Dec 082014

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 33.  I spent most of the day in bed.  I still feel feverish and congested.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:03 (average 5:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


A bad day for Peyton.  His touchdowns in consecutive games streak ran out at 151.

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Here we go again with a bill protecting the religiously persecuted from evil LGBT citizens hoping to pay for services and participate in the U.S. economy. Michigan’s GOP House Speaker Jase Bolger pushed through a "Religious Freedom Restoration Act," which is now headed to the state Senate for consideration.

It’s a similar bill to the one we saw in Arizona earlier this year. Michigan Republicans apparently felt a real sense of urgency after they quashed an effort the day before to help LGBT individuals hold down jobs and be productive members of society.

No matter how caring and moderate Republicans try to sound for the mainstream, focus on what they keep doing.

From NY Times: The letter to the Environmental Protection Agency from Attorney General Scott Pruitt of Oklahoma carried a blunt accusation: Federal regulators were grossly overestimating the amount of air pollution caused by energy companies drilling new natural gas wells in his state.

But Mr. Pruitt left out one critical point. The three-page letter was written by lawyers for Devon Energy, one of Oklahoma’s biggest oil and gas companies, and was delivered to him by Devon’s chief of lobbying.

“Outstanding!” William F. Whitsitt, who at the time directed government relations at the company, said in a note to Mr. Pruitt’s office. The attorney general’s staff had taken Devon’s draft, copied it onto state government stationery with only a few word changes, and sent it to Washington with the attorney general’s signature. “The timing of the letter is great, given our meeting this Friday with both E.P.A. and the White House.”

Mr. Whitsitt then added, “Please pass along Devon’s thanks to Attorney General Pruitt.”

Click through for more examples about how Republican State Attorneys General are conspiring with polluters against the interest of the people they are supposed to represent.

From The New Yorker: Two days after the release of an unusually strong jobs report, prominent Republicans appeared on the Sunday morning talk shows to question President Obama’s “suspicious motives” for repairing the economy.

“When there have been so many months of job growth, it does make you wonder what he’s up to,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). “You add in the rising stock market and falling gas prices, and the whole thing doesn’t pass the smell test.”

Appearing on Fox News, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused the President of “cynically fixing the economy to distract the American people.”

“This country faces serious problems, and I don’t think they can be swept under the rug by creating prosperity,” he said.

But the sternest rebuke came from House Speaker John Boehner, who warned, “If President Obama doesn’t stop fixing the economy, Congress has ways to make him stop.”

Andy may be on to something. It’s a Kenyan, socialist conspiracy.



They’re making a list.  They’re checking it Twice.  We’d be better off, if we could trade them for lice.


  7 Responses to “Open Thread–12/8/2014”

  1. Hope you don't have what I'm FINALLY getting over.  I've had over TWO weeks of a productive cough and coryza (runny nose), malaise, myalgia, etc..  And three days of fever – unfortunately they were the days before and after Thanksgiving, along w/ Turkey Day proper … while my Mom, aunt, nephew and his family from San Francisco were here for the week.

    Finally saw the nurse practitioner last Wednesday (enough was enough) and she heard some crackles, so I'm on an antibiotic.  I've finally turned the corner and starting to feel pretty good again.

    I was NEVER this sick for this long, even when I was practicing and surrounded by germy kids all day long.  It's a pain to be sick!

  2. I'm wondering whether the Legislature and/or Snyder did away with whatever proposed legislation review process Michigan had for those that know and are expert in the area of legislation and/or would have responsibilities for enacting/enforcing it provide analyses, impact statements and recommendations to prevent things that will never work or meet legal standards.

    I hope DOJ investigates these AGs/AG offices for corruption, campaign [finance] violations (and the Bar Associations for ethics violations) since there is no independent qualified state level agency to investigate AGs.

    AB is right that GOP Congress folks thinks they have ways to stop Obama from being successful–sure wish we had ways to stop the GOP/TP from successful dysfunction.

    The Grinch's list should include democracy.

    Sometimes healing and recovery takes more time than we would prefer.

  3. 5:04 average unchanged.  Nothing for kitteh to eat (I'm pretty sure that blue-gray stuff isn't valerian).

    Daily Kos – And the Pope is Catholic.  The Catholic Church in America, not so much.

    NY Times – I am not as outraged at this as I might be.  Singing one's name to something somebody els wrote, not for publication as one's own original work – we all do that every time we sign a petition.  It's an expression of belief, not originality.  Of course it's lies and deceit – all Republicans believe lies and deceit all the time.  Business as usual.  Maybe progressives need better writer – and I know for a fact we need more of us in office.

    New Yorker – Straight news reporting.  Unfortunately.

    Cartoon – Yeah.  If you don't have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu.

    TC, rest and feel better.

  4. DailyKos:  When was Freedom of Religion destroyed?  Can they tell us that so we can understand their urgency?  Those LGBTQ"S are such a threat to the Republican religion, aren't they?  Yuck at these hypocrites. 

    NY Times:  An attorney general who lets a corporate donor write his policies for him should soon be out of office.  Fox guarding the hen house, again.  When are voters going to realize that the Republicans in general, and some democrats in office are not interested in serving their country, but serving those who donate large amounts to them.  

    The New Yorker:  Your comment was funnier than Andy's on this one.  I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to turn this good report into an accusation of socialism.  AGain.

    Cartoon:  Yes they are out to destroy all of those.  Love your poetry.

    I hope you are feeling better, really really soon.

  5. Thanks all.  Still down.  I am getting medical care.  Hugs.  Please carry on.

  6. Thanks TC – so sorry you are still so poorly – horrible that the AGs are conspiring against the health of their people – horrible and unforgiveable.

    Andy – brilliant (and distressingly believable too) as ever!

  7. Sorry, my internet was down again yesterday

    Puzzle — 3:44  A herbalist's delight!

    Daily Kos — Just to put my left foot forward, it is against my religious freedom to discriminate against the LGBT community (or anyone else for that matter) according to the teachings of the authentic Jesus.  I guess I should sue the state of Michigan for infringing on my religious freedoms.  Michigan Republicanus/Teabagger legislators, get your heads out of your asses!  Your rights end at the end of your nose and mine start at the end of my nose.

    NY Times — "…Attorneys general said they had no choice but to team up with corporate America. “When the federal government oversteps its legal authority and takes actions that hurt our businesses and residents, it’s entirely appropriate for us to partner with the adversely affected private entities in fighting back,” said Attorney General Pam Bondi of Florida…" — A case of quid pro quo?  And when state governments, in cahoots with industry, take actions that hurt residents, who do the people turn to?  Pruitt and company, your britches need to be taken in substantially.  Corporations are not people, despite what the SCOTUS says, and money is not free speech!

    The New Yorker — Cruz, you're just jealous because  Obama is accomplishing things despite your Republicanus/Teabagger protestations.

    Cartoon — The Republicanus/Teabaggers steal more than just Christmas!

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