Jan 312016

I completed the Open Thread and went to save it only to get a message of an error, and the content went into cyber purgatory never to be seen again.  I wonder if it was something I said?  Yesterday was busy with teaching.  After finishing an ESL lesson, I tutoured grade 7 math and grade 3 English spelling.  By the time I arrived home at 20:30, the furbabies were ready to lynch me and I was too tired so no Open Thread yesterday.  Today has been much calmer, that is until I lost my thread.

Short Takes

Huffington Post — The poisoning of the majority-black population of the city is a product of a system failing the people of Flint on many levels over a long period of time. To really start unpacking the historical roots of the crisis, you have to go back to slavery itself, which debased the humanity and devalued the lives of black people from well before our nation's founding; followed by the Jim Crow era of legal segregation, discrimination, and violence against black Americans, which resulted in early 20th century migrations of black people from the segregated south to urban manufacturing centers of the northern United States. When they got there, they found cities without legal segregation, yet with de facto segregation and discrimination alive and well in both white attitudes and systems. The arrival and growth of black populations in northern cities was followed shortly thereafter by white flight to the suburbs, aided by discriminatory housing policies that effectively prevented the vast majority of black people from joining them and blocked the financing of black homes even in the cities.

I came across this piece and thought to share it and the following 28 minute video "America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America".  Wallis talks of racism and white privilege as moral issues that are "…in the air that we breathe and the water we drink." At Politics Plus, we often talk about pseudo Christianity and authentic Christianity, especially as it relates to the political scene.  We talk also about white privilege and the political effects.  As Wallis says "So let's change the water — and the air."

Think Progress — The Ku Klux Klan has gotten a bad rap, according to one Georgia lawmaker. He says the terror group “was not so much a racist thing but a vigilante thing to keep law and order” that “made a lot of people straighten up.”

That leader is now hellbent on stopping the “cultural cleansing” of the South’s heritage. So far this year, State Rep. Tommy Benton (R) has co-sponsored two bills to preserve the Confederate’s legacy.

Another Republican nutter.

Mother Jones — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's presidential campaign never really caught steam. In Iowa, he's barely registering in the polls, and in New Hampshire (seemingly friendlier territory) he's generally in sixth place. So with the first votes fast approaching, he's settled on a strategy of attacking the non-Trump frontrunners, particularly Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, as dishonest politicians who are lying to voters.

This from Pignocchio whose nose is so long that he would be unable to do a field sobriety test of touching his finger to the end of his nose!  That's rich!

Alternet — “It’s really frightening,” survivor Al Munzer told the newspaper. “When you see these mass rallies that Trump is able to attract, you really wonder: How are they buying into this message of hate?”

The most direct answer to Munzer’s question can be found in the words of Trump’s followers themselves, who aren’t so much buying into hate as they are enthusiastically supporting the guy boosting the hate and racism they already feel. For all his self-aggrandizement, even Donald Trump wouldn’t likely claim to have hypnotized his supporters. He’s merely speaking directly to a huge demographic of overwhelmingly white voters who want blacks, Mexicans, Muslims and others out of the country they believe belongs to them. This is what they mean by "making America great again."

We hear a lot of references to Adolf Hitler when talking about Trump and his racist, xenophobic ideas.  I am not enamoured of such talk, but some survivors of Hitler's final solution see distinct similarities.

Huffington Post — A veteran MP losing his voice to the ravages of Lou Gehrig's disease found an innovative way to make himself heard in the House of Commons Wednesday.

mauril belanger

And Mauril Belanger made history in the process.

This is a story of perseverence and courage.  Mauril Bélanger, MP has represented Ottawa-Vanier for 20 years. Immediately following the Canadian federal election of 19/10/2015, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrigs disease.  Some thought he would step down, but that is not his style.  His voice is greatly affected so he has come up with an idea to allow him to continue.

My Universe — 


  7 Responses to “Squatch’s Open Thread 30/01/2016”

  1. Lost my comment, ugh!
    HP: Excellent article! ''If we are oblivious to the racism still in our social systems, and we can't deny our complicity with it.'' WE need to change that, and do what is right for these folks, and the children.

