Sep 222015

Willie Velásquez: 

"Su voto es su voz"

"Your vote is your voice"

Daily Kos  h/t JL — Republican presidential candidates have been making racist remarks about Latinos in the U.S., and they aren't falling on deaf ears. Those same candidates choosing to skip July's National Council of La Raza conference in Kansas City—which was attended by Democrats Hillary ClintonBernie Sanders, and Martin O'Malleydidn't go unnoticed. Acting as if Latinos don't matter in U.S. elections is not only bad politics, it is the height of political stupidity.Latinos listen.

Read the rest of the article at Daily Kos 

Everybody needs to listen and then vote.  The various Latino communities are listening and working hard to get people registered.  What are you doing?

On 19 October 2015, Canada is having a federal election and many, many of us are hoping to kick Stephen Harper to the curb with his Conservative Party Harlots as I call them.  Harper is using the US Republican play book making a mockery of our democracy.  I have people say to me "My vote won't make a difference so I'm not likely to vote.  We'll see."

Voting is a DUTY, a responsibility we MUST embrace if we are to have a government that is worthy of us!  If you don't vote because you couldn't be bothered, then don't complain about the government you get.

To quote Arielle at Care2, "Afraid one of these nuts [Republican presidential candidates] will be elected?"

There is a remedy . . . either register or update your registration, and then 


Regardless whether you vote with electronic voting machines or mail in ballots like Oregon, you need to be REGISTERED!

National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday, 22 September 2015

With many US jurisdictions having November elections with registration deadlines in advance of the election, it is imperative to register or update your registration if you have moved.  If you have questions about your registration, please contact the League of Women Voters .

Once you are registered, make sure that you




  5 Responses to “National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday, 22 September 2015”

  1. Thanks for this important reminder Lynn–I just read where 25% of eligible voters are not registered.

    • Just got an email that included these data:
      "Here are the facts. As of last year:

          51% of millennials were NOT registered to vote
          51% of Asian-Americans were NOT registered to vote
          49% of Latino-Americans were NOT registered to vote
          40% of unmarried women were NOT registered to vote
          37% of African-Americans were NOT registered to vote

      These are important constituencies who are underrepresented in Congress. Their voices need to be heard!"
      I agree and encourage everyone to think of who they know in these categories and share how to register information with them.

  2. I'm registered as a Democrat. Are you? 

    Register and Vote!

  3. The League of Women Voters also has a website for the US at so you can find out what will be on the ballot ahead of the crowd.  I just discovered a ballot issue that will be on my ballot which I hadn't known about, and I don't exactly have my head in the sand.

  4. Thank you for the post, will notify some of my friends too re: this.

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