Dec 132015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how nauseating InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Sean Hannity mocks Michelle Obama for being in favor of education.

Hannity-tinIn case you haven’t been noticing lately—because Jon Stewart is no longer keeping his eye on Fox, and Trevor Noah can’t or won’t hold Fox’s feet to the fire—Sean Hannity is still a complete d-bag. So nice to know that some things never change in this crazy, mixed up, ever-changing world of ours.

On Thursday, Hannity used his air-time to lambast Michelle Obama for encouraging kids to go to college.

ISIS is on the rise. The Middle East, in complete turmoil. The Western world is under constant threat from Islamic jihadists but, your first lady Michelle Obama is busy making a rap music video about going to college.,” Hannity said, later suggesting the video suggested the “Obamas are completely out of touch.”

Yeah, don’t they know that everyone should drop everything immediately and go into full-on panic mode about ISIS. Jeez.

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The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, hate education, because they want to keep sheeple stupid.  This is just the fifth of five nauseating Republican moments from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.


  8 Responses to “Last Week’s Nauseating Republican Moments”

  1. 1.  TomCat's Parade #81 so comprehensively covered what a spoiled brat Abigail Fisher is (even to the picture – did you ever see anyone whose facial expression was so "spoiled brat" in your life?) that it's not worthwhile rehashing to case here.  And, as for statistics, Scalia made them up.  The graduation rate is higher at "select" universites for ALL students, of ALL colors, of ALL ethnicities, and ALL levels of preparedness, than it is at open admission universities and colleges nation wide.  When I was that age, there was even a saying, "Hard to get in, easy to stay in," applied to schools like Stanford and the Ivy League – and the converse was also known to be true.  Hey – maybe that's Abigail's real issue – maybe she knows she doesn't have the discipline not to drop out of an open admission college.  Ya think?  Naah, me neither.  She's not that bright.

    2.  The thread in common among the nations Pat Buchanan mentions – Germany, France, Sweden, the UK – is that they are all very, very white.  Where there are white people, there are going to be white supremacists.  Not everyone will be a white supremacist, but there will be some.  And they will be very, very loud.  Personally I susoect it is some kind of genetic flaw that came with whiteness – which is a mutation – originally all humans were persons of color.

    3. – Unbelieveable.  Just – unbelievable.

    4.  The spectacle of  would-be Republican candidate, funded by the national elite, worried about the will of the voters being subverted – it simply beggars belief.

    5.  Ha!  It's probably not her encouraging kids to go to college that is raising his hackles.  It's probably the rap.  I am not an expert on rap, so I can't possibly evaluate the quality of the video itself, but then neither can Hannity.  He must have handlers restraining him from trying.

  2. an educated electorate will never vote for the GOP

  3. 1. Scalia: Scalia almost trumps "hairball" Trump. Not quite. More people know about Trump than they do about Scalia. Most do not know that Scalia sits on the Supreme Court, one of nine members of it. 

    Scalia is an outright racist and wants to segregate the school populations as it was before the civil rights. Scalia needs to retire, impeached, censored. Stoned? lol. 

    2. Pat Buchanan: Out of his mind and he should get out of sight permanently. Pat's ramblings about Europe are just that, incoherent mumblings. 

    3. Trump & Cruz: Trump is going after Cruz's cuban heritage and as an immigrant. According to the latest polls, Cruz is ahead of Trump makes me wonder what the Iowans are smoking these days – GMO corn? 

    4. Ben Carson: take your toys and go away from the public. Ben shot his mouth off one time too many. 

    5. Sean Hannity; Sean has very little knowledge of what is going on about the middle east and ISIS. Michelle is more educated than Sean will ever be. Glad that Michelle is pro education. Sean needs to crawl under a rock and stay there along with his less educated "followers".

  4. I saw the Hannity piece on e-mail, from Altrnet: Just as stupid as trump's comment about Pres. Obama paying attentioin to the Paris talks!

    Keep the sheeple stupid, indeed!

    Too bad Scalia won't take his withered toy brain and go away, quietly!

    Buchanan still has use of his mouth?  A shame, as he's not had use of his brain for ages!

    Trump and Cruz deserve one another!  Trump's father (and mother, I wonder?) simply came to the US one generation earlier than Cruz' family…so that makes Trump a "eal" American?

  5. "Hannity attended St. Pius X Preparatory Seminary in Uniondale, Long Island, New York, graduating in 1980. He dropped out of New York University and decided to pursue a radio career. He has received an honorary degree from Jerry Falwell's Liberty University (2005)."


    Sounds like it's sour grapes because he couldn't succeed in college.



  6. Scalia has just offered further proof that he should never have been appointed to the Supreme Court and enforced the fact that SCOTUS members should have term limits.

    Is anyone else as amazed as I am that Trump is so popular?  He is an ignorant bully.

    Cruz:  Sleaze,

    Hannity:  Belongs at Fox.

    Can't believe my laptop held out this long.  MIssed these posts.  Hope you are doing well. 





    Monday December 14, 2015, 4:31 am
    There are few words in English that properly describe the thoughts that come through the mouths of "our" republican representatives, media and leadership. Most of the time while I am being exposed to that garbage the word "Chutzpah" keeps going through my mind. Cruz, Hannity, Trump, Scalia, Buchanan, Carson, Rubio and all wannabes need to find some sand to bury their heads in…peace.

  8. We've discussed the dumbing down of America quite often in the past years here, so it certainly isn't anything new on the Republican repertoire. In fact, what Sean Hannity is doing here is mere maintenance on what has been going on for decades and obviously has worked very well, seeing the reactions of Americans to the GOP candidates. Hannity is just giving it a quick top up with a little Obama bashing for good measure. If you can't bash the president directly, the first lady will do just as nicely, thank you. The fact that Faux News viewers swallow it at all only tells you how deep their dumbing down has reached.

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