Aug 182015

I arose early this morning to do some cooking, before the sun came up, so I don’t have to turn on hot things on a 100°+ day.  I have some volunteer work to do, but I’m extremely tired and hope to hunker-down as soon as Store to Door calls to take my grocery order.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:18 (average 5:22).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: This man cannot be president.

I am not exaggerating what happened here.

If a mother was going to give up her child for adoption, the conservative legislature–supported and signed by one Jeb Bush– she was required to PUBLISH HER ENTIRE SEXUAL HISTORY in a major newspaper.

The idea behind it was… actually, I don’t know what the hell the idea was except to publically shame the woman.  (Publically shaming unwed mothers, by the way, is something JEB! actually loudly and proudly called on people to do.)

All I know is that it passed under our wacko bird GOP legislature.

It was called the Scarlet Letter law.

Click through for more. When it comes to misogynist "slut shaming", Strike Three is worse than Rush Limbarf.

From Common Dreams: The Nebraska chapter of the ACLU is threatening to sue one of the state’s public school districts over its invocation, for the first time in decades, of a McCarthy-era state law that requires employees to sign an oath of "love and devotion" to the United States.

Dating back to 1951, the law requires "all persons engaged in teaching in the public schools of the State of Nebraska and all other employees paid from public school funds" to sign the pledge of loyalty. The oath includes the following language (emphasis added):

I acknowledge it to be my duty to inculcate in the hearts and minds of all pupils in my care, so far as it is in my power to do, (1) an understanding of the United States Constitution and of the Constitution of Nebraska, (2) a knowledge of the history of the nation and of the sacrifices that have been made in order that it might achieve its present greatness, (3) a love and devotion to the policies and institutions that have made America the finest country in the world in which to live, and (4) opposition to all organizations and activities that would destroy our present form of government.

While on the books for over half a century, this year is the first time in recent decades that public school administrators have asked teachers to sign the pledge.

Of course it is unconstitutional, but when you stop and think about it, this thing could cut both ways. If applied literally, rather than mythically, teachers would be swearing opposition to SCROTUS (Republican Constitutional VD).

From Right Wing Watch: Yesterday, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah wrote that he is always surprised when he gets accused “of being an apocalyptic doomsdayer” because, after all, people who believe in climate science are “the real doomsdayers in our world.”

The very same day, WorldNetDaily published an article claiming that this September will see a huge, cataclysmic event, a prediction that touched on the “blood moon” prophecy that the far-right outlet has been promoting for years. (Farah once starred in a WorldNetDaily movie about how blood moons signal the Last Days, and took offense when President Obama made a joke about Rep. Michele Bachmann’s claim that his presidency ushered in the End Times).

And just a few days ago, WorldNetDaily also posted this column, “Foreshocks of Armageddon,” which seems to contradict everything Farah just said by alleging that the Rapture and emergence of the Antichrist are just around the corner… [multiple links to World Nut Daily delinked]

What hypocrites! Earth to Republicans! Earth to Republicans!! Hello?!!? Is there anyone with a working brain in that bubble machine of yours? No? I thought not!!




  41 Responses to “Open Thread–8/18/2015”

  1. 4:33 (5:23)  The site says it is empty – but I would think it would work nicely for a catnip smoothie.

    The People's Email Network (PEN) (you know, Citizens United: the Movie) IMO showed real class in their latest email.  It was to announce bulk shiments of Bernie bumper stickers and a new product, Bernie buttons (if you just want one, it's free), but after announcing those, it segued into a defense of Hillary against a "certain Republican candidate" who claims her private server was "5% Petraeus."  Sorry I don't have a link.

    Also would write more about this story but I seem to have something in my eye.

    DKos – I would be a big fan of public shaming if it were applied to bank presidents, as Dorothy L Sayers suggested in the 1930's.  (Referring to the Church of England's Book of Common Prayer, she said they should be denied communion as being "open and notorious evil livers.")

    Common Dreams – In 1951, the "policies and institutions" referred to certainly included Social Security.  Yeah, let's have every Republican member of Congress sign it.  Well, there went that idea.

    Right Wing Watch – Ummmm – isn't Scott Walker the Antichrist?

    Cartoon – Certainly a reluctant civil rights figure.  But every little advance helps.

