Oct 292015

Today I have Short Takes for you.  I’m busy preparing for surgery.  Please keep me in your prayers.

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: There were fireworks at Wednesday night’s Republican Presidential debate as the retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Texas Senator Ted Cruz sparred over their differing timetables for hastening the end of the world.

While both Carson and Cruz stressed their commitment to accelerating the end times as described in the Book of Revelation, they offered starkly different visions of how they would bring them about.

When Carson said he hoped to bring the world to an end during his first term in office, he received a mocking rebuke from Cruz.

“That’s not soon enough,” the Texas senator said. “When I am President, I will start working to make the Rapture happen on day one.”

Sorry Andy. This is way too close to true to be funny.

From NY Times: Hillary Rodham Clinton had planned to focus her remarks Wednesday at a Politics and Eggs breakfast in Manchester, N.H., in support of the politically fraught, if somewhat arcane, issue of the Export-Import Bank and how it helps small businesses in the United States.

But a voter’s question about the death penalty pushed Mrs. Clinton to confront the heated issue for the first time in the Democratic nominating contest.

Asked her position on capital punishment, Mrs. Clinton said she did not support abolishing the death penalty, but she did encourage the federal government to rethink it.

In my opinion, that’s double-talk. We need to hit her on this, until she changes her mind.

From Daily Kos: It’s not hard to admire and respect Anonymous when they seek to destroy the scum of the earth. In a non-violent way, they often target those who are rarely challenged, due to others fearing retaliation. In this case, Anonymous has set its sites on shutting down the KKK/Ku Klux Klan. In the past year, Anonymous has become more aggressive and attacked KKK’s main Twitter account, publishing personal information of members from TALKKK, causing some members to leave. Bye, Felicia.

In a statement released last week, Anonymous said they respect the First Amendment. The attack is for different reason:

"We are not attacking you because of what you believe in, as we fight for freedom of speech. We are attacking you because of what you do to our brothers and sisters.

In Anonymous’s "Operation KKK," they now plan to release 1,000 identities from the hate group. It would seem exposing members of this malicious, racist, and sometimes murderous gang would have taken place decades ago. But then, we didn’t have the same internet/social media tools we have today. KKK is one of the most vicious groups in America…

Click through. I look forward to the list, which could be called Who’s Who in the Republican Party.

Cartoon: not homemade



  12 Responses to “On the Edge–10/29/2015”

  1. posted to Care2  On the Edge–10/29/2015

    This is a direct link to Care2.


  2. Theodore Roosevelt was absolutely correct!

    Hang in there TC. 

  3. Of course you are in my prayers, and I expect I speak for everyone who prays.  And that those who don't will be sending good thoughts or warmth or white light or other positive things.

    It is good to see your Short Takes.  Just to see them.  But they are good also.

    New Yorker – Well, they didn't use those words, but that certainly is what they said.

    NY Times –  "Well, no, I don't support abolishing it.  But Congress should rethink it.  And when they finally do abolish it, I will say that was my intent all along."  I see what you mean.  She is also so far superior to any Republican it beggars belief.

    Daily Kos – The video was short enough for me to look at, and therefore too short to have more than a couple of dozen names, if so many.  I did not recognize any of them.  If they releas a thousand I will probably recognize at least one or two.

    They have the right idea on the First Amendment, or, as we used to say, your right to swing your arm ends where my nose begins.  (Or my brother's nose.)  For a non-American take on our First Amendment, http://wellthisiswhatithink.com/2015/10/29/why-free-speech-is-not-and-should-not-be-absolute/

    Cartoon – Maybe not original, but right to the point.  Those Roosevelts – Democrats, Republicans, or Bull Meese – they had principles.

  4. Teddy Roosevelt was completely correct! We need to spread this virally! Anyone that reads that might want to re-evaluate their party alignments if they are of the RepukkklicanTs mindset!

    Gotta click thru for the other stuff!

    We start our game tonight, TC! You ready to ROCK??? I got ya beat, I bet! 

    Take care of yourself, !!!!!!

