Aug 072014

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 108.  It’s been a busy day with heavy house cleaning and a grocery delivery.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  The Holy Orb is rising on a new preseason of meditation.  I’m meditating in faith that my Broncos shall break the long fast with a communion meal of Pulverized Seachicken. 🙂

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:16 (average 5:06).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Rep. Mo Brooks, Republican of Alabama:

“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else,” he said during an interview Monday with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. "It’s part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s not true.”

Man, if it’s been waging a war on whites all this time, the Democratic Party is even less effective than I’d realized. Because whites are doing relatively well in this country. Sure, class warfare from above has been hard on the middle class, which was historically overwhelmingly white, so if you compare how middle-class white people are doing now to how they were doing 20 or 50 years ago, the picture is bad. But compared to non-white people? Whites are doing just fine, despite this alleged war on them.

Mo "Bubba Bagger" Brooks is projecting to blame Democrats for his own Republican racism.

From NY Times: The Obama administration is weighing plans to circumvent Congress and act on its own to curtail tax benefits for United States companies that relocate overseas to lower their tax bills, seeking to stanch a recent wave of so-called corporate inversions, Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said on Tuesday.

Treasury Department officials are rushing to assemble an array of options that would essentially wipe out the economic incentive for the deals, Mr. Lew said. No final decision has been made.

“The question is, Can we do enough that it will materially change the economics of inversions so that companies will make different decisions?” Mr. Lew said in an interview. “The things we are looking at look to me like they could very materially change the economics of inversions.”

See How RepubliCorp Is Ducking Taxes. At the very least, Obama could disqualify such companies from government contracts and subcontracts.

From TPM: A third grade teacher in South Carolina called into Rush Limbaugh’s radio show on Tuesday to thank him for his children’s book, "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims," which she used to teach her students about slavery and the Civil War.

ARGH! Limbarf as a teaching aid?!!?  Disappointed smile I was unable to find out which school has such misinformed students. That teacher needs to be stopped, then fired, and then committed.




  9 Responses to “Open Thread–8/7/2014”

  1. 3:19 Grrrrr.

  2. Daily Kos ~ I do believe this makes him eligible for one of the top crazies of the week. Good job, Mo!

    NY Times ~ Pres. Obama has to do smething. We know Congress won't. God forbid they offend the Corporate puppet masters. With such a great loss in our already shrinking tax revenues, it could eventually bankrupt our country. We still have to pay for 2 RepublicanT wars and take care of the veterans from those wars besides all ur other debts.

    TPM ~ We don't know if this is true bwecause it is very vague other than being an ad for Limbarf's book. I tried researching the article and came up with nothing definite, just like you, Tom. If it is true, it was inevitable that some InsaniTea Bagger teacher would jump on his books and introduce them in a classroom. The Daily Kos'  blogster, Hunter said it best: "Slavery ended because America was the bestest country ever so shut up."

    Cartoon ~ We don't need no stinking reason!




  3. WRT Mo Brooks claiming there's a "War on Whites"  – I just wanted to let you know that as an old, white male my home has taken a couple of artillery hits … so it MUST be true.

    And when you think about it, probably the only reason Obama chose to be black was because he knew it'd be so divisive.  Yeah, he may talk about "getting along" and bipartisanship – but if he really were interested in uniting us, he'd have chosen to be white. 

    I mean, come on – being white would have been SO much less divisive …well, unless he were white AND a Jew or a Mooslum or a queer. 

    [OK – insert your favorite "SNARK" emoticon here]

    From Brooks' ramblings:

    “I don’t know of a single Republican who has made an appeal for votes based on skin color.”

    How can he POSSIBLY say that with a straight face?

    “We should not be dividing anybody based on national heritage or race. Rather, we should be bringing us all together. That’s what the melting pot ideal of America is all about.

    RIIIGGGHHHHTTTT!!!  That explains why Rethuglicans are SO supportive of immigrants.

  4. 5:19  "Here comes a dog with his tongue hanging out" is actually a song lyric – by Garrison Keillor.

    Daily Kos – And who is he fooling?  Other racists. 

    NY Times – Walgreens caved purely from public outcry (and boy, am I glad about that.)  But there are plenty of corporations whose management is made of sterner stuff.  So I hope the administration acts strongly and soon.

    TPM – Unless the teacher was using the book as an object lesson of how partisans can twist history for their own ends (which may be a bit heavy for third grade), not only does the teacher need a new day job, but the class needs to be watched as they grow up for potential terrorists.  Perhaps one of the investigative reporters at Kos, MoJo, Take Part, or another group will dig it out.  Or, as Patty says, maybe it isn't even true, truth not being Limbaugh's strong suit.  We will hope that's the case.

    Cartoon – We also don't need no facts, evidence, or logic.

  5. Puzzle — 3:25  That's the best it is going to get after an afternoon of sleeping to get rid of a migraine that has me down to a drunken stupor which is a decided improvement.

    Daily Kos — Mo "Bubba Bagger" Brooks was declared Asshole of the Day 04 August 2014 for this racist BS.  

    "But these rich white Republicans in positions of power will let go of their victimization narrative when you pry it from their cold, dead hands."

    Hopefully, that will be 05 November 2014 when they join the line of unemployed politicians!

    NY Times — With Boehner already suing Obama and then "double dawg daring" him to act unilaterally on another matter, there are risks in taking any unilateral actions.  However, if he stays within the executive powers of the office, whether Boehner likes it or not, I say go for it.  Additionally, if people are helped to understand that without this action the tax base and tax revenues will fall dramatically even more, I think the average citizen will understand that no corporate revenues means more out of their pockets.  Maybe they could find a way to tax the kool-aid so even sheeple could understand.

    TPM — You just had to put that post in there didn't you.  Now I have to thoroughly clean my keyboard!  Oh the insaniTea!  That classroom person needs to be arrested for impersonating a teacher,

    Cartoon — May a camel walk backwards up the Republicanus/Teabagger noses and fart . . . just because they can!

  6. Best of luck on your holy day!

    DailyKos:  Rep. Brooks gives a typical Republican response. Racism abounds in his party and that is probably why he belongs it.

    NY Times:  I hope the Prez does circumvent Congress to stop these "inversions".  They are all ready suing him for using executive privilege so he has nothing to lose.  They will never vote to stop this on their own, they are all getting too rich from the benefits of it.  They much prefer cutting food stamps and lunches at schools for poor children than oppose their corporate masters. 

    TPM:  How sad that a teacher would be so uneducated.

    Cartoon:  Of course it is all his fault.  History books will probably show what a good president he has been, despite Republican obstructionism, but try telling that to people today.  The Republican propaganda is too pervasive and people believe the tripe they hear on mainstream media.

  7. Thanks all.  I have a sleep deficit from my meditation ans from feasting on Seachicken. 🙂

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