Sep 232014

Every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, every week they push the envelope on just how totally vile InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

John Boehner: The unemployed are just sitting around, not wanting to work.

BoehnerLiarThe House Speaker expressed his deeply thought out views about the unemployed this week during a speech to the American Enterprise Institute. They’re lazy bums, he said, in a nutshell. And yeah, it’s Obama’s fault. Boehner’s words:

“This idea that has been born, maybe out of the economy over the last couple years, that you know, I really don’t have to work. I don’t really want to do this. I think I’d rather just sit around.”

That last bit is where Boehner is channeling unemployed people’s thoughts.

He then held himself up as a shining example of someone who always worked so hard, but this was back when hard work was valued in America: “If you wanted something you worked for it,” Boehner said. “Trust me, I did it all.”

Where oh where is John Boehner of tomorrow? Is he sitting on his couch thinking, nah, I don’t feel like working.

Question: Does John Boehner know any unemployed people? Where is he getting this pseudo-insight? How is he getting inside their heads and reading their thoughts?

Answer: He doesn’t. And he can’t…

Inserted from <AlterNet>

Note that this is the very same John “Agent Orange” Boehner that just packed up the Congress, that was already setting records for fewest days worked, and took the entire month of October off.  This is just the very least offensive one of five totally vile Republican moments from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.


  12 Responses to “Last Week’s Totally Vile Republican Moments”

  1. Hannity – If I had a kid who turned out like Hannity, I wouldn't be here.  I would have done away with myself in shame.  That said, Gene Jacobson (Care2) has a point:  "One thing that does stand out for me here though is cultural, in a way, while domestic abuse is never okay and should never be downplayed – these most recent examples are of poor black youngsters raised in a different atmosphere – a wrong-headed atmosphere, yes, but they learned the lesson being taught. Violence is the answer to personal problems. Should they have changed? Yes. But were they ever taught that? I don't know. And there is just a hint of racism in the excoriation presently going on. We are hearing white people rip young black males for behavior that was, and still is, the norm in their communities. That makes me a little uncomfortable even though the behavior is wrong without doubt and needs be changed. I read, for instance, yesterday a story about a white southern judge who severely abused his wife who called 911. He got 24 weeks of anger management classes and is back on the bench. But, here, we have white people insisting that young black males should LOSE their jobs as well as be punished by the court of public opinion, all before any legal process has taken place."  Kudis to you, Gene, for being able to see white privilege while white.  That is no mean feat.  I might just add that when you take away a domestic abuser's livelihood, you also take it away from his or her dependents.  Is that an excuse?  No.  Is there a better solution?  I don't know, but I hope so.  There must be.

    Aside from that – the usual suspects, only one of whom is up for election.  I'm still worried about the GOP distracting us (and the people who usually don't vote in midterms but who desperately need to) from the midterms.  Ashley on Care2 posted an article on turnout (and you don't have to be registered with Care2 to read it, only to comment):  The NY Times editorial it is linked to does cover several things Democrats are doing but could maybe use help wtith.

  2. John Boehner

    Contact the Speaker |

    ‎To send a message to Speaker John Boehner, fill out the form below. …
    submitted via the Congressional Office Website, which you can access by
    clicking here:

    Mad at Congress? Here is a list of Petitions for Congress to get “Back to Work”:

    Don’t forget to write to your Congresscritter and demand that they get “Back to Work!”


    Remember back in 2008 Obama was caught on tape?  HE said

    "It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."    He must have been talking about about the sick souls (Hannity,Boehner,Limbaugh,Palin and Ingraham.

  4. Thanks all!

    In my volunteer work in prison I deal with lots of guys who grew up learning the wrong lessons at home , applying what they learned, and wondering how it landed them in prison.  It is certainly not their fault that they got screwed-up in dysfunctional homes.  However, regardless of fault, their behavior is their responsibility.  They failed to learn and adopt healthy thinking and behavior in its place.  That's what I help them learn now.

  5. Here is an article from todays KOS. Maybe this will show up next week’s most vile and repulsive comments uttered and muttered by gop/tp people in the news.

    Rick Perry says Joan Rivers may not have died if New York had Texas-style anti-abortion laws

    The author had this to say as well that Rick Perry has added “a whole new layer of skin-crawlingness.”

  6. I clicked through the whole article, and I think Hannity's affected me the most.  I have a nephew who was unwanted by his mother, but she had him anyway.  Through out his infancy and toddler years, she tormented him, spanked him when he was 8 months old.  He started junior football and was really good, she made him quit because he didn't clean his room.  Her other son was perfect in her eye and could do no wrong.  This young man, who was very intelligent, started using drugs at about 14, stayed in trouble at school, dropped out when he was 16.   He spent three months in jail after his second arrest for drunk driving.  My brother passed when the boy was only 16.  I have tried to help him all his life, but I am not his mother, and that is what he needs..  I wish now that I had called Child Welfare and had him taken from them.  He is 32 now and married to a wonderful woman and living fairly decent life, but it would have been a much better life had he not been mistreated as a child.

    So proud of Sarah, for being so proud of her daughter. NOT

    Ingraham, as well as Palin, needs to shut up.

    Boehner needs to get a clue, better yet, retire.


  7. I went through the article and just about lost my cookies.  This really needed a double barf bag alert, but then really, I should have known that what with a title of 5 Totally Vile Right-Wing Moments This Week.

    Hannity — I hear that the American College of Pychiatric Doctors has now listed a new personality disorder that will appear in the next edition of the DSM . . . Hannity Personality Disorder.  It is a disorder that affects conservatives only.

    Boehner — Boehner looks in the mirror every morning to shave and what does he see? . . . a feckless, lazy oaf who is committing fraud daily!  The American people are being defrauded by Boehner and his Merry Men (a few women thrown in so they can claim gender ìnclusion) who do nothing but still are paid by the people.

    Limbaugh — He is such a slut!

    Palin — Would somebody please put duct tape over her mouth, or seal her mouth with crazy clue . . . the kind that acetone etc can`t dissolve?

    Ingraham — Ditto from Palin!

    • I love this Lynn "Hannity — I hear that the American College of Pychiatric Doctors has now listed a new personality disorder that will appear in the next edition of the DSM . . . Hannity Personality Disorder.  It is a disorder that affects conservatives only." – brilliant!

  8. Boehner accidentally told the truth when he said " I really don’t have to work. I don’t really want to do this. I think I’d rather just sit around." – which is precisely why he is off on holiday for two months after Boehner nearly doubled the do-nothing Congress's holiday!

    AlterNet – what an utterly shameful bunch! I read through the lot and feel ashamed to be the same species as these sad misfits – they are not only project their own faults onto others but are trying to get others to behave in the same sad manner too.


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