Feb 032016

His Iowa Caucuses victory was more than just a win for Sen. Ted Cruz, aka Uranus Inspector, the only Canadian import worse than filthy Tar Sands sludge.  It was also a big win for Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity, the exact opposite of authentic Christianity.  To see how significant a win this was, we a;so need to look what he defeated, and it was a lot more powerful than the Hateful Hairball.


When Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) took the stage last night to declare victory in the Iowa Republican caucuses, he opened his triumphant speech with a direct appeal to the people who worked so hard to secure him his win — evangelical Christians.

“God bless the great state of Iowa,” he said. “Let me first of all say: to God be the glory.”

Cruz went on to make several more biblical references, working a litany of scripture passages and appeals to “Judeo-Christian values” into a 30-minute speech that often sounded suspiciously sermonesque. He then concluded by citing Psalm 30, stirring the crowd into a frenzy by reminding them that “joy cometh in the morning.”

“I tell you tonight, Iowa has made clear to America and the world: morning is coming,” he said.

Cruz’s engagement with Christianity on the campaign trail is nothing new, as he’s made no secret of his evangelical strategy. He launched his run for president at Liberty University, an evangelical school, courted the endorsement of leading theological conservatives in the Iowa, and organized a passionate network of conservative Christian volunteers to help him get out the vote on caucus day.

Cruz’s engagement with Christianity on the campaign trail is nothing new, as he’s made no secret of his evangelical strategy.

And in Iowa, at least, it worked. Evangelicals flooded caucus sites across the state last night, ultimately making up 64 percent of Republican caucus-goers — up 7 points from 2012according to entrance polls. And despite ample hand-wringing from political analysts over Donald Trump’s support among portions of the evangelical flock, the biggest slice of churchgoers sided with Cruz: he won the lion’s share of “born again” Christians at 34 percent, with Trump grabbing 22 percent and Sen. Marco Rubio — a Roman Catholic — pulling in 21 percent… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Note that Liberty University and Regent University has more graduates in permanent “nonpartisan” executive staff positions than the Ivy League, because so many “burrowed in” to permanent, “nonpartisan” positions, especially in DOJ, from political appointee positions during the Bush Reich.  Then last thing America needs is more pseudo-Christians sabotaging our freedom.

Lawrence O’Donnell explained just how great an obstacle Uranus Inspector overcame.

Overcoming corn in Iowa with pseudo-Christianity is no laughing matter.  While I have been laughing at the Cruz’ campaign of pseudo-Christian hatred, I’m not laughing any more, especially since so many front-end Republican primaries are dominated by the pseudo-Christians in their base.  This magnifies how important it is for Democrats to turn out and vote!


  16 Responses to “A Big Win for Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity”

  1. One ally for us is Faithful America – which is encouraging real Christians to stand up nd speak out about the misuse of the word "Christian" by these people.

    Please also observe what has been pretty much concealed by the ideological (and personality) conflicts, the overwhelming attention paod to the ages and colors of who voted fro whome, and heaven knows what all.  TURNOUT.  Democratic turnout was (all numbers approximate) 170,000, down from 240,000 in 2008.  Yes, I know that is eight years ago. But it does show that the voters exist.  But didn't show up.  Republican turnout, on the other hand, was up 50% over 2012, at over 180,000.  Please don't overlook this.  Has this been November, Republicans would have won. 

    We have been licking our wounds from 2014 in the belief that, oh well, democrats are bad at turning out in non-Presidential years, but given a Presidential election, they will turn out.  You know what?  It's not looking like it. 

    We need to be afraid.  Very afraid.

    • So sorry, Joanne, I didn't see your link to a very similar article until after I put mine in.

  2. Ted Cruz: "To God be the glory."

    … OR as my Muslim friends would say:

    "Allahu Akbar!"

    (Boy, there really ARE a lot of similarities, aren't there?)

  3. Is it possible that people voted for Cruz because they believe that he can't win the national election?

  4. Here's a quote from the Bible for Cruz: Pride forth before the fall! His history of patting himself in the back should have his arm just about cramped and deformed by now!!!

  5. Cruz is more dangerous than several Cruise missles!  

    Liberty and Regent Universities are part of the legacy of St. Ronald, who claimed that the country neede to find its spititual roots, again. Then, he nurtured the native Jerry Falwells, and ilk.   So, the United States' "Taliban" is his child!  

  6. Cruz is someone for the rest of us to fear.  He has found the key, like Kim Davis, to getting the evangelicals out to vote.  I live in the Bible belt, and believe me, no one can be more fervent than an evangelical believer.  Democrats better turn out in huge numbers for the Presidential election.

  7. Ted Cruz's victory over Trump by playing the Talibangelist card really scares the hell out of me, and it should anyone who isn't a pseudo-Christian. I deliberately leave the "supply-side" adjective out of it, as apparently his voters have cared to overlook his unique stance on ethanol subsidies according to O'Donnell. Even socialist Bernie Sanders hadn't dared to oppose this subsidy which makes the rich corn growers and ethanol producers only richer while it destroys the planet. Minus point for Bernie, plus point for Cruz.

    It seems that Cruz's Evangelical sermons rather than speeches were mesmerizing enough to the pseudo-Christians to forget all about ethanol, but also disgusted true Christians so much that they launched a counter attack that same day: Largest online Christian organization condemns Ted Cruz for claiming Christians won him Iowa Caucus There is hope yet that other states will not be fooled by Cruz's pharisaical posturing, but I'm afraid that those Christians who aren't fooled aren't Republicans to start with. Creepy Cruz might well become the Republican favorite if his appeal to pseudo-Christians continues across other states and this may lead to a very unsavory presidential election indeed. I don't think Cruz would stand a chance, because the (white) pseudo-Christians is a minority in the States, but it would pitch progressive/centralists against its dominant religion in a country which has put the separation of state and church in its constitution and which is in the process of becoming more secular each year (Pew Research Center's New Report on Religion in America ). This could have far-reaching consequences in the coming year.

  8. Thanks all.  Swamped!  Hugs!!

  9. So glad Faithful America made the news with their 100,000+ leaders of faith that this vote does not actually reflect the majority of Christians in this country.

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