May 042015

While today’s Republican party is only occasionally so overt as to use the N word openly, they use Dog Whistle phrases so universally, that their racism is obvious.  To counter that, every four year Republicans rally around a token black candidate for President, who sells himself out to espouse the policies that support Republican racism   For 2012, it was Herman “9-9-9” Cain.  For 2016, it will be Ben Carson.

0504CarsonRetired brain surgeon and conservative commentator Ben Carson is expected to announce today in his hometown of Detroit, MI that he will be be running for the Republication nomination for president. Even though Carson has never held public office, his short time in the spotlight has given him plenty of opportunity to make controversial and often factually incorrect statements.

“It’s so important that we get the best candidate,” Carson said on Fox News earlier this year. “Not the one with the highest name recognition but the one who can articulate the values of this nation, who can really represent the people, who understands the constitution and is willing to face challenges.”

Here are some of the ideas Carson has pushed during his political career:…

Obama signed immigration reform to bring in government-dependent voters

After speaking out about welfare, Carson said in an interview months later that Obama’s executive action on immigration was part of a “nefarious agenda” to bring new voters into the United States who will be dependent on government.

“Is he just trying to instead of get out the vote, bring in the vote?” former Republican Congressman J.D. Hayworth asked Carson.“Is this all designed to have new voters — despite the fact he claims they’re not going to get citizenship — is the long-term goal to bring in a new class of voters dependent on government?”

“Of course it is,” Carson replied. He added that Republicans should respond to Obama’s action by shutting down the government, but only the parts that are “important to the president” and not any parts that will “hurt the American people.”

Inserted from <Think Progress>

I shared just the last one of seven ridiculous things Ben Carson has said he believes.  Click through for the other six.

Now we shouldn’t expect him to actually get the nomination.  He’s there for Republicans to laugh at, while they pretend to support him.  Either he knows this and is intentionally betraying black Americans, or hw should never have performed surgery on his own brain.


  14 Responses to “Carson Policies Support Republican Racism”

  1. Do you think he will wake up and realize he is only their "token"?  I don't.

  2. If I were in need of brain surgery, I certainly wouldn't trust him to get within a mile of my brain.  Hey – you don't suppose his years of practice help explain some of the Republican insanity?  Has he operated on them?  (I would have more trust in Nameless but I don't fit into the age group of his practice.)

    If he were going to wake up and realize he is a token, he would have done so long before now.  No, I think his little gray cells are calcified.

  3. When did he abandon Detroit?  What did he do to try to help his home city?


  4. I often wondered how much money was being paid to these "The Token Black Guy" as used by various groups around the country. Ben Carson does "qualify" as such a person, as a token" for the GOP/TP/Koch Party. Carson certainly does typify the factually incorrect statements, the party line, propaganda as made by the GOP/TP/Koch Party to the people of USA and abroad. 

    Per this article link says that there is a Token Black Guy Industry nowadays: 

    "The Token Black Guy industry is booming. With more and more politicians being accused of racism, Token Black Guys are in high demand. The average yearly salary of a token black guy (averaged from income tax 2000-2006) was $1,339,400.69. With such insane amounts of money running through the Token Black Guy industry, many imposters have reared their ugly blackface-painted heads in order to cash in, and sinister novelty stores are also getting into the act."

    Ben Carson should be ashamed of himself but money in the bank is good enough for him. He is without morals and scruples.

  5. Carson sounds like he has performed a frontal lobotomy on himself!   He's an embarrassment to the human race!  But I suppose, what can you expect from a Republicanus/Teabaggerum?!?

    • Probably the pre-frontal cortex rather than the frontal lobe.  The pre-frontal cortex seems to be where empathy resides.

  6. All of the Repuglican candidates make me despair with their lunacy – Carson is sadly no different.


  7. I think he is in serious need of psychiatric help.

  8. Thanks all.

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