May 242015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how despicable InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Glenn Beck: President Obama’s not demilitarizing the police; he’s plotting to burn our cities down with the help of  liberal groups.

BeckHatWell, loony-old Glenn Beck got it half right. President Obama’s executive order this week depriving local police forces of tanks, grenade launchers, bayonets and 50 caliber weapons did not go nearly far enough.

“We’re worried about the M-16s, and the flash grenades that you can just throw in, the Humvees,” Beck said. “They’ll still get all the stuff that they have. Just no tanks.”

“Could we also throw in there that they shouldn’t have nuclear weapons,” he quipped.

Good one, Glenn.

But the real worry is that Commandante Obama is also setting up more federal oversight of local police forces. And that is very ominous indeed when you are Glenn Beck and you believe in things like the Jade Helm Conspiracy, for starters.

“This is a show by the president,” Beck frothed. “He’s taking more control. Expect to see more protests continue. Expect to see more of the usual suspects. Expect sometime between now and I don’t when, these groups (New Black Panthers,, Code Pink, Colour of Change) will be setting our cities on fire. Getting us to tear each other apart. Getting us to cry out, Somebody’s gonna have to do it. The president will be happy to do it with centralized control of police and a national police force.”

There it is, ladies and gentleman. It’s not just Texas that the federal government is planning to invade and take over. It’s the whole dang country…

Inserted from <Alternet>

Why isn’t he Governor od Texas?  This only the third of five despicable Republican moments from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.


  10 Responses to “Last Week’s Despicable Republican Moments”

  1. 1.  They really, totally, and absolutely don't get it, do they?  A true believer is a true believer is a true believer.  The actual nature of the belief makes little to no difference and is easily changed.  People who question are more likely immune to black-and-white views.  Of course the Right Wing WANTS us the be True Believers – but only for them – but it doesn't work that way.

    2.  I kind of spilled my guts already this week on TC's post about not just Kansas making life worse for the poor.  I'll spare you a reiteration.

    3.  Perhaps all that ranting will work him up into a stroke.  Oh, but wait, how will we ever be able to tell the difference?  Maybe it already has.

    4.  What "surge" in male vanity?  Male vanity has always been much greater than female vanity – any statement to the contrary is pure projection.  Look, I've worked, both as a volunteer and for pay, with theatrical costumes, and it really doesn't take much study of historical dress to know that men have always gotten the bright colors, the good cuts, the fancy trims.  Even in non-human species, the males get the bright colors, the good cuts, and the fancy trims while females are stuck with the drab stuff.  Think peacocks.  Think historical military uniforms, which (I hope unintentionally) mostly served to make soldiers excellent targets.  The REAL question is why all of this came to a screeching halt sometime between the French Revoltion and Victoria's accession.  I suspect it didn't really, it just got re-directed, but it's still a mystery.

    5.  Pat Robertson – Has he ever tried this?  My experience is that exorcism doesn't work on personal problems even if the person agrees their issue is demonic and desperately wants to change (and I don't just mean being gay, which I am sure everyone here knows is congenital and NOT demonic, no matter how you define demonic).  Pat is still being a poster child for "Only the good die young."

  2. Fox news, Glenn Beck, and Pat Robertson in the same piece?  I need some anti throw up medicine.  Glenn Beck scares me because I think he really believes the garbage he spouts.

  3. 1) Faux Newsian: "To sum up: Receiving an education that leads you to question things is obviously the first step to signing up for a rigidly authoritarian group that tolerates no diversity in thought or appearance." . . . I think she is talking about the Republicanus/Teabaggerum if they ever gain the Congress and the White House.  On another note, how can she be a Faux Newsian . . . I mean she`s not blonde?  She certainly is a whack job!

    2) Kansas Legislature: Ah Kansas!  There`s no place like home.  Great thinking from the same folks (Brownback & cie) who took balancing the state budget to new lows of intelligence and accountability.

    3) Glenn Beck: "… these groups (New Black Panthers,, Code Pink, Colour of Change) will be setting our cities on fire. Getting us to tear each other apart. "  Could these groups please start by setting Glenn Beck on fire?  And the only ones tearing people apart are the Republicanus/Teabaggerum!

    4) Faux Business guy: For Faux male newsians, getting in touch with their femine side is a big step up.  They can`t handle the intelligence required.  Twit!

    5) Pat Robertson: Barf Bag Alert!!!  Speaking of demonic possession . . . he fits the bill!

  4. I'm trying to imagine how we would explain to intelligent aliens that a civilization advanced enough to have stem-cell research and the internet lets a Glenn Beck play media pundit instead of getting him psychiatric help.

    Code Pink is going to help set the cities on fire?  Really?  Has he seen them?

    Why isn’t he Governor of Texas?

    FFS don't put that idea out there where he might see it.  It's all too plausible.

  5. Have they all not just been drinking the Kool Aid but sniffing the stuff that keeps BatSh** Barbie going? 

  6. This is the trouble with trying to write when in pain – I mean the bats*** that BatSh** B is named for…. does this make any sense?  Going to lie down….

  7. Thanks all.  Pat, I hope you feel better,

  8. And the clown car is now justified… the Faux mind….

  9. I would say Pat Robertson has one thing right, rebuke and cast out, but I think it should be the GOP

  10. Pat Robertson. Whacko deluxe! I can’t stand the bilge that he emits from his so-called mouth! Fux Spews is something I WILL NOT assault my ears with! Undeniably unstable and unsuitable for human beings!

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