
 Posted by at 3:39 pm  Politics
May 212016

After a while, the embarrassment of foreigners treating the US as a laughingstock over Rump Dump Trump’s rise to prominence, as he plumbs depths of TEAbuggery never before encountered, becomes painful, at best.  That they are right is makes it even more embarrassing.  However, now it’s my turn.  Euro-TEAbuggery is alive and well.


Donald Trump’s campaign is truly testing the limits of the old saying “Every cloud has a silver lining.” Unless one operates under the assumption that a hate-filled platform fueled by bigotry, xenophobia and sexism is what the world needs right now. In which case, the Trump cloud appearing on the horizon is seen by some as an invitation to open their arms in exaltation, awaiting the inevitable Trumpian shower to follow.

The attributes of a Trump-thumper are pretty easy to identify. Mostly it’s a hatred of immigrants coated in a fine patina of pseudo-nationalist rhetoric. George Packer writing in the New Yorker recently described it as “white identity politics.” Given Packer’s diagnosis, it’s safe to say America is not alone in this category. And so, from the continent well-versed in such terminology, below is a list of eight far-right political party leaders from Europe eagerly awaiting Hurricane Trump…


If King Leopold’s miserable corpse were still around to tweet, he’d surely have added Belgium’s vote to the pro-Trump camp. But not to worry, instead we’ve got Filip Dewinter, proud heir to the former genocidaire and leading member of Belgian far-right party, Flemish Interest (Vlaams Belang).

Here he is offering his endorsement by way of YouTube. Though, by opening with “Mr. Trump, we have this in common, we speak the truth,” Dewinter has in essence told anyone watching that whatever follows should be taken with a bucket-load of salt..

From <Alternet>

Belgian Barf Bag Alert!!


It seems the European version of Republican hate is much more subdued in presentation that it is from Rump Dump.  This is just the fifth of eight European Republicans listed.  Click through for the other seven.


  9 Responses to “Euro-TEAbuggery”

  1. Video: ICK! and yuck!

    Thanks, Tom.

  2. It is nice to see how low their percents are…somehow reassuring.

  3. Nationalism in Europe is not a surprise, it's extent is, to me.  Mr. Modrikamen, and his "We speak the truth," needs to be taken with a barrel of 79% salt, as 79% is the level at which Trump's horse shit lies score.  See my posting on the horse's ass, and his ability to lie with no major media pushback, at C2, here:

  4. So much for Switzerland and neutrality.  Or maybe tht is because of prior neutrality – they may not have learned as much.  I do agree with JL that their percentages tend to correspons with either the countries' military budgets (including ours) or the percentages of their people they have in prison (including ours.  If someone insists we are number one, those are two statistics on which we certainly are.)  Europe, indeed any part of the world, is not immune to infection by people whose brains stop at lizard, and while the percentages suggest education may help, they also demonstrate that no amount of education will eliminate them.

  5. Nationalism is what brought us Hitler and WW2, why don't people ever learn? 

  6. Many of these countries have histories of imperialism, taking over other countries . . . Italy in Ethiopia, UK in Africa and Asia, France in Africa and Asia etc.  Now they have migrants crossing their borders . . . coming into their space, and it isn't very comfortable.  Nationalism raises its ugly head.

    Drumpf stokes the flames of American nationalism.  Is it any wonder that European nationalists support Drumpf?

  7. In these cases nativism and nationalism have combined, as they did under Hitler.

    Thanks all!  Hugs!!

  8. I can't stand to watch ANY of Rump Dump Drumpf! Even the sight of him makes me physically ILL! Ain't no way I'll even load it in my 'puter!

  9. Sorry to be so very late in, but computer problems kept me busy all day yesterday.

    Like the Republican party is now split up in different groups all these European nationalistic parties have little in common except their nationalism and the fact that they are often populists. They cater to what the poor, jobless, disenfranchised and badly educated want to hear, and apart from their nationalistic views their political leaning may range from left to right. That is why they had a very hard time trying to form a coalition after the last elections for the European parliament. They needed 7 parties to join together and it took a lot of bickering before they got them together of the 13 parties (if I remember correctly) that got themselves one or more seats in the EU parliament. And that coalition is very unstable as they can't agree on anything else but exiting the EU and stopping the influx of (Muslim) immigrants/refugees. The latter is very hotly debated within their ranks as some want to stop the influx of all foreigners, including low wage workers from other, more recent members of the EU like the former Soviet satellites, even from their their coalition partners. So there's really no comparing them to the Tea Bags in America, their views are too different, but they are dangerous in the same way as they appeal to the underbelly of people and not to their heads and their actions become more violent as well.

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