Oct 062014

Every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, every week they push the envelope on just how idiotic InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

1006hasselElisabeth Hasselbeck demands that doctor panic about ebola because Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a parent.

Fox & Friends invited an actual doctor on this week to discuss the alarming news about the first case of ebola in America and then didn’t listen to her expert opinion at all, and instead lectured her about what should be done. Infectious disease specialist Dr. Dalilah Restrepo was the lucky guest who got to be ignored and hectored into admitting that panic is the only reasonable response. The doctor held her ground admirably.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck asked: “How contagious is (ebola) in your mind?”

(The construction of the question is telling, because the only view that matters to Hasselbeck is the view that is already in her mind.)

Dr. Restrepo patiently explained how ebola is not contagious through the air like the flu of TB, but rather infectious, and only infectious through the body fluids of a person who is already symptomatic.

Clearly, this distinction zoomed over everyone’s head.

Steve Doocy and Eric Bolling talked about how everyone on the plane should be quarantined, even though the doctor had just said that the patient was not symptomatic on the plane and therefore neither infectious nor contagious.

After not listening at all for a while Hasselbeck insisted that she and everyone else has to panic irrationally because she’s a parent, and it’s important that parents panic irrationally. Also, all Americans have to panic and not be informed because, “It’s here!”

“You have a very calm tone,” Hasselbeck instructed. “It must come by nature with what you do professionally, doctor. The rest of us are saying wait a minute, there’s a lot of panic when it comes to the flu, to lice. As a parent, I’m thinking, ‘Well there should be a little bit of a justification for worry here.’”

Restrepo again tried to explain the difference between contagious diseases like the flu and ebola, but was interrrupted by suggestions that we ban people from West Africa from coming here. And people should be checked before they board and after they get off planes, shouldn’t they?

“But it’s here!” Hasselbeck insisted…

Inserted from <AlterNet>

This Republican is too stupid to realize that, in this country, the flu will kill more people than Ebola, as long as they keep responsibility for its prevention and treatment out of Republican hands. This is just one of six idiotic Republican moments from last week alone. Click through for the other five.


  12 Responses to “Last Week’s Idiotic Republican Moments”

  1. Oh Christmas! 

    That doctor sounds heroic – thanks TC.



  2. Why aren't Elizabeth and the rest of them concerned about guns?

  3. Patty, they aren't worried about guns or school shootings, they're too panicked over lice.  Which they all probably have along with fleas and crabs… 

  4. I am a lot more afraid of Republicans than I am of Ebola.  I must admit that Ebola and Republicans, as we have in Texas, is a truly scary compinatin.  But, alas, Hasselbeck doesn't have the sense to realize that.  (PS – Hasselbeck – don't you wish she would?)

  5. Hasselbeck is only a mouthpiece for the rethuglicans to whip everyone in to a frenzy. She did the same thing on the View. Glad she is gone from there. But, if she won’t take a doctor’s advice about how to “keep her precious brood from getting ebola”, then how is she to be believed, anyway!! And who would want to listen to that ditzy blond, EVER???

  6. I just wish they'd answer 1 thing: Did they send a hazmat team to disinfect the airplane(s) like they did the apartment? I think Everyone, even RepubliCONs) would actually BE safer if they did that at the end of every flight – not just Ebola, but bird-flu & other Really contagious stuff would be slowed or stopped completely!


    Elisabeth Hasselbeck: What about the Diabetes Epidemic?

    The diabetes epidemic in our country is on the rise. Already, nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes and 79 million more have prediabetes. If we don’t act, 1 in 3 Americans will have diabetes by 2050. The total cost of diabetes and its complications, including undiagnosed diabetes, prediabetes and gestational diabetes, was an estimated $245 billion in 2012. Those costs will only continue to grow if we don’t invest in stopping diabetes.

    PETITION: https://donations.diabetes.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2224

    Dislike of Sarah Palin’s constant media presence is a remarkably non-partisan affair, as more than half of registered voters wish she’d be quiet according to a new poll.

    54 percent of people surveyed said they wished to hear less from Palin, the poll from The Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Annenberg found. That position was favored by two-thirds of Democrats, a majority of independents, and, most notably – four in 10 Republicans. That’s a sizable group of people from the party that, just a few years ago, supported her nomination for vice president. In this time of increasing political polarization, Americans can agree on one thing: Sarah Palin should just go away.


    We, in Care2, have known for years that “Sarah Palinsane” should shut-up, fade away and disappear forever. The press should quit following and quoting her nonsensical utterances!

  8. Hasselbeck always has and always will be an idiot.  I thought I was safe from her idiocy when she left    The View.   She certainly found the right home at Faux News.  I clicked through, much to my disgust.  Duggar obviously was home schooled, how else could she be so ignorant?  Ben Carson should know better, but is playing to his audience, for his party.  Jindal is trying to keep his job. Palin….. a fine example of what we don't want our daughters to grow up to be! 

    The dumbing down of America seems to be working, especially with Republicans.

  9. Stupid is as stupid does!

    Each one of these idiots are a poster child for the party of hate and death . . . Republicanus/Teabaggers!  I don't know why, but it seems that the US has more idiots than any other country.  How did you become so blessed?

  10. Thanks all.  Woke up a few minutes ago.  Going back to bed.

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