Mar 272016

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how vile InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Michele Bachmann still believes everything happens for a reason.

MBRLife outside of the United States Congress has done nothing to dim Michele Bachmann’s biblical and political passions. In her new career as an End Times prophet, she speculated this week that maybe God ordered the Brussels terrorist attack. Why would God do something like that? To humiliate Obama, she supposes.

She, like other insane right-wingers, was very upset about the president’s trip to Cuba, and speculated that the timing of the terrorist attack might not be a coincidence. Because there is no such thing as a coincidence and everything fits into a pattern, said the crazy person. According to Right Wing Watch, Bachmann was upset that Obama skipped out on the annual AIPAC propaganda fest, and distracted the press from that important event in favor of his work in Cuba.

“Maybe our president’s humiliation comes in a manner so devastating it makes one wonder whether the creator of humankind isn’t reminding this world of the inferiority of foolishness in the face of wisdom,” Bachmann said in WorldNetDaily.

Then she turned her attention to spouting deeply Islamophobic mythology and hatred, a real strongsuit for her. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

This woman is so bat-shit crazy that either Fecal Dump or TRUSed Uranus could chose her as a running mate. This is the fifth of last week’s five listed vilest Republican moments. Click through for the other four.


  9 Responses to “Last Week’s Vilest Republican Moments”

  1. I thought her leaving politics was the divine plan to shut her up.

  2. 1. Drumpf: OK, it's official now: Drumpf is certifiably insane.

    2.  Giuliani: There must be something in the water in New York that eats Republican brains and grows them a second a**hole in stead.

    3. Yes, I can understand that fact checkers no longer bother with Faux News and O'Reilly in particular. It's just as easy to say: there is NOT A WORD OF TRUTH in anything he says. NONE whatsoever. But then, who in Belgium would be fool enough to look at O'Reilly's show and write an upset e-mail to rectify all this made-up misinformation? None, I can tell you. They know it's no use whatsoever.

    4. Last time God showed better judgement of character when he chose someone to save the world.

    5. Stick to your countries own bombings and terrorist attacks to blame Obama for, Michele Bachmann, and leave Belgium or any other country out of your insane rants.

  3. Let the world know that the batsh!t is getting DEEP!!! She is one the most DISGUSTING pieces of rethuglican trash that exists, no better to say that she takes up space, in the world!!! I can't stand to read or hear her totally ignorant "speeches"!!! Never waste my time on her!!!

  4. Trump: Apprentice Show: "You're fired'!!!

    Giuliani: Say whaaaaa???

    O'R: Can't stand this guy, I think he speaks, to hear himself blithely talk.

    Beck: God knows better.

    Bachman: The hits just keep on coming, don't they? Barf !!

    At least the Repugs are consistent, every. single. week. aren't they?     Thanks, Tom.

  5. Just a bunch of sick bastards!  

    Giuliani and his comment about Hillary is so phenomenaly disengenious!  She voted for the Iraq invasion, that, I'm willing to bet, he supported, that was foisted on us by his party's guy in office, G.W.Bushit.  Bush had no plan beyond going in, minimally functioning fool that he is, and can be credited with creating ISIS, by offering nothing for Hussain's troops to do but go home. There's the "cultural marginalization" creating problems, all over again.

    Bachman is living in her own universe!  Her rapture probably comes when her husband gets paid by medicaid/medicare for his bogus treatment to "cure" homosexuality!

  6. 1.  "One thing we know, there will never be a release of the secret “Trump Unfiltered” tapes. He is always unfiltered. There is no filter."   I couldn't have said it better.

    2.  Of course Giuliani is a bigger a$$hole than Trump.  Giuliani is not ADD.  He stays on target even if the target is pure fantasy.

    3.  What did Bill O'Lielly ever NOT capitalize on to score points?

    4.  Just a thought, but it appears to me that if God wanted there to be a Christian nation, he would want citizens to build it who were in fact Christian.  As opposed to dominionist, capitalist, greedy, irreligious maniacs.

    5.  Oh, yeah, everything that humans do happens for a reason.  A reason hidden somewhere in their – imperfect – brains.  Not a divine reason.

    I do try to read comments after an article like this because often someone nails it.  Today it was just all deploring.  And depressing.

  7. Drumpf — How not to answer a question so you don't get caught in a lie later.  He is such an asshole . . . even proctologists won't go near him!

    Giuliani — manages to be an even bigger a**hole than Trump, and I thought that was impossible!

    O'Lielly — I wonder how long he'd be quiet if it were his civil liberties that were being infringed upon?  That's what I thought too . . . never going to happen.

    Beck — He is Nausea Inc.

    Guano Girl — It is so nice when he is not around.  The only rapture she will get is one involving a white coat that does up down the back.

    When all is said and done, SSDD!!!

  8. This one deserve life size barf bag alert!  Bachman needs to pick up Palin and Kim Davis and all three of them move to a desert island with no wi fi service.  The rest of us don't need to hear from them.  Guiliani has almost as "yuge" an ego as Trump and can't seem to decently retire from view.  O'Reilly is probably laughing all the way to the bank with the money he makes spouting nonsense, and Beck needs to be given several courses of couselling.  

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