    • Love your tearjerker and Sayers quotes both…

    • I saw that.  The reason I did not use that story is that I would have had to post the whole thing.

      • I would certainly not expect you to post a whole emaiil.  I didn't either.  But I did think it noteworthy that Bernie supporters are taking the time to defend Hillary against unjust poppycock.  Democrats standing beside Democrats, helping each other, with the trust being the most important thing.  That's how it should be.

  2. I guess the “World” Net Daily doesn’t know much about The World! I bet if you asked any of your neighbors, they might tell them that the climate science is for REAL!
    Take care of yourself in this heat! 100° is very hot up your way! We don’t cook on days it gets over 95° here, so sandwiches are getting regular around here!

  3. 3:56  I got thirsty and stopped for a drink.

  4. Hunker down as soon as possible, TomCat, and stay down as long as you need to stay in that mode as long as you need to.It's best you find a way of making living bearable during a heat wave as we can be sure it won't be the last one this year or in the years to come.

    Daily Koss: Why on earth does Jeb hates women so much? It's starting to look more and more like he has a personal grudge against us. The trouble with people like Jeb, who take their personal animosities and bad experiences and turn them into a political agenda, is that they can find too many fellow victims", men who have been scorned by women, to turn it into legislature. Never mind it takes us all back to the middle ages, and never mind it is based on either religious or personal aversion to women who obviously not have turned another man down.

    Common Dreams: As an outlander I rather refrain from commenting on something that reads as a little too "patriotic" to my taste.

    Right Wing Watch: Is this man for real? Are you telling me that Joseph Farah is an editor of a 'news site' that is actually read by people that can read?

    Cartoon: James Meredith must have been a very brave man.

    • Lona perhaps Strike Three doesn't feel that way himself.  Jist like, with a Latino wife, I don't imagine he hates Latinos.  However, he is too cowardly to stand uo to his owners.

      • It's hard to know.  I once worked with a Sergeant who was always ranting about hating civilians.  One civil servant one day said to him that he couldn't hate all civiians because his wife was a civilian and surely he didn't hate her.  His response?  "Oh, yes, I do.  I screw her every chance I get."

  5. I'm told today is our last triple digit day for at least two weeks.  Hope your wave follows suit.

    Jeb's choice was outrageously obsolete more than a century ago–when does he think he's living?

    Why do people return to past centuries to violate rights?  Thank goodness there is an ACLU to challenge such ghastly choices at odds with the people's real responsibilities.

    Why does Farah remind me of the saying that Satan can also quote scripture?



    • JL, Jebby and the Republicanus/Teabaggerum live in the age of the Scarlet Letter which was the mid 17th century!  Personally, I think they should have to dress that way too!  Sure would be easier to pick them out in a crowd!

    • Consider Jesaus encounter with Satan in the Wilderness.  All the temptations were from Scripture.

  6. I hope you get a break from the horrid weather soon.

    Daily Kos:  Looks like JEB might have been the originator of the "War on Women".  Why are the Republican men so threatened by us?

    Common Dreams: Yes, TC, this might backfire on them.  Has our whole country gone crazy?

    Right Wing Watch:  Good grief, have they never studied any science?

    Cartoon:   And a courageous man he was.

    Update on Cousin Phillip:  He is still in ICU.  They are trying to wean him off the ventilator, he stayed off it 2 hrs today. He is fully alert and fully angry at what has happened to him, rightly so.  He has a long road ahead for recuperating so any prayers and good thoughts are still appreciated.

    • Glad to hear that Phillip is well enough to be angry about what has happened.  Lit a candle at church last Sunday for all of you.  Prayers and thoughts continue.

    • Glad to hear Phillip continues to make progress.  I just hope he can channel his anger into a productive way.

      • Hopefully, he will, he is just frustrated right now.  He still has a trachea tube so cannot eat or drink or speak out loud.  He is a very verbal man, so these limits are too much for him. The person responsible for leaving in the sponge is under investigation and will probalby be fired.  That won't help Phillip, but will certainly help others.

    • Angry is absolutely appropriate.  I second Nameless also.

    • Glad that Philip is getting better. He has every right to be angry.

    • Thanks for the update–I agree with the others and know from experience that anger can be used to fuel recovery faster/more complete than doctors may have predicted.

