The Butcher Bibi Show

 Posted by at 4:10 pm  Politics
Mar 042015

I call it a show, because that’s what it was.  On the plus side, I have to admit that Butcher Bibi pulled off a very talented act, but that’s all it was.  There was no substance there.  In fact, it really had little to do with Iran.  Both Butcher Bibi and Agent Orange had their own separate agendas, neither of which involves Iran, per se.

0304evilduoPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel could not have hoped for a more rapturous welcome in Congress. With Republicans and most Democrats as his props, he entered the House of Representatives to thunderous applause on Tuesday, waving his hand like a conquering hero and being mobbed by fawning lawmakers as he made his way to the lectern.

Even Washington doesn’t often see this level of exploitative political theater; it was made worse because it was so obviously intended to challenge President Obama’s foreign policy.

Mr. Netanyahu’s speech offered nothing of substance that was new, making it clear that this performance was all about proving his toughness on security issues ahead of the parliamentary election he faces on March 17. He offered no new insight on Iran and no new reasons to reject the agreement being negotiated with Iran by the United States and five other major powers to constrain Iran’s nuclear program.

His demand that Mr. Obama push for a better deal is hollow. He clearly doesn’t want negotiations and failed to suggest any reasonable alternative approach that could halt Iran’s nuclear efforts.

Moreover, he appeared to impose new conditions, insisting that international sanctions not be lifted as long as Iran continues its aggressive behavior, including hostility toward Israel and support for Hezbollah, which has called for Israel’s destruction… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

As long as the US remains in a state of war against nations or groups that claim to follow Islam, Israel remains an important regional ally.  That limits US pressure for Israel to honor  treaty obligations and and helps maintain the regional view that the US is anti-Muslim.

Chris Hayes provided excellent coverage.

In addition to the reasons I referenced, Butcher Bibi was making a campaign speech casting himself as the sophisticated international player condescendingly schooling the ignorant, naive black man.  How insulting!

In addition to his normal sedition against Obama, Agent Orange is just as devious.  A small minority of American Jews are political activists.  The conservatives gravitate towards AIPAC, and the liberals, toward J Street.  The vast majority, on the other hand, are nominally liberal, and tend to vote Democratic, but support for Israel is important to them.  Boehner is trying to make Democrats appear to be anti-Israel, and if he can drive that wedge deep enough, he might be able to remove that block of voters from the Democratic into the Republican camp.  He’d happy to send thousands of young Americans off to die in a needless war for political gain.

Like me, most Democrats are not anti-Israel.  We’re pro-Israel.  But many of us are anti-Netanyahu, because his war crimes and his pursuit of a one-state solution, contrary to treaty obligations.  We're for permanent peace in the region for both Israel and a Palestinian State.  That’s why American Jews, and Israelis for that matter. should oppose both Butcher Bibi and the Republican Party.


  10 Responses to “The Butcher Bibi Show”

  1. In addition, as expected, he failed to mention Israel's failure to sign the international treaty related to nuclear weapons (would he like one of our other Middle East allies to be invited to Congress to suggest similar actions against Israel on that basis?).  And as DiFi said–he misstated himself as speaking for all Jews. I hope he loses his election.

  2. If, God willing (and from my keyboard to God's monitor!), this speech will hurt him enough in Israel to ensure his loss of the election.  Which may or may not change things much.  But it would be worth it anyway.

  3. Let’s hope that the people of Israel see Bibi’s grandstanding at the expense of an ally for what it is! Just blowin smoke up their skirts!

  4. Bibi makes a great Republican!  He insulted Pres. Obama at every oportunity.  I hope this blows up on Boehner so badly that he loses his job as leader of the House.  No foreign dignitary should be addressing our Congress on our diplomatic relations. Period.  The hubris Bibi shows should tell any American who listened that this man is not our friend.  He came here to do this to further his political career, Boehner invited him to insult the President.

  5. ty tc

  6. I tend to agree with Obama, Iran needs positive incentives and not just sanctions.  I also agree with Sen Chris Murphy that sanctions won't work unless evrybody (China and Russia) is onboard.

    Netanyahu: "…concessions through sanctions…"  He appears to be trying to dictate US foreign policy as if the US hasn't a clue.  Why does this war criminal think he has the right to dictate anything to anyone?

    Netanyahu and the Republicanus/Teabaggerum deserve each other.  May neither of them satisfy their goals.

  7. Since I did not watch it I will have to rely on what Obama said "nothing new"  "No ideas on how we stop nuclear weapons from being made".  And as you say Tom it was just a "Show".  Besides being disrespectful Agent Orange all he has to offer is just the same and a show.  I trust The President and Vice President to make the decisions to make our country and the world more safe.

  8. Not one station aired his speech. Funny. They all filmed it though.

    How does he have the audacity to say he speaks for all Jews? Jon Stewart was really ticked about that. He was full of bluster and played well to his audience. He criticized the President's agreement with Iran when none has been reached yet and had no alternatives to offer. Isn't that just like a TeapulicanT? Here he was telling us how bad and stupid our country is while asking for more money. What chutzpah!

    I also hope he loses his election. A lot of Israelis are mad that he came over her to do his "campaigning".

  9. Amen to all.  About to leave.,

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