Feb 212015

I get to take a comparatively lazy day, and I’m feeling somewhat lethargic, so I must need it.  I’m having a fight with my mail order pharmacy.  They sent me a different med than the prescription I told them to refill, and are questioning whether they should refund the charges, because they thought I had ordered it by mistake.  I’m waiting for them to review it, buy am ready to remind them that Portland has another mail order pharmacy.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:45 (average 5:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: These racist idiots spray-painted a swastika on the dumbest location possible.


Of course, the Hindu swastika and the Republican swastika have virtually opposite meanings.

From The New Yorker: A largely forgotten man sought attention on Wednesday night before returning to obscurity on Thursday, according to reports.

The man, whom many Americans had difficulty placing, was making a desperate bid to remind people of his existence, experts believe.

His efforts were somewhat successful, as his widely reported outburst caused people across the country to rack their brains to try to remember who he was.

After briefly attempting to recall where they had seen the man before, many people gave up and moved on with their days, but for others, the desperate man’s remarks left a bitter aftertaste.

“There is no excuse for making comments like those, no matter who you are,” Tracy Klugian, forty-seven, of Springfield, Missouri, said. “Who is he again?”

Andy is saying the same thing I was saying yesterday. He’s desperate for attention.

From Daily Kos: …Here’s a synopsis of the questions O’Reilly is refusing to answer:

  • How does O’Reilly explain his claim that he was in a war zone in the Falklands war between the United Kingdom and Argentina in 1982 when it appears that no American reporters were allowed in the war zone?
  • What specifically was the "combat situation in Argentina during the Falklands War" that he "survived" to write about in a 2004 column?
  • Can O’Reilly elaborate on the claim he made to Tucker Carlson in 2003 that "I’ve covered wars, okay? I’ve been there. The Falklands, Northern Ireland, the Middle East. I’ve almost been killed three times, okay.’" Like the circumstances in which he almost died?
  • About that "war zone" in Argentina, where his photographer "got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete" and O’Reilly heroically saved him: "When and where did this happen?"

Click through for an extensive article on this story. May I suggest that O’Lielly’s most dangerous war experience was disrespecting a troop of Brownie Scouts on a school bus. They beat him up and took his lunch money. They also tried to kick him in the gonads, but couldn’t find any.





  17 Responses to “Open Thread–2/21/2015”

  1. 4:00  I may have taken a wrong turn at the left vein.

  2. O’Lielly should be done like Brian Williams! Indefinite suspension and loss of income! He lies to make himself look “heroic” when everyone knows that the Falklands “war” was never an American war. We were only there to mop up the leftovers! LOL!

  3. Additionally, your insurance company, Medicare and OR Dept. of Insurance would be interested in knowing of such a quality control problem with your pharmacy–sometimes just asking them if they want you to file a complaint gets appropriate action.

    Ignorance results in some very amusing outcomes, like those who do not understand the symbols they use.

    I've got a good memory and I've already forgotten, too.  Must not have been worth remembering.

    A good example of why it is always easier to tell the truth in the long run.

    You mean we can't hold someone responsible who wasn't born yet?

  4. 6:04 average still 5:34

    Upworthy – The Hindu swastika and the Republican, or Nazi, swastika are also right and left handed.  I can never remember which is which so I looked it up – the Nazis pretty consistently used the "clockwise" or the one shown on the temple.  Buddhists use the "counterclockwise" or facing the other way.  In China and India they were pretty well interchangeable.  But I doubt whether a Chinese or Indian painted this.  So we need to ask what it means to the painters. I see it as equivalent to painting an upside-down Latin cross on a Christian church:  public rejection of the people who worship within and all that they stand for.

    New Yorker – Nicely done.  He perhaps might have used a different age than "47."  Why bring Willard up?

    Daily Kos – None of which stopped him from calling David Corn of Mother Jones a "guttersnipe."   Or was it a "filthy guttersnipe"?  For bringing it up.

    Cartoon – but – but – time travel, don'tcha know?

  5. Upworthy:  I did not know this about the Hindu's.  Thanks.  It takes an idiot to deface a place of worship.

    The New Yorker:  And, he has been all over the Faux news channel, adding to it.  I never liked him when he was mayor of New York.

    Daily Kos: O'Reilly works for Fox news, of course he won't answer questions about his lies, he might get fired!

    I love this cartoon, wish I could get it to share.

  6. Puzzle — 3:11  In the same vein as yesterday's puzzle, very pretty and illuminating.

    Upworthy — Whomever tagged the 2 buildings obviously was not too smart.  The swastika is a sacred symbol to the Hindu people and one of the tags was on their temple.  But I rather figure that the taggers thought they were Muslims and hoped to run them off.  Not very intelligent people to say the least.  I am glad however that authorities are following up on this and that the temple is keeping things in perspective. The level of xenophobia and bigotry in the US is mind boggling to me.

    The New Yorker — He who must not be named, after all, we don't want him to think he is missed, was declared Asshole of the Day for 19/02/15.  In an article I read yesterday (sorry Andy it wasn't yours), He who must not be named said that Obama doesn't love America and wasn't raised like He who must not be named.  It is a good thing that Obama was raised the way he was because He who must not be named certainly lacked competent parenting according to the article's author.  He who must not be named should just slide back into the recesses of time and not come out to play ever again.

    Daily Kos — If O'Lielly was in a 3 man line up to use the only urinal, he'd call that a war zone!  Sounds like he has delusions of grandeur and dementia.

    Cartoon — Those who call Obama a "Kenyan Muslim, socialist, communist" have no idea what they are talking about.  They don't even know the meaning of the words nor the roots of these ideas.

    • Of course they're not very smart.  If they were, they would either be much too rich and greedy to bother with such defacement, or they wouldn't be Republicans.

  7. Thanks TC – sorry you are suddenly tired – I am too!  Have a nice kitty-nap….zzzzz

    Upworthy – I love the comments about the swastika graffito – I suppose the trouble with people who do this kind of thing that they are short on thought and long on action – no matter how stupid. 

    Daily Kos – well O'Lielly definitely wasn't on our side during the Falklands conflict – though I could believe he toured the Argentinian's side well AFTER the conflict was over.  As for Northern Ireland – IF he was there that explains why there was so much misinformation and hatred for decades.  Real reporters who risk their lives to tell the truth about appalling and very dangerous situations must loathe him in every way possible.


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