Mar 182016

On 23/02/2016, I posted  5 of the Most Appalling Acts of Incitement From Israel This Week by David Sheen, part of the Grayzone Project.

"…AlterNet's Grayzone Project, a journalistic initiative that aims to confront Islamophobia and expose the role that Western military interventions and pro-Israel forces have played in inspiring this growing plague. You'll find a mix of investigative reports, breaking news stories, essays, first-person accounts, exclusive videos and documentaries, and a wide mix of coverage from our friends and partners."

As I said in February, there is no doubt that the Jewish people suffered grievously at the hands of Hitler and the Nazis during WWII.  Throughout history, the Jews have suffered through pogroms and wars.  But it seems to me that they, at the hands of Netanyahu and his cronies, have become the oppressor.  No group of people is all bad, nor all good.  People are people.  But when one group openly calls for the annihilation of another, genocide, it is time to take action.

From Alternet — Our latest edition of Israel Incitement Watch focuses not only on the racist statements of Israel's political and religious leaders, but on the first-ever Pew poll of Israeli Jews, which found that racist sentiments were not confined to a fringe, but are embraced by a large segment of the population.

3. Chief rabbi calls for killing attackers and cutting off contact with seculars.

Wading into an ongoing national debate over how Palestinians who attack Jews should be treated, one of the country's two chief rabbis declared that it is incumbent upon Jews to kill them on the spot. “If someone comes to kill you, you kill him first," Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef said on March 12, telling Israeli soldiers to ignore legal and moral obligations to apprehend attackers with the minimum force necessary, whether these instructions come from "the High Court of Justice, or that some chief of staff" of the Israel Defense Forces.

In the same speech, Yosef renewed a biblical call to commit genocide of all "Amalekites." The Torah records the existence of a people called the Amalekites, though they have no known living descendants in the modern era. Nevertheless, this designation is routinely trotted out by right-wing rabbis to call for massacres of Israel's enemies du jour.

"If some terrorist comes to me now, and I know he's a terrorist, and we caught him. He doesn't have a knife in his hand, he doesn't have anything. And I know, Elijah the Prophet will come to me and tell me that he's from Amalek. Is it permitted to kill him on Shabbat? No. But Elijah the Prophet says that it's Amalek. Put him in prison, after Shabbat say a blessing and kill him," said Yosef.

Later in the week, Yosef called on religious Jews to prevent their children from socializing with children of secular families, even blood relatives.

This is the third example.  Click through for the other four.  So why is the US contributing so much foreign aid to Israel and its genocidal agenda?


  4 Responses to “5 of the Most Appalling Acts of Incitement From Israel This Week”

  1. I  got an email from a friend, a snowbird, who spends winters in Florida. She mentioned that her father had joined her and her husband there for a week, during which time they had visited (a theme park called?) Holy Land Experience. In my reply I said it was probably safer than the real thing, although with open carry in Florida I couldn't be certain. There hasn't been time for her to respond yet.

    • Never heard of the "Holy Land Experience" – so I had to Google it.

      They only bilk you … errrr …. CHARGE you $50 for the "experience".  And there are NO Senior Discounts.

      I'd definitely would add that to my "To Do List" the next time I'm in Orlando … scheduled right after my root canal.

  2. You are correct.  Israel is using genocide to realize a one state solution through attrition.

    Why is that the US has a huge Jewish voting block, most of whom are ignorant of the events and believe what they hear from Dominionist controled AIPAC.

  3. The incitements from the Israeli government and religious leaders seems to work extremely well: "According to the Pew Poll, 79% of Jewish Israelis, nearly four-fifths, say that the state should give Jews "special treatment." Furthermore, 48% of Jewish Israelis polled,nearly half, say they support stripping non-Jewish Arabs of their Israeli citizenship and expelling them from the country. Among secular Jews, support for stripping Arabs of their Israeli citizenship and deporting them out stood at 36%; among religious Jews,support for ethnically cleansing Palestinian citizens of Israel stood at 71%.

    Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef's attrocious calls to kill terrorists even if they have no knife in their hands, nothing, because Elijah the Prophet will come to him and tell him he's he's from Amalek and must be killed. No, not on Shabbat, then the day after. The polls  and the other three examples show that this kind of thinking will soon be the norm…I can't find the words to say how wrong it is and how depressing it is to me personally.

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