Jul 312015

Dang!  Being out and about in that heat is miserable.  I’m sure glad I took water along.  The surgery went very well, it was painless, and my foot was much more painful when I went in than when I left.  I had to walk over a block from the lift bus to get home.  It was 95° at the time, and that really wiped me out.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:39 (average 4:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

I am so proud of my fellow Portlanders’ heroism in yesterdays 103° heat, I just had to include this.




  21 Responses to “Personal Update–7/31/2015”

  1. No raincoats, sunglasses or plain brown paper wrapper needed, but if you want to see something extraordinarily OBSCENE, just click on this:


    Now, on the lighter side – how about that guy in Texas … who got wounded … when the bullet he shot at an ARMADILLO at THREE in the MORNING (think any alcohol was involved?) … ricocheted OFF the armadillo and hit him in the head!

    According to officials with the sheriff's department, they are investigating a possible accidental shooting that happened just before 3 a.m., Thursday in the 27,000 block of Highway 77. The man involved told deputies he was shooting at an armadillo and the bullet ricocheted and hit him in the head.


    Apparently Texas is going to supplement their Border Patrol with bulletproof Armadillos!


    • NY Times:  This plainly shows why we are becoming an oligarchy, these people will expect a return for their money!

      KITV:  What an idiot!

    • Too bad the bullet ricocheted too high and hit this di&*head too high up, i.e. not in his real head, NoNAme.

    • Looks like Cruz is the top millionaire donors' choice so far. I think the Kochs will pick Walker though. Jebby is up in the air and The Donald says he doesn't need any donors. 

    • Barf!

      If trhe bullet had hit him somewhere important, he might have been more seriously injured.

    • Oh, Nameless! That story made my day! Idiots loose, with a gun and alcohol out target shooting at an armadillo and the armadillo shot back, as it seems! That’s what he gets for shooting at helpless animals! I love it!!!!!

  2. Always nice to come out of a door hurting less than when you went in.

  3. 4:30 (average 4:45)  Look hard, just in case.  Some neonicotinoids are still approved for use through this fall.

    I am proud of your activists too.  I've been following the emails.  Yay!  And, heat, yes indeed.  http://www.thenation.com/article/the-wettest-rainforest-in-the-united-states-has-gone-up-in-flames/

    Just a quick comment on Cecil.  I may have already mentioned Force Change's petition to the DOJ to get the killer extradited.  http://forcechange.com/145681/cecil-the-lions-killer-must-be-extradited-to-zimbabwe-to-face-justice/  But I just learned today there is also one on White House dot gov.  https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/extradite-minnesotan-walter-james-palmer-face-investigation-and-possible-prosecution-poaching-zimbabwe  I was #68,202.

    Take care of that paw and keep as cool as you can!

  4. And Zimbabwe has officially asked for extraditon, too, Joanne.

    On another hot topic, the accused immigrant in SF was here legally (Frank posted an article on Care2).

    Even hotter are CA's states of emergency in so many counties with the fires.

  5. I am sorry your weather is still so unbearable.  Glad you got home safely.

    Rachel:  Those people are so much braver than I could ever be, but I am inspired by their courage.  Of course the courts sided with Shell, don't they always protect corporations?

    Cartoon:  So cute.  I hope you have a better day tomorrow. 

  6. Puzzle — 2:58  Well I'll be a bee's knee!

    Rachel Maddow — So Shell had to take the protesters to court to have them removed from the lane to the Pacific Ocean.  The costs are mounting for Shell in both legal fees and time delays.  I wonder if they'll try to sue the protesters to recoup some legal fees?  It certainly would be a bad public relations move in an already tense situation.  Kudos to the protesters, some of whom quite literally hung in there!

    Cartoon — Where did you get that picture of my Primo?  He has been living in the bathroom because of the heat!  Isn't he so handsome!

  7. Getting your foot done in that heat must have been exhausting, but at the same time you can count yourself lucky you had it done before the temperatures even went higher, TomCat. Take a break this weekend from a busy week and concentrate mainly on keeping cool.

    Shell must be terribly desperate to get to the Arctic in time, they must have had all the paperwork for a court case done before Green Peace could even lift an anchor. Kudos to all the brave protesters, they know what needs to be done: Shell must be prevented from ever entering and drilling in this extremely delicate environment.

  8. I'm glad your foot feels better now. Too bad about your heat wave and having to walk in it. Your fellow Oregonians were brave to hang in there for the duration. Kudos to them! I watched it play out on TV and was very angry and disappointed that the judge ordered them down and threatened them with such per hour penalties for interfering in Shell's profit-making.

    Cartoon ~ Keep kool kitties!

  9. Unusual strategy from Greenpeace. "Kudos". And it did work until the police came and removed a few of them to allow the ship to pass through. Why are the courts on the side of the corporations knowing full well that drilling in the Arctic is a very dangerous undertaking and a potential polluting factor in the pristine areas. Why can't the courts side with the common people for a change…

  10. Thanks all.  Very tired hugs!

  11. Thank for these TC – sorry the weather is so hot – hope your paw is better.  Rachel Maddow is (as always) very good – if only the police hadn't removed the activists from the bridge later on – I hope those police and the judge there are included in any lawsuits that will follow after the utterly inevitable oil spill and all the tragic animal deaths and human and environmental misery that will be caused in the Arctic..

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