Feb 142015

Because the coming week looks to be so hectic, my plan is to get done early today, so I can do what cats do best.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:00 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Think Progress: A Nebraska district judge has halted TransCanada’s attempts to use eminent domain to force landowners to turn over their land for the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, an act that anti-Keystone activists are calling a major win.

Nebraska State District Court Judge Mark Kozisek issued a temporary injunction against TransCanada on Thursday after a hearing during which nearly 70 landowners called on the judge to grant the injunction. The injunction will remain in place until Nebraska’s Supreme Court takes up the landowners’ case against state law LB1161, which gave TransCanada the right to use eminent domain against the landowners.

“TransCanada sees the writing on the wall,” Jane Kleeb, Director of Bold Nebraska, a group that’s supporting the holdout landowners, said in a statement. “Nebraska landowners are not going to cave to their threats and we will now see them in our Supreme Court to finally get clarity on the legality of a foreign corporation using eminent domain for private gain.”

Kudos to Nebraskans standing against Harper’s invasion of the US to unload the filth his own people don’t want.

From The New Yorker: A week of turmoil in Alabama culminated on Friday with the United States ordering the Southern state to grow up.

After a week in which Alabama exhibited various displays of childishness—including kicking, screaming, stamping its feet, and threatening to hold its breath—the United States decided to take the extraordinary action of telling the hundred-and-ninety-five-year-old state to act its age.

But any hopes that the United States’ order would be heeded were dashed when Alabama put its fingers in its ears and emitted a stream of monosyllabic nonsense sounds, claiming that the order had been rendered inaudible.

But Andy, isn’t Alabama acting over 100 years old?

From Daily Kos: A Chinese proverb comes to mind—"He who seeks vengeance must dig two graves: one for his enemy and one for himself." Ed Schultz asked Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA) whether the Republican bill to redefine full-time work in the eyes of the Affordable Care Act to a 40-hour week would have a severe impact. McDermott’s answer was thoughtful and reflected what many feel will be Obamacare’s ultimate great outcome.


I still believe that Obama has always seen the ACA as the first step toward single payer. On the other hand RepubliCare is the first step toward an early grave.




  17 Responses to “Open Thread–2/14/2015”

  1. Your cartoon made me giggle.

    I like hearing from lesser known members of Congress on issues to get to know them.

    Not too thrilled with the ageism-based humor of AB this time.

    Kudos to Nebraskans!

  2. 4:36 average still 4:53.  Happy Valentine's Day (not the last time I will say this today LOL)

    Think Progress – I am SO glad there are Nebraskans who can see through the lies, including the lying promise of "jobs," which has caused so much havoc in the east, such as West Virginia, Pennsylvania, etc.  Nebraskans, you should indeed be proud, and the rest of us should be incredibly grateful.

    New Yorker – "Isn’t Alabama acting over 100 years old?"  No, dear, acting over a hundred years old is acting like the darling man in Australia who is 109.  http://mashable.com/2015/02/10/australias-oldest-man-penguins/  Alabama is acting two – maybe three ona good day.

    Daily Kos – The American people keep surprising me with what suckers they can be for the GOP/Faux News line.  But we can always hope.

    Cartoon – Excellent idea.

  3. 3:34  I should have done this puzzle after having coffee, not before.

    • 3:04 TC got to the coffee before us Jerry. Where's Lynn?

    • 2:59  . . . buying you 5 a coffee!  I had to go really quickly to get past the stench of the stuff . . . very nauseating to me!  I am allergic to coffee, and just the smell can make me ill.  I avoid the fresh coffee aisle at the grocery store and have been known to leave a meeting if the coffee being drunk is too strong for my delicate little nose.

    • The Sasquatch drank my coffee!

  4. Noo more time now. I have to get at the snow before the temp goes down to 20 below tonight. The snow has finally slowed down

    Cartoon ~ I love it!

  5. Puzzle → Two cinnamon hearts powdered on the froth of a cappuccino coffee. → 5:04 😆

  6. Puzzle — 2:59  . . . buying you 5 a coffee!  I had to go really quickly to get past the stench of the stuff . . . very nauseating to me!  I am allergic to coffee, and just the smell can make me ill.  I avoid the fresh coffee aisle at the grocery store and have been known to leave a meeting if the coffee being drunk is too strong for my delicate little nose.

    Think Progress — During the War of 1812, one goal of you Yanks was to annex part of Canada to be part of the US.  Well we kicked your ass on that one and we remained independent of you!  Well I think it is your turn to redress that Canuck victory and kick Harper's ass all the way back to the primordial tar sands! Pleeeeeeeeeeese!  Good job Nebraska!

    The New Yorker — Down with Judge Roy Bean . . . er Moore! . . . the holier than thou, tantrum producing idiot!

    Daily Kos — When I am forced to use a US address when signing petitions, Jim McDermott is my representative.  I've watched him for years and always been a fan.  There is a certain down to earth type of trust that comes through.

    "Irresponsible employers are using plutocracy-inspired government regulations to tailor the workforce to minimize the benefits corporations must give to their employees. It is a dereliction of civics and citizenship. It is for this reason government, "we the people" must force politicians with the power of our vote, not the power of not voting, to effect middle-class-centric policies. Single-payer healthcare, Medicare for all is just a start."

    Republicanus/Teabaggerum are basically shooting themselves in the foot!

    Cartoon — I refuse to be a gardener unless I can cut down the Bush before the dog gets to it!

    • I am so sorry you are allergic to coffee, you would hate to come to my house.  I love your comment on the cartoon.

  7. Think Progress:  Good for those landowners in Nebraska.  Surely the court will hold it illegal for aforeign corporation to use imminent domain for private gain.  If it is not illegal, it definitely should be.

    The New Yorker:  Andy is always funny.  Remember how hard it was for the federal government to make Alabama accept desegregation of schools?  I predict this will go the same way, hopefully with less violence. 

    Daily Kos:  I hope the ulitimate outcome will be single payer, but the Republicans will implode if that happens.  Too many employers are cutting hours to avoid paying for health insurance, and people are suffering for that.

    Cartoon:  I hope the whole country does just that!

  8. Just incase you had not seen it, Fox News North, aka Sun News Network,went off the air Friday morning.  Sun News Network is blaming regulations for its demise.  It was not allowed access by the CRTC to the basic cable TV packages like the CBC and CTV.  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/02/13/1364194/–Fox-News-North-Is-Shutting-Down?detail=email

    And another story that just fries me was on HuffPost http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/susan-khazaeli/chungsen-leung_b_6621386.html .

    Chunsen Leung, one of Harper's harlots and Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism, "…asked a member of the audience, "If you like Iran so much then why do you come to Canada?""  Not the most diplomatic of questions.  If there was any doubt that Canada has its own bigots, this seals it. What I find amusing is that Leung himself is a member of a visible minority.

    • Oops!  Forgot to say that IMO, Leung needs to be replaced as Parliamentary Secretary now, and hopefully he will be voted out later this year.

    • Congrats!  May the Republican Reichsministry of propaganda, Faux Noise, suffer the same fate.

  9. Love the cartoon TC – it reminds me of that immortal picture of that hound relieving his feelings over  a picture of Mitt Rmoney during his last election bid! 

    Think Progress – God bless that Nebraskan judge and all those landowners fighting their land being compulsorarily purchased!

    New Yorker – I think you are right TC – might they be senile?



  10. Thanks all.  I'm moving through fast, because I hace so much to do.

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