May 112015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how nonsensical InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.


Jeb Bush accuses Obama and progressives of intolerance …because religious people can’t discriminate.

Jeb Bush made various veiled references to the apparently unstoppable progress of same-sex marriage and the horrific blows dealt to the "religious freedom" of those who want to discriminate against gay couples during his commencement address Saturday at Liberty University, a Christian school in Lynchburg, Virginia. The former Florida governor and presumptive GOP presidential frontrunner campaigned by slamming the Obama administration for its war on good Christian poeple [sic].

"As usual, the present administration is supporting the use of coercive federal power," Bush reportedly said. "What should be easy calls, in favor of religious freedom, have instead become an aggressive stance against it."

And no, we’re not exactly sure what he is talking about either. Wait, could it be same-sex marriage?

"Somebody here is being small-minded and intolerant, and it sure isn’t the nuns, ministers and laymen and women who ask only to live and practice their faith," Bush continued nonsensically. "Federal authorities are demanding obedience, in complete disregard of religious conscience β€” and in a free society, the answer is no."

Wait, what was the question?

It’s those old devil progressives again, always trying to move things forward. Hate that.

"The stories vary, year after year, but the storyline is getting familiar," Bush said. "The progressive political agenda is ready for its next great leap forward, and religious people or churches are getting in the way. Our friends on the left like to view themselves as the agents of change and reform, and you and I are supposed to just get with the program."

Yeah, and so what’s the problem with that?

Inserted from <Alternet>

Strike Three’s demand that Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians have the right to deny the rights of people who do not adhere to their goose-stepping dogma is only the fifth of five nonsensical Republican moments from last week alone. Click through for the other four.


  17 Responses to “Last Week’s Nonsensical Republican Moments”

  1. Well, alrighty, then.  NOW we get to wonder WTF Alternet was thinking when they left out Greg Abbott and his "The Federal Government is coming to establish martial law in Texas and lock us all up in abandoned Wal-Marts!!"

  2. 1 Dr. Keith Ablow ~ I agree with him that Loeb should have the right to bring the embryos to term, provided he does not use a surrogate and incubates the embryos in his own body. 

    2. Dr. Ben Carson only wants to take equality away from the LBGT community. I wonder how he feels about the hidden Rethug agenda in re taking rights away from his race.

    3. Inhofe ~ He probably thinks the rising ocean levels are good too because that will end the California drought.

    4. David Cole belongs in a rubber room and needs to be heavily medicated to prevent him hurting himself or others.

    5. Strike Three must think that Pope Francis is intolerant also.

  3. I tried to click through, but Alternet quit responding after Ablow's article. I agree with Patty's assessment on him.  As for Jeb, he is playing to the right because that is his only hope.

  4. ""The progressive political agenda is ready for its next great leap forward, and religious people or churches are getting in the way. Our friends on the left like to view themselves as the agents of change and reform, and you and I are supposed to just get with the program.""

    WOW!  I wonder what Chubby Jebby means by "religious people".  Actually, I already know . . . religious like him! I go to a Christian church regularly but mine isn`t anything like his . . . his is a pseudo Christian church where the teachings of Christ are not practiced.

    I could rewrite that 2nd sentence as: Our friends on the right like to view themselves as the agents of anachronism and fear, and you and I are supposed to just get with the program.

    The whole lot of these Republicanus/Teabaggerum always seem to have the same motto:  Stupid is as stupid does!

  5. That horrendous deafening crackling sound you hear is the severing of millions of heterosexual unions the world over, brought to an end because they were unable to sustain themselves through the onslaught of devil-inspired gay marriage.

    Oh wait … sorry, my mistake.  That was actually just a bag of potato chips I accidentally sat on.  Never mind.

  6. Good one, SoINeedAName! If it had been here, I would just say it’s another tree falling from the ground being so soaked with the deluge here! I Am Sick Of Rain!
    It seems my marriage is doing fine in the wake of the Same-Sex Marriage band being struck down! In fact, we are going to have our 24th anniversary on Wednesday!

  7. take a deep breath and remember the command to love thy neighbor

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