Mar 132016

Slow down dude!  


You don't have to prove you've still got what it takes!


Keep scrolling . . .


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and scrolling . . . 



Happy Birthday 


Puddy Tat!!!!



birthday cake

I'd put a candle on your cake for every year and one for good luck, but the Portland Fire Department would not issue the permit!  Apparently it is a significant fire hazard.



  8 Responses to “Happy Birthday TomCat!!!”

  1. Happy BD-something you share with Alan Grayson!

  2. Let the partying begin!

  3. Love it!  Thanks! 

    I got a present from our HSP.  The site was down for a couple hours.

  4. We, dogs,cats and horses maily rescued) all wish you the VERY BEST.

  5. Very well done!

    (I thought that "Keep Scrollikng" cat was going to be "We're Not Worthy")

  6. "Happy Birthday" and have an Awesome celebration… Hugzzz…

  7. A great birthday greeting for TomCat, Lynn. Last Sunday I sent a batch of catnaps to his Care2 profile to draw on when needed, but it can't compete with your, JD & JL's and Nameless' messages.

  8. Thanks everyone!!

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