Oct 252015

Well I am still very much down with primarily a cold and aches . . . and it doesn't seem to be letting up yet, unfortunately.  And yes, I am drinking lots of fluids (I can put a racehorse to shame!) and getting lots of rest (hibernating bears should be so lucky!).  I take no responsibility for passing the bug through my posts!

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:04 (average 5:47). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes 

The Fiscal Times — If it succeeds, we will again confirm the power of money in politics, in a manner more pernicious than campaign contributions. This represents a bid to directly purchase Congressional votes. Even if we rolled back Citizens United and moved to publicly financed elections, this brazen yet constitutionally protected activity would remain a feature of our politics.

 As long as there are billionaires and greed, their money will flow through our political system, seeking a high return on investment. 

This is a prime example of how the rich get richer and ordinary people pay for it.

A reminder of who the fiscal conservatives are . . .  (h/t Carrie B)

Too Informed To Vote Republican's photo.

Alternet — After host George Stephanopoulos quoted conservative critics, like Byron York, who claimed Clinton won the day, Fiorina countered by saying that “she did reasonably well,” but that the hearings demonstrated “that she won’t be held accountable until we have a nominee in a general election debate who will hold her accountable.”

There goes Fiorini again!  . . . off in her own little bubble universe!

“I think there were a lot of Democrats on that committee who were focused on salvaging the nominee on their part,” she said.

And there were even more Republicans who were solely focused on killing Clinton's candidacy using public funds for their partisan witch hunt.

The committee consists of 12 members, 7 Republicans and 5 Democrats. That's an overpowering number of Democrats based on Fiorini's words.

Majority Minority


From Wikipedia

She fails to address all the investigations that did not occur to the same degree but which have greater loss of life: (just to name three)

  • 9/11 attack by al Qaeda on the WTC in New York with 2,977 killed;
  • Oklahoma domestic terrorist bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in 1995 with 168 killed, 680+ wounded;
  • USS Cole attack by Al Qaeda in 2000 with 17 dead, 39 wounded.


From  Benghazi Article by Nameless

Benghazi does not even come close to these acts in terms of investigations by Congressional committees, nor in deaths.  Yet Republicans are wasting time and money as they continue to push for something that does not exist.  No disrespect is meant to Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other three who were killed at Benghazi, but where is the equivalency?  What most Republicans, including Fiorini, also fail to mention are the budget cuts to security at US embassies promulgated by Congressional Republicans.

NY Times — Before an audience of mostly students in an auditorium at George Mason University, Mr. Chafee made it official in early June that he was running for president. He argued that his experience at all levels of government and his ability to work with people from different parties made him uniquely qualified for the job. However, his quirky call for a change to the metric system overshadowed his announcement. “I happened to live in Canada as they completed the process,” Mr. Chafee said that day. “Believe me, it’s easy. It doesn’t take long before 34 degrees is hot.”

Lincoln Chaffe?  Now admittedly, I am a foreigner, a Canuck to be sure, and I had never heard of Chaffee.  To me, it seemed he just suddenly appeared in the Democratic primary race, like a puff of smoke . . . and then he was gone.  I didn't get a chance to watch the Democrats debate, what with Canada having its own debates during the now decided federal election.  The NY Times reported his stance on some of the issues. In The Atlantic, reporter Molly Ball asks a simple question, "Why Did Lincoln Chafee Even Run?".  In my opinion, Chafee seemed to be milquetoast. I'm not sure that Ball came to any firm conclusion other than "He was a bad candidate but a lovely guest—quiet, polite, unobtrusive."

My UniverseALERT!!!

 hanky time smaller




  19 Responses to “Squatch’s Open Thread 25/10/2015”

  1. 5::15 (5:47)  That's a lot of – m'ph'm.

    Fiscal Times – Good grief.  Kind of reminiscent of this, though:

    Alternet – Good grief.  Notice how they have stopped talking about embassy security being underfunded – since apparently enough people now know it was Republicans who de-funded it (one of the things they do best).

    NY TImes – Chaffee was good on anti-war.  Aside from that he didn't have much of a platform.  I had never heard of him either – and kind of feel like I still haven't.

    Universe – Aaaw!

    • I looked at that article.  I find it reprehensible that one family, one company, can exude so much influence over a state of 5.758 million people that nothing else matters.  In that light, Icahn is no different . . . everything/everyone has a price and he will find it.

  2. Great job.  Feel better.  Hugs & prayers.

    • Thanks, but this is nothing compared to what you're going through.  It sure does zap my energy though and I crave my pillow too much.  Take care and quit chasing the nurses!  Prayers have not stopped.  Even lit a few candles.

