May 202015

Of course I’m still buried with work to do.  I’m waiting for Store to Door to deliver groceries.  Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my MRI results.  It’s with my doctor that moved across town, so I’ll be gone most of the day.  Expect a Personal Update at most.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:39 (average 5:13).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes: (all Kos to save me time)

From Daily Kos: Bill O’Reilly is a terrible, dumb, vicious, hypocrite. Now you might add wife-beater to that litany of the obscenities that come to mind when O’Reilly crosses your radar. Gawker is reporting that, according to documents from O’Reilly’s recently lost custody case against his ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy, O’Reilly is not just a vulgar verbally and mentally abusive, bullying type—he’s also a physically assaulting type of bully:

According to a source familiar with the facts of the case, a court-appointed forensic examiner testified at a closed hearing that O’Reilly’s daughter claimed to have witnessed her father dragging McPhilmy down a staircase by her neck, apparently unaware that the daughter was watching.

O’Lielly must have a Republican reason for such a Republican crime. Could it be that she demanded to wear shoes?

From Daily Kos: Today the Arizona legislature did what no other state in the nation has been mean-spirited enough to do: they cut lifetime welfare benefits to one year for everyone — adults and children, the physically and mentally disabled. Most states have a five-year limit, while thirteen others impose a two-year cutoff. Texas (of course) has a flexible limit that can be as short as one year, but even children are exempt in the Lone Star State. Not so for Arizona! We’re Number 1!

As a result, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families — including more than 2,700 children — from the state’s federally funded welfare program when the budget year begins in July.

It does not matter to Arizona Republicans that the federal government is paying for the aid. What does is that they get to starve hungry children.

From Daily Kos: Wired put together a very interesting piece on the renewable energy company Vortex. They are now field testing bladeless wind energy turbines.

Instead of capturing energy via the circular motion of a propeller, the Vortex takes advantage of what’s known as vorticity, an aerodynamic effect that produces a pattern of spinning vortices. Vorticity has long been considered the enemy of architects and engineers, who actively try to design their way around these whirlpools of wind. And for good reason: With enough wind, vorticity can lead to an oscillating motion in structures, which, in some cases, like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, can cause their eventual collapse.

Wooo Hooo!!! Some good news for a change!!



The attackers were the people the Republican Party embraced and supported, as part of their Southern Strategy.


  22 Responses to “Open Thread–5/20/2015”

  1. 5:04 average still 5:13  Jack Russells I like.

    DKos 1 – Now brace yourself for his squeals that it's all made up, and he'd love to prove it but the hearing was closed, so hislipd are sealed.

    DKos 2 – They get to starve hingry children – and also hungry physically and mentally disabled.  Who was it said "They had better die and reduce the surplus population."  (That's rhetorical, BTW)

    DKos 3 – My favorite comment so far ( ane the competition is tough):  "Of course they'll cause the weird health problems people living near turbines have developed, and for exactly the same lack of reasons."

    Yes, of course they did.   Because of course.

  2. All the stories on here have me spinning and grabbing for anything tied down!
    First off, hope you get good results from your MRI, and you can get your shoulder fixed!
    Second, who’d thunk old Billy boy was a wife beater? ME! It figured in the way he treats women in general! And with his daughter looking on makes it even worse!
    Third, Arizona is trying to starve the “illegals” out of their state? Don’t they know that there are many different kinds of people on welfare aren’t always “illegals”? That is PREPOSTEROUS! One year on welfare for lifetime? They must think that it only takes one year to get your feet under you when you end up on welfare? And what about the ones that are WORKING and STILL having to receive welfare! I guess that is their idea of fair! Hah!
    And lastly, it’s about time we had some GOOD NEWS!
    Thanks, TC! I needed that!

  3. A former co-worker was a Freedom Rider stopped and turned back in TX with related jail time…I know several white pastors who were there and speak of how they got positioned in places of relative safety during the march, etc.

    That wind approach should ensure birds are safe.

    Some CA cities seem to have set homeless policies designed to make their local homeless folks move to nearby cities…sounds as if AZ wants to do that to all their residents in poverty…

    Hope the truth helps reduce advertising and audience shares so O'Reilly follows Rush downhill.

