Jun 052016

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how painfully horrid InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.


Former head of gun rights organization thinks it’s a good time to threaten democracy.

The NRA held its annual national confab this week: lots of heavily armed people discussing guns and where to store them. In the kids room! One expert suggested. No one will think to look there!

Meanwhile, making it abundantly clear whose political side the gun crazies are on, Larry Pratt former head of Gun Owners of America announced on “Gun Owners News Hour” radio show that if the Republicans don’t win the White House and appoint pro-gun judges to the Supreme Court, there could be hell to pay.

If the Supreme Court makes rulings that aren’t rabidly pro-gun, conservatives just might have to resort to the “bullet box,” the ballot box having failed them, he suggested. We might have “reassert the proper constitutional balance,” Pratt said. “And it may not be pretty.

This must be an example of those good guys with guns we’ve heard so much about.

h/t: RightWingWatch

From <Alternet>

Once again we have mainline Republican advocating the violent overthrow of the US government, it Republicans don’t win in November.  Can you imagine what America will be like, if they do win?

Vote Blue No Matter Who

This is only the fourth of five Republican doozies listed for last week alone.  Click through for the other four.


  14 Responses to “Last Week’s Republican Doozies”

  1. 1.  Just for the record, the only way any Mexicans, or Mexican-Americans (NOT the same thing) are ever going to love Donal Trump is if he fires himself.

    2.  And did the African-American respond, "Yes, Massa"?  I was going to say at least the term "African-American" is beteer than using the N-bomb, but, you know, I'm not sure it is.  Barf.

    3.  "Mexico isn't a race."  Wow.  What science.  You know, "Caucasoid," "Negroid," and "Mongoloid" aren't races either.  The terms are historical distinctions, not racial.  The Human Race is one race.  Yes, the terms are still used in forensics, because in forensics, anything you can find out is helpful – but they are called "types," not "races."

    4.  Can you say "de – lu- sion – al"?  Thats good.  Because I can't even begin to dissect the levels of delusion.  Even if I started with the concept that the writers of the Constitution wanted to invite anyone who disagreed with them to come and shoot them.  No, I think not.

    5.  Would that it were the sixties again, from a protest standpoint!  Protesters in the Sixties had been trained in and made a commitment to non-violence which many people (and Trump supporters leap to mind) just don't care about today.  However, as bad as it was then, I think it's even more dangerous to be a non-violent protestor today, just becaus of the military equipment the cops now have.  (Not to mention the gun nuts who are promising to shoot us all if we don't vote their way.)

    • Allow me to rephrase your first point, Joanne, as I think it should read "sets fire to himself"

  2. I agree with JD on #5 especially.

  3. "Insane, pure IDs" is being polite!!

    Thanks, Tom.

  4. They are all delusional, and an article about how their delusions are fed can be found at http://www.care2.com/news/member/565542931/3990574   at C2.


    • Aside from all the rest, Hannity, and his comment about it being the sixties all over again?  Yup, the conservatives got their fear raised in the good old sixties, and it has been reverberating ever since then.  They were very afraid that they would loose control, and its too bad that they didn't!


  5. Insanity may not be contagious – but the insane seem to flock together … as GOP wingnuts!

  6. All these are numbskulls!  Do they never hear themselves?  The ignorance level is off the scale.

  7. 1 – 2)  Drumpf and Pierson deserve each other!  Racist, xenophobic, megalomaniac that is a waste of good air!

    3)  Idiots!  This is pure racism!

    4)  "… conservatives just might have to resort to the “bullet box,” the ballot box having failed them, he suggested. We might have “reassert the proper constitutional balance,” Pratt said."

    And I thought sedition, specifically threatening the violent overthrow of a democratically elected government, was a criminal offence.

    5)  Arrogant and stupid fool that knows nothing!

  8. Reading a novel called "The Gun Trial"….they take to court the gun dealer who sold a gun to a young man who was obviously upset and bought the cheapest shotgun, then asked for one bullet.  The young man goes home and kills himself with that shotgun.  Even I question the validity of that lawsuit but it's more about the reaction of the gun people, the media and gun violence.  Instead of being rational in any way, the gun nuts launch a vindictive and violent campaign against the parents who filed the suit and the lawyers representing them.  It's a novel  but it could easily be today's news.

    Insanity IS contagious… and the mob mentality is rampant in the Republican party.

  9. 1. I'm close to giving up on America, really. Why isn't there an outrage because Drumpf " [ ] argued that judge Curiel should recuse himself from the case based on his ethnicity," and his partner-in-crime Katrina Pierson making him get away with it because he said he "believes" Curiel is Mexican. So now he wants a judge recuse himself because Herr Drumpf believes he's Mexican? And having the gall to say of Curiel's supposed hate of Trump that it's a a disgrace. "But I'm most disgusted by the fact that there's no outcry when Drumpf vilifies and deeply insults Mexican-Americans and being fully aware of this then tries to win a court case by insinuating the judge hates him because he's "Mexican" and therefore would have every right to hate him, were he anything like Drumpf and his horde, but is not. The judge has now be so tainted in the eyes of his supporters that there will be an outcry if Drumpf is convicted of fraud. Utterly disgusting.

    2. My African American? How simple it is to taint a term that was considered to be politically correct. But then Drumpf has declared war on political correctness. Oh yes, black Americans are really going to love him for this. Meanwhile scratching their heads trying to come up with a new terminology or label by which the GOP, so fond of labeling groups of people these days, soon will be able to distinguish them from other people they hate.

    3. Would Halperin have less trouble with the word "fascist"?

    4. Better double the security of the SCOTUS court and is individual members, because there appear to be bullets with their name on it, straight out of the bullet-box, if they don't rule in more pro-gun fashion the way amosexuals demand. Self defense, anyone?

    5. Hannity? I'm not wasting any time on this delusional idiot.

  10. Thanks and Amen to all!  Hurrying!!

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