Feb 292016

This week is no different than any other . . . the right wing nut jobs are at it still.  Of course there are more than five instances, but five is all we have time for.  Besides, barf bags are in short supply these days.

From Alternet — Earlier in the week, it was the priceless nugget after his victory in Nevada, “I love the poorly educated,” a saying that should be embroidered in gold thread on a throw pillow in Mar-a-Lago. Really one for the ages. Who says something like that? The Trumpster, that’s who. So, we’ll start with a few Trump gems and move on from there as everyone else on the rightward flank tried to keep up.

4. Okay, okay, back to Trump, who has given us new insight into how he will govern.

Trump was hopping mad at the things Marco Rubio brought up about him in the debate. Like the fact that he builds things using foreign labor, and that most of his wealth stems from the fact that he inherited money from his daddy, and that his Trump University is a predatory scam. Where did Rubio get these talking points? From the dastardly media, which Trump likes when it is doing his bidding and doesn’t like when it writes those mean articles about him.

At a rally in Texas afterward, Trump opened his mouth and started talking. This is, or course, part of his appeal, that he does not appear ever to prepare the things he says, and sometimes ends up saying things he’s said many, many times before, and sometimes says something completely new, crazy and scary, for instance, that he’d like to punch a protester in the face. When Trump is elected, he told the cheering poorly educated hordes, “One of the things I’m gonna do, and this is only gonna make it tougher for me, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things I’m gonna do if I win… is I’m gonna open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re gonna open up those libel laws."

Yeah, he’s going to make some minor adjustments to that whole First Amendment thing. Not his favorite amendment. He much prefers the Second Amendment.

He sputtered on. “With me, they’re not protected, because I’m not like other people… We’re gonna open up those libel laws, folks, and we’re gonna have people sue you like you never get sued before.”

So much suing to do. Because that’s what leaders do. They sue.

Inserted from RawStory

This is the fourth of five right wing lunacies.  Click through for the other four.  Often, people remark "Only five?"  Well consider this: 3 of the five are from Trump.  But Trump's numbers keep going up.  Interesting though, if Trump wins the Republican nomination and then the White House, going into law will be the new top profession.


  5 Responses to “5 Right-Wing Lunacies This Week”

  1. 1.  Inanimate object, sure.  Water bottle, no  Yecccch! 

    2.  Am I alone in wondering if in bringing up the "fruit salad" of a nominee's life Carson is implying in advance that the nominee will be gay? 

    3.  Shades of Lucky Ducky and Hollingsworth Hound.  Egad.

    4.  It's been done.  It was called the Alien and Sedition Act.  Despite his faults (and this was a YUUUGE one) I still like John Adams, so I will just say The Donald is not worthy to lick his boots.

    5.  To me, Glenn Beck was actually scarier when he could still speak in complete sentences, and at least provide the illusion of – something.  But then – what with 40 years of aerial pesticides and contaminated water, and seeing what that has done for Trump – I should probably be more scared.  Not so much of him but of the numbers of people who listen to him.

  2. 1. Trump compares Rubio to an inanimate object. He held up a bottle of water and yelled: "It's Rubio", drank a few sips and tossed the bottle… and the fans cheered?!?!?!?! WTF is wrong with you, sheep. Even for free entertainment that is substandard.

    2. Ben Carson’s “fruit salad” of life experiences has given him some really bad ideas. Ranting that Obama isn't really black, but he, Ben Carson is, is already old hat. He has tried that gimmick right at the beginning of his campaign and it was as stupid then as it is now. Who is paying this man to stay in the race, I wonder.

    3. Fox Newsian: Asking Donald Trump for his tax return is discrimination against rich people. Yeah, but it wasn't discrimination against black people for Donald to ask Obama for his birth certificate, right? I think Fox News will have to change their tune as their masters can't find anything else to stop Trump from being nominated and start digging in his accounts and tax returns.

    4. Okay, okay, back to Trump, who has given us new insight into how he will govern. Govern? Trump doesn't know the meaning of the word. Dictate, as in "dictatorship" you mean. Have you noticed by the way that Trump always starts talking in Majestic Plural…we are going… when he gets carried away?

    5. Glenn Beck has perfectly sensible prediction for what will happen if either Clinton or Rubio get elected. Beck  explained three out of four options, Sanders' Socialism, Clinton and Rubio's status quo, Trump's authoritarianism; the fourth option assumedly being Cruz… and his Highway to Hell.

  3. I’m now of the mind that the relentless juvenile schoolyard bloviating bigotry, bluster and bullying by Trump – AND now returned in kind by Rubio & Cruz – has a better than 50-50 chance or actually DESTROYING – I don’t mean damaging, I mean DESTROYING – the Rethuglican Party!

    Thanks, Trump!

    (From my lips, to God’s ears)

  4. I really need to read these things earlier in the day so my blood pressure can go down before bedtime. Trump is a bombastic, egotistic, narcissist, and is likely to get the Republican nomination.  Carson was in Kentucky today and made all the news programs, that shows how well he can campaign.  By the time Kentucky has its primaries, the count is all ready in for the nominations.  Beck needs to be given serious counselling, he got fired from Fox!   Hopefully, when we have another Democrat in the White House, there will be changes made to remove "News" from faux news logo and replace it with "right wing insanity"..

  5. What NameLess said!

    These crazies are taking the GOP where their leadership ought to have been able to foretell…over the cliff.  But, they are so involved in their egos, and need to control that they were blind to the consequences of the path to hell, and oblivion onto which they embarked.

    "Word Salad" is an old psychiatric phrase referring to the nonsensical uterings of certain psychotic people. I think that says it better than anything when one talks about Dr. Ben.

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