Aug 152014


Here is the fifty-seventh article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Fitzwalkerstan Republican nominee for the US House, Glen Grothman. He is so honored for excessive display of a PhD in Bullshitology.

0815grothmanWisconsin Republicans may not have gotten the message the RNC has been pushing about how to avoid offending women and minorities.

On Tuesday, State Sen. Glenn Grothman (R) narrowly prevailed in Wisconsin’s sixth congressional district Republican primary, winning by just 215 votes. Grothman will face Winnebago County Executive Mark Harris (D) in the November general election to succeed retiring-Rep. Tom Petri (R-WI).

From offending women to minorities to LGBT people, here is a sampling of Grothman’s extreme positions that have endeared him to Tea Party types but earned condemnation elsewhere:

Women Are Paid Less Because They Don’t Care About Money: For years, women have decried the injustice of being paid less than men for equal work, but Grothman knows women don’t actually need as much money. “You could argue that money is more important for men,” he told the Daily Beast. He also blamed the wage gap on “women’s decision to prioritize childrearing over their careers.” Grothman and Republicans in Wisconsin successfully repealed the state’s equal pay law in 2012… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

I have included only one of his insane (typically Republican) positions.  Click through for the other six, which are six more reasons this Republican deserves this parade.


  5 Responses to “Republicans on Parade–8/15/2014”

  1. Glen Grothman is leading the Clown Parade. As I read down his list of "positions" on varying subjects, I understood why the Tea Baggers embraced him. What I don't understand is how any woman or worker could possibly vote for this whacko. He would totally repeal the Constitution if he could.

  2. Does he maybe want to secede from the US?  I'd support that position.

  3. His positions ARE insane,either that or he was really born 200 years ago!

  4. Grothman is a certified racist, bigoted whackadoodle!  But there is one good thing about him.  According to Wikipedia, "Grothman has never been married and has no children" [that he admitted to].

    He really is quite vile!

  5. Amen to all.  He is in a heavily Gerrymandered Republican district, so he may well win.

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