    TP: Seriously?? I really have to wonder where these guys come up with this stuff. The Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. The KKK is a violent, racist, terrorist organization, and a civic disaster in communities. He needs some 'water and air' big time!!

    AlterNet: Jones needs to re-read history, between 15-30 million Jews died by Hitler's hands, and his evil cohorts.

    HP: Kudos to Mr. Belange!!!! Well done, Sir!

    My Universe: How adorable!!

    Yes, where do lost comments/post go? It is frustrating, imo. Enjoy your day, and Thanks, Lynn.

  2. Always LOVE the "Simon's Cat" videos – THANKS!

    Interestingly enough, very few critters pass the Mirror Self-Recognition Test (MSR Test) – and cats (unfortunately) aren't one of them.




  3. Lynn, you might want to consider using Windows Live Writer to compose your articles.  If not, selecting the entire article [CTRL-A] followed by copying it to the clipboard [CTRL-C], before you publish, makes it recpoverable with a Paste [CTRL-P].

    I agree with the caveat that poor whites are equally harmed.  There are just a smallew proportion of them.

    Another typical Republican.

    What nose?  Pignocchio has a snout!



    I can tell it's me in the mirror, because no other feline could possibly be so good looking!!

    • I write ALL my posts as a Word Document.  That way not only can I keep a folder of them, but it avoids them from disappearing when posting.

  4. The first time Hubby lost all his work, while taking an introductory class, he was so distressed!  I tried to comfort him – "Honey, don't take it personally.  It wasn't anything you did.  It just means you're not a computer virgin any more."  I think it helped.

    HuffPo – I don't subscribe to the Sojourners' magazine (a bit pricey – I do trust them to be steward of it, but I just don't have it to spare) but I do subscribe to the free newsletter with ine article and links to four or five more most-read ones, so I do know about this upcoming book ("America's Original Sin") and Jim Wallis.  The most recent newsletter, I wanted to cry when I read the first three comments – all along the lines of "Jim Wallis just blames race for everything that's wrong whatever."  Sojourners blog, as a Christian community should be, is highly inclusive and welcomes everyone who wants to come., and Jim is not the only one whose articles garner comments like this.  I try to bite my tongue and think "If you get someone disturbed about a wrong atatus quo, you are doing something right."  The video I will watch when I can.

    Think Progress – I had a coffee date with a dear friend yesterday, and the conversation came round to people like this.  She wondered why people act like this – it's not just confederate history, it's all kinds of things.  I said she might find it hard to believe, but I suspect any time someone or some group gets revealed to be truly oppressed, these people get jealous (possibly of the attention).  They get it into their heads that what they call "victim status" would give them some kind of advantage, and they play the story for all it is worth.  Yes, I realize that is the mentality of a two-year-old.  If the shoe fits…..

    MoJo – The only time a Republican politician isn't lying is when he is calling another Republican politician a liar.  This is probably the only truth to come from Christie in years.

    AlterNet – Yes, the hate or potential hate was there.  Hitler found a group of voters who were unhappy because they were, or felt they were, losing good things they once had, or thought they had.  All Hitler did was give them a scapegoat to blame.  He may not even have had any personal hate for or fear of Jews (I think he did, but my point is he wouldn't have needed to).  But he knew his base.

    HuffPo II – Courageous and eloquent.  I like that his courage and brains were appreciated with a standing ovation, and that at least some opponents were able to see and recognize that, whther they agreed with the bill or not.  We used to have that in American politics.  I hope we can again without needing to have a war first.

    Universe – Cats as a species don't pass the MSR, right.   But occasionally one comes across a rare individual who does.  Even then, it's not generally right away.  It takes time and habituation.

  5. Yup, cyberspace is out there and it will get all of us one time or another. Sorry it hat to be you this time, Lynn. Still catching up, so just a thank you for Simon's cat, which is all I can manage now.

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