that could have far spread consequences, but as you say, Lynn, only for as long as it lasts.

    HP: Drumpf is simply not capable of winning the race on his own political or personal merit; all he has is slinging mud, smear-campaigns and attacking his opponent personally in the hope he can destroy their reputation. Now the Washington Post and other media are digging into his business and personal life and are taking the lid off of the Drumpf cesspool, he's in desperate need of drawing attention away from him, and we're bound to see more and more of this in the next five months. This "not-Christian" attack is preaching for the Republican evangelist choir, didn't work on Obama then and won't work on Clinton now: too many people of other faiths, America becoming more secular in general and most still valuing the separation of church and state.
    But there's one good thing about Drumpf: he globally inspires people to some great art πŸ˜‰

    My Universe: Aaaaawwwww

    • I don't think it is a WordPress problem as it never occurred on my desktop . . . but you never know!

      Isn't TABBY's work great!  I like the piece by Furia ACK which is for egging Drumpf.  Must be very therapeutic!

  6. Just a note WRT the video: While it's cute, as a retired pediatrician I want to remind everyone that to help prevent SIDS, the Safe Sleeping mantra is "Back to Sleep" – and that includes naps!

    While the video poster claims that the baby at 3 months had rolled over from his back to his tummy, that is very atypical.  Most babies can roll from tummy to their back ~ 4 months because they can leverage with their arms.  But rolling from their back to their tummy takes much more strength, and is usually not accomplished until ~ 6 months of age..

    Bottom Line: Back to Sleep

  7. Alternet: I don't think Hillary will pick Elizabeth as a VP choice. Warren is so much more effective as a Senator than she would be as a VP. Warren would be most effective as a senate majority leader. 

    Think Progress:  Big internet providers, businesses and its GOP servants want to control, to their advantage, what people do with and in their pursuit of internet information. We must always strive to keep and maintain that the internet remains  open and neutral.  

    HuffPo: Religion certainly does crop up from time to time as an issue. Remember Kennedy's catholic religion when he was running for office back in the '60's? Our founding fathers made sure that religion and state were two separate things. 

    Drumpf needs to shut up on religion and mind his own business. He is obviously a poor speaker and less knowledgeable on this issue. All Drumpf does is to sling  mud and doubt into the minds of whoever listens to him. Drumpf is running a dirty campaign. A pathetic buffoon. 

    TABBY: Very creative and excellent art works. Drumpf certainly is a creditor skipping troll. "Love Trumps all" art work shows Drumpf loving himself – of course! 
    He's a narcissistic megalomaniac. lol. 

    Universe: Cute. Towards end of video, there is a link to see both of them 3 years later. A strong bond. 

    Sonoma is going into mid to high 90s temps this week. Ugh! 

    • "Religion certainly does crop up from time to time as an issue. Remember Kennedy's catholic religion when he was running for office back in the '60's? Our founding fathers made sure that religion and state were two separate things." — I do remember JFK's religion as an issue for US voters.  I wish Republicans would remember the separation of church and state which, in my mind, is very clear in the Constitution.

  8. Not sure Clinton and Warren are really compatible ~ except that they both are self-serving. Clinton ~ more so ~ of course.

  9. thanks

  10. AN: I'm hoping that Ms. Warren stays where she's at…she is very effective there.

    TP: Great news!!

    HP:What an airhead! I think he just talks … to hear himself talk.Enjoyed TABBY's artwork, he's a talented artist.

    My Universe: How simply adorable!!! Loved this.

    *Off Topic comment by Joanne: Snap!!  πŸ˜‰

    We still have the road crews upgrading the roads here from last flood. I hope the folks in your northern areas will be all right. Then we have the fires in CA/AZ/NM. It's awful. Take care, and Thank you, Lynn.

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