Mar 242015

All my news is no news.  I’ve been feeling crappy enough, that I haven’t been watching news, knowing that, if I do, I’ll be so pissed off, that I’ll feel an intense desire to write about it.  So call this temporary therapeutic apathy.  ARGH!  I don’t see how people who are out of the loop all the time can stand it!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:15 (average 4:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  29 Responses to “Personal Update–3/24/2015”

  1. 3:13 Nice bike ride!

  2. I go crazy without the news too. I don't know how the uninformed stand it.

    I made a comment in yesterday's open thread that Trump wants to see 'cruz' birth certificate. I was only joking. check this out `~

    Cartoon ~ It still hasn't been entirely cleaned up either.

  3. 4:10 average also 4:33.  People who are out of the loop all the time fill the vacancy with other things, like Fox News, reality shows – and some with active sports – I could find ways to fill my time that way but I choose to stay in the loop as best I can.

    Cartoon – What the language student said.**


    ** The teacher was explaining that in some languages, like Latin and English, a double negative equals a positive, while in other languages, Greek for example, a double negative becomes an intensified negative.  "But," he added, "there is no language in which a double positive becomes a negative."  From the back of the lecture hall came a sardonic "Yeah, right."

  4. Good one! "Yeah, right." lol.

  5. Love the story, Patty! Donald Trump should be hounding Cruz just as much as he did President Obama about his birth certificate! And his will show that he was DEFINITELY born in ANOTHER COUNTRY!
    I don’t know how these people think they can be such “dyed in the wool constitutionalists” when they put such UNCONSTITUTIONAL candidates up for election and scream for the government to be so constitutional!

  6. LeftAction Petition:

    Tell Ted Cruz: "You owe us $24 billion"

    Send Ted Cruz a message:  "Senator Cruz, you owe us $24 billion"

    Because that's the amount that S&P estimates the shutdown cost the economy.  $24 billion.  (source)

    $24 billion, all for effort to defund health care that had zero chance of succeeding.  $24 billion for what was essentially an ego joyride for Senator Cruz.

    So now that it's over, America wants to know, where's our money?

    Send Ted Cruz a message:  "Senator Cruz, you owe us $24 billion"

    • Thank God this Republicanus/Teabaggerum idiot renounced his Canadian citizenship last May.  He's all yours, USA!


      Thanks Jim.

      • Texass is always talking about seceding from USA. Maybe if Texass secedes from the US, it could and should take Ted Cruz along with it. Thereby, Ted would be ineligible to stomp and run for office of POTUS. Just POT (President of Texass). lol.

    • Thanks, Jim, I signed the petition.  If Texas secedes, tell them to take Rick Perry,too.

  7. Puzzle — 2:51  I better slow down so I don't miss all the beauty!

    Cartoon — From Wikipedia:

    "The Valdez spill was the largest in US waters … Prince William Sound's remote location, accessible only by helicopter, plane, or boat, made government and industry response efforts difficult and severely taxed existing plans for response."

    And oil companies say "trust us" as they line up to drill in the Arctic?  Ha!  The minute a spill happens, they will whine about how difficult clean-up is, and how expensive.

    I am a news and information junkie.  One of the first things I do each day is check the Huff Post and CBC News. Then during the day, I check the National Post, Alternet, Think Progress and the like.  We are in an information age whether we like it or not.  I can get lost for hours in information which can be a handicap at times because the laundry gets neglected.

    • I should mention, if Cruz can run for POTUS (forget the air head The Donald!) then I should be able to as well. I was born in Canada but my mother was an American citizen, and to my knowledge, did not give up her US citizenship.  Hmmmmm . . .  Don't worry, I won't run!

      • You are probably better qualified than those who are running! 

      • Oh Lynn you should run – you would be  a thousand times better than most of the Dems, and a zillion times better than the Repugs!

    • Thedy still have not cleaned it up right.  They never do.

  8. Zoning out is a challenge for the well-informed. 

  9. The Irony just does NOT get any better – nor the Schadenfreude any sweeter – than this:

    Ted Cruz Yesterday while throwing his Tri-Corner Clown Hat into the presidential ring

    Cruz vowed "repealing every word of ObamaCare"

    Ted Cruz Today

    Ted & his family will have to SIGN UP for OBAMACARE

    My solution: Head back to Canada, where you can see a doctor FOR FREE!

    (… OR Mitt Romney's solution: Go to the Emergency Room)

    • Can't use the Canada route that easily.  First you have to reside in Canada for a minimum of 3 months before getting medical coverage.  Second, Cruz is not welcome in Canada.  Hey, he just gave up his Canadian citizenship last year so we aren't about to let him in less than a year later just for health care.  This is one time I won't be my polite Canadian self.  You keep the jackass!

    • Giving up Canadian citizenship proves insanity making the act moot.

  10. TC, the ones who stay out of the loop bask in their ignorance.  That said, when I am travelling to Ms to see my son, I don't hear much news and find I am less tense when get there.  This is a 15 hr drive for me, so the only answer has to be not listening to the craziness that goes on every day.   Stay away, far away from the news for a few more days so you can heal.

    Cartoon:  Yes and they continue to demonstrate their love of the environment every day!  NOT.

  11. Stay slowly recovering TC – and try to keep the aggravation caused by knowledge of the stupidity of those in power to a minimum (I should too).

    Exxon – well they started as they meant to go on, methinks!  At the time we thought they were a one-off, now they seem to have been a sort of messianic 'John the Baptist figure' for the rest of the oil industry.  (SIGH).

  12. Thanks all.  Crappy day, because there is too much to do.

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