Nov 192014

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 14.  I’m feeling quite tired, but today I got started early enough to persevere. Tomorrow is a grocery delivery day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:01 (average 4:24).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest from our own fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.





Did I get my butt kicked, or what?

Short Takes (all Kos):

From Daily Kos: Gotta love her:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren plans to oppose President Barack Obama’s nomination of Antonio Weiss, a Wall Street investment banker, to be Treasury Undersecretary for Domestic Finance, another sharp-elbowed move by the progressive movement’s most prominent leader.

Can't imagine what she would find objectionable to yet another Wall Streeter running the government ..

Gotta love her is right! The last thing we need as a regulator is the Bankster who put together the Burger King merger to evade US taxes.

From Daily Kos:

Poor Shell Oil can't get any relief in their quest to destroy the Arctic Ocean for shareholder profit.

EcoWatch has reported that Shell Oil's preemptive lawsuit against environmentalists to block any potential lawsuits against groups who oppose its drilling operations was thrown out of court.

Two years ago, Shell filed a preemptive lawsuit against 13 environmental, indigenous and community groups to prevent them from possibly suing Shell at some time in the future over its plans to drill for oil in the Arctic. The 9th Circuit Court panel yesterday called the legal maneuver “novel”and said that it was unconstitutional.

“Big News! David has taken down Goliath!” the Alaska Wilderness League posted on their Facebook page. “Shell tried to bully environmental groups like the Alaska Wilderness League by preemptively suing us to silence our voice. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, however, has officially told the oil giant: Shell NO! That behavior won’t fly!”

It's been a bad week for Big Oil. First Chevron lost its bid to take over a California town to duck lawsuit for injuries' Chevron caused, and now Shell lost their preemptive strike against heroes protecting the environment against them. I have two words for that. The first is "Wooo".

From Daily Kos: What was Black Friday shopping and is now Thanksgiving shopping gives us an amazing view on the race to the bottom when it comes to jobs and the notion that workers maybe deserve to have lives. Once it was a question of how early stores opened on Black Friday. Then some started opening on Thanksgiving. Now it's a question of how early they'll open on the holiday. You know, Thanksgiving, one of the big two holidays of the year in this country? Only now, it's a major workday for many retail workers who aren't paid enough to live on and don't get paid time off.

Click through for a list of stores. On a day we should be remembering what we did to the people that gave us the first Thanksgiving, the last thing we need is an extra day of hypocritical corporate Christmas greed.



The more things change, the more they stay the same.


  18 Responses to “Open Thread–11/19/2014”

  1. 2:59 I snuck by that old TC "on little cat feet".

  2. FF ~ Yes, you did. But, will you continue with that kind of score against my team?

    Daily Kos ~ I've already signed a petition supporting her and asking the President to withdraw his nomination.

    Daily Kos (EcoWatch) ~ Here's the second word "Hooo!"

    Daily Kos (Thanksgiving Edition) ~ I never went shopping on Black Friday and I'm certainly not going to start shopping on Thanksgiving Day. I can't understand people doing either. Sales? If people didn't go out in droves, the stores would reduce prices another day.

    Cartoon ~ They don't like Treaties for some strange reason. Could it be the "War Machine"?

  3. Daily Kos/Ecowatch – wonderful news from the 9th Circuit Court panel – God bless them all; thanks TC – sorry, wrist still awful. 

  4. 3:51 average unchanged.  He looks – umm – like he's afraid the photographer is not getting his good side?

    Football – Oh no!  Not Mitt's Magic Jock!  No offense to you, Patty, congratulations, but the team name needs a barf bag alert LOL.

    Warren – yup.  Good for her.  I would be interested in who she wuld recommend.  I doubt if Krugman would accept it.

    Shell/Chevron – How nice.  "Novel" is a nice judicial way to say "you just pulled this out of your a$$," isn't it?  Kudos to the Ninth Circuit.

    Black Friday – I hope everyone who isn't at the mall stays home because that is another long drive day for me.  And I do so sympathize with the workers for whom hell is spelled "r-e-t-a-i-l."

    Cartoon – I don't know why they bother about treaties.  It would be different if they had ever kept one unroken, always excepting NAFTA.  In connection with which, can the only reason they are not all over the TPP and the TTIP be that Obama wants them? 

  5. Cyber Monday is the closest I've ever come to Black Friday or Thanksgiving shopping.

    Would love it if Big Oil kept having bad weeks.

    I trust Warren on this kind of appointee and economic issues–there are other issues I care about that she hasn't always started in a position I can support; I've signed petitions in support of her concerns on this appointee.

    Give yourself kudos for the two weeks mark.

  6. Puzzle — 2:48  I snuck past you all!  What a handsome puddy tat!

    FF — Yes you ol' Teabag Thrasher, you got your butt whooped!  And if my luck is any indication, Monster Mashers will kick your butt too!  I beat the Jockster 123.82 to 106.74 in Week 5, but early projections say the Jockster is favoured by 10.56 points this week.  The FCOY RANK says 98% for me while the Jockster is 57%.  Well here goes week 12!  FF is so much more fun when I win a game or two.

    Daily Kos — Can you say "conflict of interest"?  Leaving a bankster in charge of the Treasury (or a part of it) is like leaving a hungry fox in charge of the hen house!  Warren and Grassley certainly are strange bedfellows.

    Daily Kos — Here in Metro Vancouver, Kinder Morgan has been trying to do survey work on Burnaby Mountain but has been hindered by environmentalists.  They were going to sue the environmentalists and were accused of trying to cut their freedom of speech.  Apparently the CEO even tried to argue that facial expressions amounted to harassment.  The courts granted an injunction to Kinder Morgan and protesters were to clear out by 4 pm yesterday.  To my knowledge they have not yet cleared out and there is a police presence, but nobody has been arrested and won't be as long as the protest remains peaceful.  Like Kinder Morgan, Shell is trying to dazzle everyone with its fancy footwork, but in this case, the courts said no.  And it is right to say no when you consider the botched job in Nigeria and their actions in the North Sea with a pipe leak.  Shell, and all other oil companies have no idea how to deal with the conditions in the Arctic.  Hell, BP couldn't deal with the Gulf spill and is trying to back out of reparation payments and fines etc.  How can any oil company be trusted.  All they want are $$$$ and more $$$$.

    Daily Kos — The lyrics to the song "Money" in Cabaret sure do say a lot about our view, or at least to the corporate view of money.

    "Money makes the world go around
    The world go around
    The world go around
    Money makes the world go around
    It makes the world go 'round."

    May the corporate thugs choke on it!

    Cartoon — After reading some in Wikipedia about the Treaty of Versailles, even back then both Republicans and Democrats had deep divides within their parties.  Some things just don't change, especially with Republicans.

  7. Daily Kos:  Warren has more sense than 99% of the rest on Congress!

    Daily Kos, EcoWatch:  This is good news for all of us, there is a court, somewhere in this country that is not protecting big oil!

    Daily Kos:   I don't care what store is open on Thanksgiving day or how many bargains they have. That is a day I spend with my family, as would the thousands of their employees if they could. I don't plan to Christmas shop at any store that is open on Thanksgiving day.

    Cartoon:  The only treaty the Repubs will vote for is one sanctioned by the Koch brothers.

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