Faux Class Warfare

 Posted by at 11:43 am  Politics
May 202015

The class warfare perpetrated by the 0.1% and their representatives, the Republican Party, has been a central theme of the 2016 campaign, even as it’s just getting started.  Rather than deny that it exists, the Republican party is trying to redefine it.  To that end, they are employing the Republican Reichsministry of propaganda, Faux Noise.  Their spin is that Democrats are committing class warfare against poor, defenseless billionaires.

FoxPropRemember all that wailing and gnashing of teeth we’ve seen from Faux "news" in recent weeks over President Obama rightfully calling them out for routinely demonizing those living in poverty and calling them a bunch of lazy moochers that don’t want to work?

It seems that Fox’s Neil Cavuto was shameless enough to complain about President Obama over the weekend on his Saturday show, and then turn right around on his weekday show and allow Ben Stein to give Jon Stewart, this blog, and Media Matters some more material for our archives of Fox and their poor-shaming.

Cavuto started out the segment with Stein with another of their Fox "news" ALERTS saying Warning, warning!!!! Hillary Clinton said the deck is stacked for the rich, and so did Bernie Sanders… so OMG!!!!! Hillary is a dirty f**kig hippie Socialist now!!! The horror!!

Which is what Neil Cavuto and his buddy Ben Stein believes is "class warfare" against those poor downtrodden rich people…

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video.  Barf Bag Alert!!

They are presenting a false choice.  Their alternatives are letting the deserving rich keep what they earned, or squandering it on undeserving masses who will just waste it.

The truth is that that most of the very rich who actually earned their money appreciate that they did so on the shoulders of the entire nation and recognize that their continued success requires a strong middle class.  Sadly, they are few, and most wealth is concentrated in the hands of people who inherited it.  Since they depend on the government to provide them favorable treatment that transfers even more wealth from the poor and middle classes to them, they are the true underserving welfare recipients now.  On the other hand, Democrats want to spend money on projects like infrastructure, education and research.  These are designed to grow the entire economy for everyone, rich and poor alike, making America a place where both entrepreneurs can succeed, and none need suffer from hunger.


  17 Responses to “Faux Class Warfare”

  1. It's beyond me how the rich can be so Poorly Educated they they know nothing of History..so I have to assume they actually believe that they can continue being criminally negligent or out-right thievesand get away with it Because they can buy police, FBI, Justice Department, etc..Shall we give them crowns Before we hang them?

    • I guess they believe their money will buy them anything including immunity from the normal consequences of their choices

      • History would tend to show that the plutocrats are correct – they are above the law – until the tension gets too great and a massive uprising takes place like the French Revolution or the Oktober Revolution in Russia (in November)…  God help us all if those days are re-enacted as innocents suffer even more then.

    • The term "well hung" could take on a whole new meaning. πŸ˜‰

  2. Tinfoil crowns would be about right.

    Ben Stein is living proof that "intelligence tests' don't measure the right things.

  3. I accidentally hit that “play” on that video and couldn’t get it shut off when that repiglikkkanT Stien started talking! I tried everything to shut that monotone up, but needed up going back to the link of the story to put a sock in his mouth! Uuugggghhh!!!!! His voice is just grating on my ears, STILL!
    And his “observations” were so skewed to the right, I couldn’t even hear him!
    Where do they get their gravitas? They have screwed this country and their party up, FOREVER!
    Hope your shoulder MRI is helpful! Take care, and give us a report, TC!

  4. Sad that rich Christians no longer feel shame for keeping more than they need so Faux gets paid to shame those they should've been helping

  5. Sadly, I know a few of these people who inherited wealth and think the rest of us are just jealous when we want to be paid a living wage.  Those who earned their wealth don't seem quite as selfish as those who inherited it.  I think of the Hilton girl and others like her who have been pampered all their lives, a broken nail is a disaster.  Then we have our people in congress who are so used to living off the donations from the rich that they forget why they are there!

  6. Thanks TC – didn't have the stamina to watch the video – I have a blood test tomorrow and didn't want the results to be skewed by the Reich Right!


  7. Economist? Ben Stein still believes in "Trickle-down Economics". I needed 2 barf bags for this.

  8. I know I should be watching Faux Noise (know thy enemy!) but I cannot even stand to see the weather there.

    Ben Stein is a bloated ass wipe who could work no where else but Faux.

  9. Thanks all.  Exhausted.

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