Dec 132015

In politics it is said, that when not fueled by hope there is a vacuum for fear to fill. Since artists turn to the muses, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope we are exploring what they can offer us for inspiration to have the hope fueling politics.forgotten-muses-1226788
There is no illusion greater than fear.”
― Lao Tzu
If you are pained by external things, it is not they that disturb you, but your own judgement of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgement now.
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Let us now turn to Thalia and her gift of agriculture (video of a problem with the solution and petition):

Climate justice activist Bill McKibben writes, “I don’t see any point in simply despairing. There are things we can do to help avert disaster, and I’m going to try to do them, and write about them, and blow on as many embers as I can in the hopes that they’ll start a fire.” Source: email from Rev. Kathleen McTigue, Director Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice

Does it inspire faith and hope when you can take action on something?

Or do you require Calliope’s justice:

Continuing with Ourania who might claim this as celestial (includes video):

Does this inspire you with how it transforms the conversation and empowers others?

Clio (history) reminds us of history we shouldn’t lose (includes video):

Erato claims this kind of love (includes video):

Can we honor love and still feel fear>

Let’s Move to some of Euterpe’s instruments (video):

Does such creativity generate hope?

And this Monday we'll end with Terpsichore combining her harp and dance (video):

Does music soothe a troubled soul and inspire hope?

And thank you dear reader for joining me on this journey of discovery and quest for hope!


  8 Responses to “Monday Morning Musings December 14, 2014”

  1. Excellent short 3 minute video
    We do need to do something about our unhealthy food system.
    Union of Concerned Scientists. petition signed.

    Oil in the Corrientes
     EarthRights International
    Published on Dec 9, 2015
    Achuar communities in the Peruvian Amazon struggles to protect itself from the oil operations of U.S.-based Occidental Petroleum.

    The oil companies must be held accountable for all the pollution done and for all the bad health caused by their careless, disregard for the communities living there. 

    A light-up dress on the red Carpet.. What will they think of next? Nyong'o wore a beautifully designed dress that resembles the night sky (or a galaxy far, far away).
    The dress was gorgeous, a ZAC Zac Posen design, and covered in flashing LED lights, lighting up in various intricate patterns as she walked down the carpet. 

    An unusual concept – One of the most groundbreaking, critically acclaimed, and delightful video games of 2014 began in a highly unlikely place — Anchorage, Alaska.

    Love Notes – Using the hashtag #100LoveNotes, people are taking time to reflect on their lives and show appreciation to others.
    "I've received notes from Toronto and I've gotten messages from the United Kingdom, Scotland, New Zealand, all over the United States," Hyong tells me. "It's been an experience just watching how the internet responds." 

    Funny Instrumental Classic violin piano ochestra – The music and the violinists were excellent. Whimsical. Watch on YouTube, The bing connection did not work.

    Allegro for Dancing Harp (Dance Medley) – Remy van Kesteren – Beautiful music and video. Have a listen and watch.

  2. I do play games like "Never Alone," and I see that in addition to being made for gameplaying consoles (which I don't have or use), it comes in PC (which I do use) and Mac formats.  I've written my primary game source about it, and shortcutted a backup source through which I can get it if they are not interested.  So I will be playing it – eventually.

  3.     Too often we suffer most sorely
        and thereby feel most poorly
        from dreaded aches and pains. Thomas Chatterton (1752-1770)

    I've quoted it before to translate an old Dutch proverb which is broader and not limited to illness: Man suffers most from the suffering he fears.

    Loved the way this vide explained the broken food system. The name of the organization, Plate of the Union, works the same way: a funny way to approach a very serious topic. There's only so much information you can get across before people loose interest, so I understand perfectly that they let out another area that would benefit greatly if our food would be healthier: factory farming of meat. cows, pigs, chickens… It doesn't look like mankind is turning vegan or even vegetarian shortly, so there isn't an animal that wouldn't benefit from us eating healthier food, including meat. We would eat less of it and the animals would have a healthy, outdoor life too, fed on healthier (natural) food themselves and not be pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics to make them grow fast in overcrowded barns. This in turn makes the meat much healthier too.

    I often feel it's not enough to just sign petitions.There are so many about and if there's no follow up they become meaningles and powerles; in larger, more serious cases litigation and such are the only way to proceed. Sadly that takes a lot of funding, money which could have been spent so much better in the first place. But petitions and the like do spread awareness and that is always a good thing. Even wearing a dress with programmed led-lights creates awareness if the story behind it gets attention. Awareness of their own culture through a video game is amazing, of course. This doesn't only benefit the native group which learns and retains cultural values by playing, but also anyone outside this group who will learn off and understand a culture other than their own.

    Erato may claim the 100 beautiful messages of love, but when you ask if we can still feel fear if we honor love, Judi, then the answer is yes: fear to lose that love, fear to lose that loved one, fear that something happens to the children you love…

    Of course, music can always drive away your fears, it doesn't need to be humorous or serious, classical or modern, you just need to connect to it on some level. I try to listen to some Bach each day and that works for me, it's beauty always lifts my spirits no matter how serious or frivolous the piece may be.

    Thanks for your guided tour by the muses again, Judi, I've much enjoyed it.

  4. Clio: I'm delighted to read about this. Kudos to the team who made "Never Alone"!!

    Erato: So very, very Sweet, I loved this.

    Euterpe: Beautiful. I love this, I found it soothing.

    Terpsichore: Every time an old Marx brothers movie comes on, I can be at the other side of the house, but..I'll drop what I'm doing and run to watch Harpo play the harp. Beautiful music !

    Judi, Thanks!!

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