    • I am still praying for him, and am glad he is angry.  I couldn't tell myguys about the sponge, because I feared mentioning it in front of my friend with cancer, a week before her surgery.  She tends to be a worrier, but her daughter told me she is OK.

  7. Let's be clear: No matter what he says, Jeb Bush is not a moderate. Scratch just beneath the surface of his carefully crafted image and Bush's frightening extremism emerges. Jeb now comes off as a bumbling  "backtracker" on many of the "current issues". Shaming women is not new for Jeb, not at all. Jeb has actually done this with the passage of a law in Florida..

    Factoids about Jeb Bush gleaned from several sources. There are more 'out-there'. 
    These are the factoids about Jeb Bush as I stated and commented earlier in C2 & PP.

    New 'factoids' have been made since, most likely quite a few:

    Jeb Bush said that in order to grow the economy “people should work longer hours” 

    Jeb Bush "Not Sure We Need Half a Billion Dollars for Women’s Health"

    "Jeb wants to 'redirect' Planned Parenthood funding to abstinence-only programs, just like in FL" Wed Aug 05 2015

    Author of this article in Daily Kos says: "This man cannot be president."

    Personally speaking, Jeb Bush is "UNFIT" to be nominated, much less POTUS!

  8. Puzzle — 2:57  I have one of those packs that you wear so that you can drink on the go without stopping!

    Daily Kos — The Scarlet Letter law, eh!  Did Jebby also sign a Scarlet Willie law?  Publishing a woman's information is "slut shaming of the worst kind", but publishing the fellow's information would more likely be met with the "boys being boys" attitude.  How about actually giving a guy a scarlet willie, then every potential partner would know it's been where no self respecting willie should have been.  That might be a real kick at the RNC convention!  I agree with the author's final statement . . . "NONE of them can be president."

    Common Dreams — That #4 is a real kicker, eh?! 

    "But they have deeply held beliefs that do not permit them to sign an outdated McCarthy era pledge. I am sure that your office wants to support valuable employees and not force them to choose between their jobs and their principles."

    I think this ACLU lawyer forgets that the Board is Republicanus/Teabaggerum and as such, supporting the teachers/employees is not in their lexicon.

    Right Wing Watch — Oh, give me strength!

    "…WorldNetDaily also posted this column, “Foreshocks of Armageddon,” … alleging that the Rapture and emergence of the Antichrist are just around the corner…"

    I believe that is the RNC presidential nomination process and the Antichrist is any one of the candiidates for the Republicanus/Teabaggerum presidential nomination.

    Cartoon — A great day!  This from Wikipedia

    "The next day on October 1, 1962, after troops took control, Meredith became the first African-American student to enroll at the University of Mississippi.  Meredith's admission is regarded as a pivotal moment in the history of civil rights in the United States. He persisted through harassment and extreme isolation to graduate on August 18, 1963, with a degree in political science."

  9. Two notes WRT Jebya's idea of a "compassionate conservative" as witnessed by his "Scarlett Letter Law":

    [1] Marco Rubio was in the Florida state legislature at that time – and VOTED FOR IT (Surprise! Surprise!)

    Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was also in the same legistature – and VOTED AGAINST IT (Good on her!)

    [2] It was REPEALED two years later when the Florida courts all ruled it was UNCONSTITUTIONAL

  10. Jeb, IN which way are you an overweight idiot and liar . Oh.:" LET ME COUNT THE WAYS" apologies to the immortal bard.

  11. Just got a good news email worth sharing:
    " Dear Fight for the Future member,

    I talked to Chelsea on the phone last night and got the news: even though she was convicted of all four of the ridiculous “charges” the military brought against her, but she was not sentenced to ANY solitary confinement.

    That’s amazing.

    Chelsea told me that nearly every prisoner that goes before one of these “disciplinary” boards gets at least some time in solitary confinement. Sh said that “absolutely and without a doubt” it was our petition, signed by more than 100,000 people like you, and the massive media coverage surrounding it, that stopped the Army using that form of torture on her.

    Chelsea’s attorney at the ACLU agreed, telling The Guardian that “It was no doubt this support that kept [Chelsea] out of solitary confinement.”1…

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