Shhhh! It’s a Secret!

 Posted by at 12:27 am  Politics
Oct 112014

Everywhere you turn you hear bad news about the economy.  According to conventional wisdom, we are spending like there is no tomorrow and running up record budget deficits.  In the process, we arwe destroying the economy.  Is this true?  What’s really going on?  Shhhh!  It’s a secret!


What if they balanced the budget and nobody knew or cared?

O.K., the federal budget hasn’t actually been balanced. But the Congressional Budget Office has tallied up the totals for fiscal 2014, which ran through the end of September, and reports that the deficit plunge of the past several years continues. You still hear politicians ranting about “trillion dollar deficits,” but last year’s deficit was less than half-a-trillion dollars — or, a more meaningful number, just 2.8 percent of G.D.P. — and it’s still falling.

So where are the ticker-tape parades? For that matter, where are the front-page news reports? After all, talk about the evils of deficits and the grave fiscal danger facing America dominated Washington for years. Shouldn’t we be making a big deal of the fact that the alleged crisis is over?

Well, we aren’t, and once you understand why, you also understand what fiscal hysteria was really about.

First, ordinary Americans aren’t celebrating the deficit’s decline because they don’t know about it… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Click thr4ough to read how Paul Krugman continues to explain how the media focuses on bad news and ignores good news.  Of course that’s true. If it bleeds, it leads.  However, another dynamic is at work here., as Rachel Maddox explains.

Naturally!  The media is parroting Republican lies!  But part of the fault lies with Democrats.  Those of you who also worship the Holy Ellipsoid Orb are familiar with the Iggy Shuffle and other End Zone Celebrations.  Here’s what I mean.

Democrats need Bodacious Barack, Hot Stuff Harry, and Fancy Nancy to get together, spike the ball, and do a good old fashioned end zone dance.  Republicans have us outclassed at this.  They blow their own horn to claim that their most egregious failures are spectacular successes, while we actually have successes and keep quite.

It’s been a secret too long.


  13 Responses to “Shhhh! It’s a Secret!”

  1. Ah.  Now that everything is computerized, paper ticker tape is expensive, and doing a parade would adversely affect the deficit.  Right.  That must be it.

  2. To reduce the budget deficit (inherited from GW) like that is utterly amazing!  Well done President Obama et al!  Stand up and shout about it, tell people (and show them the graphs printed out – seeing is believing) when you ask them to vote!  Thanks TC!



  3. Well If I recall there was a time and there well be just here in 2014 that the republicans even some democrats were so gun-ho on believing that Obama was this god he could make that river divide! People got angry when he didn't make it happen in a snap. But the fact is Obama has done more going it alone without the help of the congress and some democrats. And if we did not have wonderful people like Rachel Maddow to tell the truth well how would we know? Well if people would just stop looking at the color of skin as measure of one's character. After all there is evidence that it is possible if you look closer the water did part. But it is just beginning. And if we get out and vote we can help continue making the river part. Here is an article that is a good read Paul Krugman Has Come Full Circle on Obama In Defense of Obama." in rolling stone mag "

    But despite his early disappointment with the president, he argues that Obama will be remembered as a "consequential" and "successful" president. In Rolling Stone, Krugman writes the president's achievements include:

    •Obamacare: it works, and "health reform has made America a different, better place."
    •Dodd-Frank: it isn't toothless, and will "at least make future crises less severe and easier to deal with"
    •The economy: his economic policies redistributed wealth, "and liberals should give him credit."
    •Climate change: Obama has taken significant action against climate change through EPA regulations"

    Oh by the way it would be really cool for Obama,Nancy and Harry would to a you-tube video and do a VICTORY dance. Titled "Do you want to know a Secret"

  4. Yeah, Dems are avoiding Obama like, well, Ebola! They should be CELEBRATING the DROP in the deficit! Someone should be! It’s just the best thing that could happen, other than the ACA, that Obama has done, so far!!
    If we vote in a Congress that will work with him in these last two years, no telling what kind of strides we could make in the battle against all of the things that worry most Americans now!!
    The only way to do this is VOTE BLUE in November and make sure that EVERYONE you know gets out and VOTES!!


    IMO, the average citizen does not understand the bric-a-brac of economics, the relationships between various aspects of budgets that make up government fiscal direction.  Spout numbers and the eys of the average citizen glaze over, sort of like my cat's eyes when he gets into the catnip.  Big numbers scare people and are too much to wrap their minds around.  Such have to be put in terms that people can understand by people that can make it even more understandable . . . someone like Robert Reich with his teaching "films".  In addition, the average citizen is too busy just trying to make it through to the end of the day.  They hear the news at the end of their day when they are at their lowest.

    Democrats need to really toot their horns loudly in short sound bites that can be understood!  Let's face it, Republicanus/Teabaggers are only too willing to obfuscate the truth if it riles the base and gets them what they want most . . . access to power and greed.

  6. I shared Krugman's article on Facebook so all my RED friends can read it and choke.  We are bombarded with ads from Mitch right now and right wingers swear he speaks the gospel.  I agree with Mamabear, if he were lighter skinned, there would be less resistance to his proposals.  The democrats are running from using Obama's name in this election, much as they did Clinton after Lewinsky.  Hopefully, he will get his just rewards after he is out of office when they realize how much good he has done against an obstructionist congress. 

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