  3. thanks


  4. Yup–and in all polls a majority want to be rid of the impact of CU.

    Carly is so imaginative–wonder whether she has an imaginary friend speaking into her ear what to say.

    Chafee was in the GOP until the TP takeover and couldn't stomach it there any more so is now a DEM.  He has a bipartisan history and a stellar record of opposing unjustified wars.

    Just keep the deer away from my roses and tulips please.

  5. 3:58  I'm not even close to Lynn today, and that's no bull.

  6. "A stellar record of opposing unjustified wars," is marvelous, and would make him something of a hero to me, but, in the debate, he appeared sooo outclassed, had difficulty simply speaking. 

    Benghazi security underfunded, by the Republicans?  I guess if Faux News is all one watches, like so many GOP sheep, one would never have heard of this before!

    Fiorini is a total fruit, period.  Somewhere, in the inner workings of the RNC, there must be someone whose job it is to search through the back wards of psychiatric hospitals in search of people like her, Bachman, Hockey Mom from Alaska, Ron Paul, etc.

  7. Get well soon, Lynn. We simply cannot have you coughing all over the internet cyber space. lol. Hugzzz.

    Fiscal Times: Carl Icahn is just plain bad news all around. Carl is well known as a  corporate raider and cannot be trusted. He is only interested in making more money for himself. 

    I am still waiting for Ted Cruz to pay back the 24 billion dollars he owes the taxpayer. Cruz needs to pay back or be thrown into prison for failure to pay his debts. Send him to a debtors prison. 

    As for the ACA votes, this issue should be stopped, period. Enough is enough! 

    End the Benghazi Select Committee! 

    This shameless stunt has lasted even longer than the investigations into Pearl Harbor, Iran-Contra and the Kennedy assassination – and it’s costing taxpayers $4.7 million and counting. Americans across the country need to come together to end this now.

    Add your name to condemn Republicans’ partisan attacks and call to disband the Benghazi Select Committee once and for all.


    Carly Fiorini is simply pathetic and a liar. Carly will soon be out of contention for the nomination by her own party. People across the country are realizing that Carly is simply awful and a fruitcake. 

    NY Times:  Former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee gave a wonderful speech as he announced his withdrawal from the Demo nomination race. He advocated Peace instead of war. 


    Universe. Cute video story.

  8. Hope you feel better soon!

    The Fiscal Times:  This just shows that if you have enough money you can always buy our government.

    Alternet:  All the Benghazi investigations have ever been about is to discredit Hillary.

    NY Times:  Chaffee was a nonentity in the debate.

    My Universe:  Awe, that was wonderful thank you Lynn.

  9. I hope you feel better real soon, Lynn. Flues can make you feel so terrible and they sap all the energy out of you. So keep taking good care of yourself, please.

    Fiscal Times: Now buying individual members of Congress is already considered a bad return on investment by the 1% like Carl Icahn, the best way now is to by your own legislation by lobbying, i.e  buying the necessary votes to get the legislation you want. Considering Icahn is putting up "only" $150 Million for one particular piece of legislation which simply lures corporations, that have moved offshore because of better tax-deals, back with even more attractive tax cuts here. Imagine how many billions he's going to make of it when it passes. Both laws and their lawmakers have become a complete farce in banana republic America, billionaires aren't even bothered to hide what they're doing in Congress.

    Alternet: From the Republican debate, we've learned that Fiorini does not shy away from lies and deceit to make a point, so these remarks on Clinton's Benghazi hearing are no surprise. If there's a way to spin it to her own advantage, she will, and she's of course alluding to herself when she says “that [Hillary Clinton] won’t be held accountable until we have a nominee in a general election debate who will hold her accountable.” Let's hope Hillary will hold her accountable then for the thousands of people who lost their jobs at HP due to her mistakes and errors of judgment.

    NY Times: Andy had already hinted that Chafee'd better quit last week, and though Chafee may have a point on America's tendency to hang on to measurement system that the rest of the world has left behind ;-), that is hardly a basis for a presidential campaign. Chafee quitting saves me from remembering another name too.

    My Universe: What a beautiful and happy story. The faun's rescuers were admirable in their compassion and patience to return it to it's mother. I'd thought there was no chance the mother would accept it again, put the dear man persisted and finally succeeded. How wonderful is that!

  10. Any one considered how much W. cost the country? With his WMD. LIES> IN human lives, more than i100.000,IN IRAQ,S ALONE, AND OF COURSE THE DREADFUL AFTERMATH,(still going on) and of course the dead and disabled America service men and women,and the broken homes. My God it does not seem possible that a "Little Lie) from the so called president could cause such devastation. Follow  that JEB!

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