Apr 012015

For those of you who have not been following my daily Personal Updates, I’m on what I hope is the trailing edge of the nastiest flu I’ve had, since I was hospitalized in 2013.  Now I’m going tin try to ease myself back into a normal writing schedule.  I don’t know how long that will take, and I’m still well short of 100%, so please bear with me.  There will be no Monthly Report this month.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:41 (average 5:16).  To di it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a history-making decision, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana has signed into law a bill that officially recognizes stupidity as a religion.

Pence said that he hoped the law would protect millions of state residents “who, like me, have been practicing this religion passionately for years.”

The bill would grant politicians like Pence the right to observe their faith freely, even if their practice of stupidity costs the state billions of dollars.

Andy, ‘stupidity’ is also known as Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity.

From Upworthy: Here’s your Hot Planet 101, courtesy of NASA. Take a minute to watch it, then we’ll see how it’s affecting life on earth right now.


Very well said. No wonder Republicans want to slash NASA’s funding.

From Daily Kos: I was inspired by Molly Weasley’s diary of the other day, A few products to boycott from Indiana. After combing through the items on the pages she linked I came up with 5 common items from Indiana that are probably used by Kossaks which we should be boycotting in the wake of SB 101.

Clabber Girl Baking Powder
Nestle: Nesquik, CoffeeMate, Boost
Red Gold canned tomato products
Bar Keepers Friend
Vera Bradley
Eli Lilly (hard to boycott if you need their meds. Go generic?)

The way to the simulation of a corporate heart is through their revenues.




  14 Responses to “Open Thread–4/1/2015”

  1. Loved that the GOP mayor of Indy read Pence the riot act and that States are now having policies forbidding travel reimbursement for travel to Indiana.  Also that the NCAA issued a statement condemning the law so that now there are petitions and calls to move the final four to OH.

  2. 5:09 average still 5:16.  Much harder than it looks.

    New Yorker – Well, he got that right.  Did y'all know that THIRTY law professors wrote an open letter to the legislature to warn them this bill was not a good idea?  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/31/1374579/-Pence-and-the-Indiana-Legislature-were-warned-by-30-expert-law-professors

    Upworthy – I can't believe we are still having to have this discussion.  Oh, wait, yes I can.  I just don't want to.

    DKos – Do click through.  Not all those firms are as guilty as some of them.  Of course boycotting anyway makes a strong statement.  Also, the comments have many suggested substitutes and tips on how to use the substitutes.

    Cartoon – And a Happy April Fools' Day to you too!

  3. 4:14  I ate too many fried snacks.

  4. I am glad you are feeling better, don't over do it, though.

    The New Yorker:  I am becoming convinced that Andy has decided to write facts, not satire.  Stupid is as stupid does, and the Gov. and state legislators of Indiana are showing us the way!

    Upworthy:  Even a TeaBagger ought to be able to understand this one.

    Daily Kos:  Since I don't use any of the things on your list, it will be easy to boycott them.

    Cartoon:  Love it.

    • Yes Edie, a Republicanus/Teabaggerum ought to be able to understand the Upworthy video, but they won't! They are too myopic and haven't figured out that with the earth's fever, their long term profits go to hell!

  5. Puzzle — 2:41  No Puddy Tats allowed!  Fried snacks are bad for your health.  I might be convinced to let you cool off with a bit of frozen yoghurt.

    The New Yorker — Just have to love Andy's perspective on Pence and the Indiana Republicanus/Teabaggerum legislators.  Absolutely small change!

    Upworthy — Excellent analogy — fever!  Well done!

    Daily Kos — Dang!  I'm going to have to give my chocolate Boost!  I hope someone makes a diabetic friendly similar product.

    Cartoon — Liar, liar pants on fire!  The Republicanus/Teabaggerum right wing evangelical supply side pseudo Jesus is as far away from the real Jesus as the sun is from the earth, if not further!

  6. Relieved to see you're taking a pass on the Monthly Report so as to pace your recovery.  There ARE priorities.

  7. Remember, TC, take it slow and easy to recover properly.

    New Yorker ~ Andy, that is not satire! Social media has forced the Pizza Parlor owners who puclickly stated they would refuse to cater a "gay" wedding to close their doors. No satire there.

    Upworthy ~ The only problem with trying to educate the deniers is that youcan't fix stupid. Are they dumber than 5th graders? Hell Yeah!

    Daily Kos ~ The only product on the list which I use is Bartender's Freind. I just bought a can last week. I won't need it again for quite some time. When I do need it, I'll find another product like baking soda, but not Clabber Girl. I never even heard of that.

    Cartoon ~ Yup! That's right! ROFLMAO



  8. Please take things slowly TC!  (Was it really 2013 that you had pneumonia?  Time really does fly!).

    New Yorker – a religion practiced passionately by around half the population! 

    Upworthy – brilliant video – if only that half of the population would watch it and actually THINK about what it says.

    Daily Kos – excellent idea – the only way to make these mega corporations think again is to affect their profits – it is all about money with them.


  9. Thanks all.  Even Strike Three has pulled a Willard and withdrawn his support tor the Republican hate-law.

  10. Wow. 13:10! LOL! I’m improving, but S L O W L Y ! I was never a “puzzle” kinda person!

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