    Sounds like your doctor didn't expect to find anything scary in the MRI.

  4. Still not telling time until I'm using my own computer again at least….

  5. Just TOO GOOD not to share:

    There's been a real concern among the muckety mucks in the GOP how to deal with the huge number of candidates for their upcoming debates.  [My Sidebar Suggestion: If you don't want a Circus, then STOP sending in all the clowns!]

    But Newt Gingrich has now cone out and said they should NOT limit the number of candidates:

    GINGRICH: "You really can't exclude anybody."

    So with up to TWENTY Repubicans on stage at one time arguing with each other, that would make them …

    (Wait for it) …

    Mass Debaters!


  6. That brought the issue to nationwide attention. A good thing?


  7. I hope you get good results from your MRI!

    I have never believed anything Bill says, and am not surprised that he is a wife beater.

    The Arizona legislators have gone insane.  I hope enough citizens in that state rise up to protest, but I doubt that will happen. The real Welfare Queens, the corporations, spend too much money demonizing the poor for that to happen.

    If Vortex can produce more energy, have cheaper maintenance, and not kill birds, I vote for it!

    Cartoon:  Sad and disgusting.  I will never understand why people rape others.


  8. Damn it all anyway!  We Canucks finally succeeded in repatriating little Teddy Cruz to the non socialist land of the free, and now Jebby is putting his two cents worth into Canadian politics . . . he wants Harper re-elected in October.  More over, he has "vowed to visit Canada within his first 100 days as president."  A little presumptuous don't you think!  Would you please keep your certified nut cases to yourselves!  We have enough of our own starting at the top with Harper!  Oh, and Jebby says US-Canada relations have soured because of Obama . . . no, that is a product of Harper trying to wear his big boy pants which are far too big for him.  Harper has his shit-kickers or stubble jumpers on and thinks he is ready for the big stage!

  9. 4:08  I've gone to the dogs!  Let sleeping dogs lie!  I'm off to bed.  

    Not a good day today.

  10. Hope your shoulder is better TC and the MRI was worth it.

    No surprise about Revolting O'Reilly.  I am sorry for anyone who has to have any contact with him.

    Daily Kos 2 – it would seem that Arizona is now going to be a hell on earth – and those legislators had better remember (aka read for the first time) Matthew 22 36 – 40, and Matthew 25 31 – end; according to this latter, there is no question that in the fullness of time, when we all come to judgment, those heartless legislators will go to H*ll.

    DK3 – interesting story, hope it works!



  11. Daily Kos ~ 1 – Once a bully, always a bully. 

    Daily Kos ~ 2 – The wicked Witch of the West has struck again. Can't someone dump a pail of water on her so that the melts?

    Daily Kos ~ 3 – I was so impressed when I saw thes. I posted to FB yesterday. This would keep the birds from being killed by the blades. I hope they're successful.

    Cartoon ~ The attackers didn't even bother with their sheets that day. A history lesson :


  12. Puzzle — 4:08  I've gone to the dogs!  Let sleeping dogs lie!  I'm off to bed.  Not a good day today.

    Daily Kos — O'Lielly is a pugnacious moron, bereft of compassion, humanity, intelligence and good sense.

    Daily Kos — "Less money for education and social programs = more need for prisons."  In other states, it's 'from school to prison'.  In Arizona, it will be 'from the womb to prison'.  Arizona Republicanus/Teabaggerum are bereft of compassion, humanity, intelligence and good sense.

    Daily Kos — Good news, yes!  But one has to wonder if, in combination with bad weather, these could contribute to funnel clouds or the like.


    Cartoon — . . . and 54 years later, how much has truly changed?  Certainly not the Republicanus/Teabaggerum.

  13. Now .20 Wanabees running for president and (in my opinion) NOT a  one is competant for the job.How SAD Repugs cannot find a legitimate contender.

    Just a bunch of pitiful losers.

    All the best TC.

  14. Thanks everyone.  Pooped.  See today's update.

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