Feb 232015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how insane InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Montana Republican: Make yoga pants illegal!

0223Yoga-PantsNo one should accuse Republicans of not having a sense of humor. These guys are hilarious. Take David Moore, a state rep from the great state of Montana who has introduced a bill that would make wearing yoga pants illegal.

Oh. Hahahhaha. Good one!

No, he’s serious. It turns out that Moore was victimized by some naked people riding bicycles through the town of Missoula last year. They rode by him and he saw their genitals—or at least knew that their genitals were right there—and it was very traumatizing.  He hasn’t gotten over it. And he vowed to fight this.

This week he introduced legislation to tighten the belt on, well, trousers. His bill, HB 365, would outlaw nudity, of course, but also “any device, costume, or covering that gives the appearance of or simulates the genitals, pubic hair, anus region, or pubic hair region,” according to the Billings Gazette. This would include the wearing of Speedos (European males, beware!) and flesh-colored tight pants. Someone asked him about yoga pants. "Yoga pants should be illegal in public anyway," Moore said after the hearing.

Yes, and their wearers should be thrown in jail and the key thrown away. And they should be sentenced to wearing loose-fitting clothing, (but not, it should be said, saggy pants) and there should be no yoga classes in prison, ever.

That’ll teach ‘em!

Inserted from <Alternet>

Dang!!  An ass outlawing asses!!  No more southern exposures!! This is just the fifth of five insane Republican moments from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.


  26 Responses to “Last Week’s Insane Republican Moments”

  1. Montana Republican: Make yoga pants illegal!

    I disagree, make them mandatory… 😆

  2. 1.  I think I have already expressed myself enough on Rudy – at least for this incident.

    2.  In one of Carl Hiaasen's early (first 5 or 6) books, he included a character who was a pretty obvious takeoff on Geraldo.  Rudolfo Phlegm, I think he called him.  Hiaasen is a very, very, funny man, and under the humor, very vicious to evil.  I think he must spend a lot of time thinking about new and ever more colorful ways to kill off his characters.  I am 100% with him on Geraldo.

    3.  Not that anyone could really take this seriously, but it may be worth noting that Judaism and Zionism are hardly the same.  Zionism is to Judaism as Republican Supply-Side Jesus is to the real Jesus.

    4.  Sure.  Then the children of the poor would not go to school.  They would revert to being child labor.  And help keep down wages.  Makes sense if you are a Republican.

    5.  Men have been trying to tell women what to wear (or not) since forever.  Just as abortion has nothing to do with women's help to these people, it's a matter of control, so is dictating women's clothing a matter of control.  I just wish Rep Moore could have met a dear friend of mine who, when dressing as a werewolf for Hallowe'en, finished off the costume by ripping out the crotch of his jeans and inserting wolf fur (fake, all you animal rights people) to strategically show through.

  3. He is apparently trying to prevent cyclists from wearing standard bicycling clothing (skin tight) so that MT can never again have a potential Olympian.

  4. Well, of course, no card-carrying libertarian  would EVAH consider banning yoga pants.

    … BUT I think there can be a STRONG case made for some type of regulation.  After viewing this video (and no fair guessing who the younger person performing is – I'm looking at you, …), I dare you to tell me you don't agree:


  5. After watching the video Nameless gave us I am having a hard time being serious.  I read the Alternet links, they are almost as funny as the video.  Guiliani needs to be put in a special home with the Donald, Barf Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck.

    I don't agree with banning articles of clothing, but really, there are a lot of people wearing those yoga pants who have obviously NOT looked in a mirror in a long time. Some things should not be inflicted on others.

  6. David Moore (R), Asshole of the Day for February 16, 2015


  7. 1) I think Giuliani is showing signs of dementia!

    2) Geraldo Rivera, Hip Hop!  Really? Racism is just pouring out of your mouth.  Stupid is as stupid does!

    3) Donald Trump is a bumptious, arrogant idiot that is a danger to the country.

    4) Fox hosts.  That right there says it all!  A collective IQ of 5!

    5) David Moore would have died a thousand deaths in the 14-15th centuries when the codpiece was commonplace . . . tights and a codpiece!  Where's the time machine so we can send him back?

  8. !. Rudy is in need of a padded room somewhere. Maybe just a muzzle would do the trick.

    2. Geraldo's fashion sensibilities are being assaulted. I'm not a fan of Hip Hop either but the root of the problem of racism is not the music.

    3. I still don't understand why The Donald is still relevant. I'm starting to wonder if he pays FAUX to be on their NOISE shows. It's the only reason I can fathom.

    4. Okay. This makes sense. NOT!  "Oklahoma has come in for a good deal of mockery this past week over House Bill 1380, sponsored by Rep. Dan Fisher, which would have cut state funds for AP U.S. history because—as he said in a hearing on the bill—it emphasizes "what is bad about America." The replacement curriculum Fisher proposed involved students reading "foundational texts," including, among other things, speeches by Ronald Reagan and several sermons.  the curriculum change is projected to cost the state $3,851,500. "

    5. I think David Moore, as punishment for his stupidity, should be forced to watch Nameless' video link streamed constantly for at least 24 hours.


  9. Funny how nobody cares about the homeless, returning veterans or hungry folks but they sure do care about what people wear…. I assume butt cracks would be covered under the new law but how about Republicans with their heads up their butts?

  10. I found the list of things starting "any device or costume…" rather repulsive – why doesn't the poor sad man not look? 

    However his reaction does make me remember on QI on the BBC, Stephen Fry had said that both men and women's gazes had been studied by scientists, and women look at faces (no surprise there) but that men always look at (my phraseology) indelicate areas before the face – even on dogs (argh!).  Mr Moore's reaction to looking however is typically Repuglican – he blames the person that HE was looking at.


  11. Wow. All of the stupidity this last week has my head spinning! Went to AlterNet to see what all they had done over the last week!

  12. Thanks all.  No doubt there will be many more articles like this one.

  13. Rudy Giuliani, Asshole of the Day for February 19, 2015

    It is Rudy Giuliani’s third time as Asshole of the Day.


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