  5. New Yorker: Sometimes I overlook where the article comes from and get right into reading it. With this one, I said out loud "What…?" Then I see that it is Andy B. End of the World politics from any GOP/TP/Koch Party person really means end of the USA. The republican mandate is to destroy USA for the big corporations. Whenever I see the word "rapture", it reminds me of Sarah Palinsane. lol. 

    NY Times: Yes, the pros and cons are going to continue with this capital punishment debate for a while. More and more states are abolishing the death penalty these days. It has been discovered that one innocent person executed for a crime not committed is one person too many. 

    Kos: Anonymous’s not only hacked into "KKK", it also hacked into a live faux news broadcast. Good for them. lol. 

    Cartoon: In complete agreement with Theodore Roosevelt. Theo said this over 100 years ago and it is still relevant today.

  6. Prayers definitely continuing my friend.

  7. The New Yorker — Well that just got shoved out of Friday's OT.  But you're correct TC, too close for comfort! Guano has more going for it than these idiots!

    NY Times — How to say nothing while saying everything!  This is the kind of thing that I hate about politics. Unlike Bernie who has come out categorically against the death penalty, Clinton is trying to appease too many. For what reason, I don't know.  So much for being a leader.

    Daily Kos — OK TC, are you channeling me as I scrub the internet?  I picked this story up too, even had a picture!  I don't necessarily agree with everything Anonymous does, but I very much agree with this.

    Cartoon — I agree with Nameless, Teddy Roosevelt was ahead of his time!  I wonder what the US would look like now had Teddy not put the boots to the trusts.

    This from Wikipedia:

    One of Roosevelt's first notable acts as president was to deliver a 20,000-word address to Congress asking it to curb the power of large corporations (called "trusts"). He also spoke in support of organized labor to further chagrin big business, but to their delight, he endorsed the gold standard, protective tariffs and lower taxes. For his aggressive use of United States antitrust law, he became known as the "trust-buster". He brought 40 antitrust suits, and broke up major companies, such as the largest railroad and Standard Oil, the largest oil company.

    Thoughts and prayers for Monday.  I am sure everything will be OK, but you will be a sore Puddy Tat!

  8. You are in our prayers, and have been since this started.  Hang in there!  We have missed your posts!

    The New Yorker:  Yes, this is too close to be funny, since if either of them get elected, we will all be hoping for the rapture.

    NY Times:  I agree, that is double talk, but it is something Hillary does well.

    Daily Kos:  I bet there will be some surprising names on the list.  Many who represent themselves as do gooders are secret racists.  I bet most of them go to church every Sunday, too.

    Cartoon:  Too bad SCOTUS didn't listen to him. 


  9. Always in my thoughts, TomCat.  Andy is scary sometimes, isn't he?  I expect much more than that from Hillary.  I read about Anonymous' plans and fully support them.  Cartoon is spot on, Teddy was smarter than he generally gets credit for being.

  10. Good luck with that surgery, TomCat. I hope they'll let you know soon where you are going to stay after that and for how long, because uncertainty about where you'll be isn't helpfully.

    The New Yorker:  Republicans in general, and Republican candidates specifically, are stating such outlandish and insane things to get a few hands of some extreme right-wing Dodo together, that it hard to determine where insanity ends and satire begins. But if either one of those candidates made it to president of the USA it would feel like the end of the world for many even before he was inaugurated.

    NY Times: That's no answer, Hillary Clinton, and it shows how thin the Democratic veneer on you is in certain places, especially around the heart. I don't know what Bernie Sander's view on the death penalty is, but I would be very surprised, and dismayed, if he wasn't against it in no uncertain terms.

    Daily Kos: One can only rejoice of these non-violent attacks of Anonymous on the KKK, but at the same time it is very sad that this group literally has to work from anonymity for safety reasons. It seems some groups in society are more entitled to the First Amendment than others. That leads to the incongruity of a group called Anonymous releasing the names of a 1000 members who, up till now had been anonymous within the KKK.

    Cartoon: Either Theodore Roosevelt was enormously ahead of his time or America has gone back in time for a great number of years.

  11. Out if chair time.


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